Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Updated Is Not Cancelled!

POTUS is not an insurance salesman. And since when do health insurers not obfuscate? These
companies agreed to be grandfathered into compliance with health care law once the exchanges came online. Instead of rewriting policies so that they offer now regulated benefits, and advising beneficiaries about applying for available subsidy, these policy peddlers tell people their old policy
is cancelled due to Obamacare, and if they want a legal policy now, they must pay what...five times the previous cost in some cases?
Tell people the real story, the whole story, and nothing but the story, you phony execs.
Now we know more about why courtroom oaths are written the way they are under penalty of perjury. With better health care, we are also getting a lot of the requisite losers in these culture wars.
And while we are on the subject, let's let people go out of business if they are to provide me the
insurance of their religious belief instead of my religious belief. 
Someone will come along to buy them out. Then they can use that money to go to their churches
and tithe.

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