Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I understand why Trans Pacific Partnership is not popular with Labor and the left. However, what
they will have to do is get together en masse, and craft something they would like, to see if it would
fly as far as keeping America competitive in the worlds of manufacture and trade.
President Obama has had advisers from the best sectors of business and law brief him on the growth
of China, Governor John Huntsman one of the most thorough among them.
The thing is, either we find a way to control the Pacific Rim, or China will. If China does, military
threats could easily ensue.
The President has put his heart and soul into supporting new technologies and training so that American labor can represent a more sophisticated labor force. Manufacturing here cannot be dependent on what it once represented. We will have to move on from mining and heavy metals, for instance.
We will be leaders after the paradigm shift. But we do  have to find some way to embrace a shift from rote behaviors in our workplaces, to behaviors which complement and update intelligent machines. We have to do this in ways which will accommodate swiftly changing demands in marketplaces expanding and expanded by amorphously shifting variables.

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