Tuesday, January 27, 2015

We Can No Longer Vote For Monied Candidates

We have to begin to depend on social media to advertise the tiny budgets of our candidates.
If I see a candidate has a lot of money- I have to seriously consider not voting for him or her.
Why? Becasue Citizens United has made a world in which the President who wins from the
heaviest donations of the money class may actually not have one single idea or philosophy the
donors do not like.
That is a tremendously dangerous position for America to operate in in a world which has become
quite small.
The White House-Scientists-Congress communications pipeline is more necessary than ever in
a world fraught with lethal force every few miles on the earth's surface.
We cannot defend ourselves from nuclear forces without nuclear forces; and that doesn't help us
one bit because 90% of us have no bunkers in which we can hide away for several generations.
After 9-11, no one saw Bush or Cheney in New York for a good long time. We see they were
safe, but the people of New York, even the rich, had no immediately available ready place to hide.
Those people were in agony, and those friends and family the lost still have on earth suffer residual
effects of their sudden, violent bereft realities, as they always will.
More than ever, those of us who depend on smallish or medium (compared to billionaires and near
billionaires) monthly incomes, need leadership in our country to be much more informed, much more
available to us and to developmental ideas for our country than ever before in our history.
We may have to read our email and Facebook in order to know who to vote for next year. We may
have to depend on Twitter and Pinterest, etc.
We have so many DINOS, WINOS, BINOS, LINOS...we are going to have to try to listen carefully,
while we try at the same time to ignore and make a note of it, those who have money for slick,
expensive, frequently-aired commercials.

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