Thursday, January 22, 2015

Lussana Bathily: Thank You Lawrence O'Donnell For This Report

Mr. Bathily is a man of our times. Congratulations, sir, on your newly minted French citizenship.
I am surprised to hear you lost a great pal in the massacre at your workplace. I feel very, very sorry
that all had to happen, and to cause you to have such a grievous loss.

I had a friend at work a couple of different times, who made the sometimes interminable day go by
quickly, and with a fair amount of jovial fulfillment.
There are times at work when the chores pile up after some mishap, and the hours slog on without
extra efforts getting any acknowledgement, until a friendly co-worker begins to tease.

This awful thing has happened to you; but I hope your losses will help you realize your friend will
always have you to express his memory in this world.

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