Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Climate Put The Fear Of Sandy In NJ

I know Barbara Buono could have won if  New Jersey wasn't so afraid of hurricanes now.
Ms. Buono would at least have made a more powerful showing.
The city has yet to recover from Sandy, and as 'W' put it, they were NOT about to change horses
in mid-stream.
The tea party types also helped to elect Governor Christie.
Americans of African descent and other minorities and progressives, even some centrists loved the idea that Christie properly sought access to,  and properly acknowledged President Obama in the devastation of the Sandy aftermath.
African Americans surely bristled, visibly, and were often quite audible in their disgust with
Haley Barbour of Mississippi during the BP oil spill.  What state governor leaves town during a crisis, when the President is on his way?
Again, Governor Jan Brewer left an indelible image in the hearts and minds of so many with her
bony 'Halloween' finger pointed right in the President's face, again in a time when he came bearing
good will.
To note these behaviors, an untrained observer might think POTUS had gone to order federal troops for the desegregation of southern universities.
Oh, right, southerners may still be angry about that. Maybe they were taking it out on POTUS.
But no, Chris Christie's respect for and deference to our President painted a picture of such stark contrast to those other governors, that African Americans may always be loyal to least 20%
of that voting public.
And African Americans, especially those in New Jersey, will always love Christie for the way he behaved at Whitney Houston's home going.
Even suppressed, if Christie can count on that minority vote in a close  national election, he could win.
Whereas the Governor hasn't yet calculated exactly how to trounce the tea party, he does knows they are no friend of New Jersey in spite of whatever else may happen. Governor Christie also knows he will not see to what extent the teas have destroyed themselves  on their own until after the 2014 elections.
He realizes he has nothing more to lose with those crackpots.
If he does manage to wrangle a nomination in 2016 to go head to head with Hillary Clinton, he might
easily cement great numbers of the African American vote. That could of course
make all the difference, unless all our large cities have been emptied by then. I doubt it could happen;
but that is another Republican aim...empty the cities of their minorities.
In the scenario that Joe Biden runs instead of Hillary- well Christie's chances seem a lot more dim.
With or without President Obama, Biden already has the hearts and minds of African America.
Governor Christie has two years to get right with the rest of centrist America.
The Tea Party, of course, is in a slow burn. That should help.
As for Ms. Buono, she took one for the team.
The Democratic Party wants to be influential in getting Christie to the primaries, even if is through
deft neglect of one of their own.
Democrats don't think he can withstand prime time; but they want all possible challengers on stage
at once, attempting to look as nutty as the man or woman standing beside him- or her.
Democrats don't want a so-called "moderate" coming from out of nowhere in 2016, pretending he or
she won't do all possible to flatten progressive ideals.
Christie has two years to work with his democratic legislature on record as a middle class advocate.
He will be under the Democrats microscope.
Time will tell if he can be the homophobic, pro-life, anti immigration tight-fisted hero of the right
who nevertheless finally properly disperses Sandy money, while spurring middle class job growth.
If he can do it, democrats have a heads up for 2016.
If Republicans are grooming someone else with Christie's electorate clout, the Ms. Buono has suffered the slings and arrows of a million Democratic Party slights for no particular reason.  I hope
that doesn't turn out to be the case because she seems way more progressive than Terry McAuliffe
who did pull out the gubernatorial win in Virginia. Lord knows we need all the progressives we can get in this country, hurricanes notwithstanding.

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