Sunday, November 17, 2013

We Do Not Need (healthcare,gov)!

Insurance companies should be marketing to people and signing people up for insurance. They don't
need a website for that, and neither do we.
The news media has an overblown sense of the need for computer efficacy.
If the Supreme Court hadn't struck down the rights of people qualifying for Medicare under the new
law, we wouldn't still even be waiting for websites.
If Congress had funded the roll out properly, we could have a much quicker website.
If the Republicans in Congress hadn't terrified people so with the "shutdown or repeal" farce, millions
of people wouldn't have felt the need to get to the website all on the same day!
I mean, people were desperate for health care, but not everyone was as desperate as it seemed the day the website crashed!
People who are eligible for insurance now can get signed up at an Insurance Company with or
without ""!
I hope people are not going to all be confused enough to believe computers are so powerful that they
can take away the right to health and well-being in the United States of America.
I hope America will not be callous enough to jeopardize the health and well-being of the 30 million
this law could insure so that the 4 million can hang onto worthless insurance.
Only insurance companies can offer policies which comply with the law. POTUS can't do that unless
we do adopt a single payer option.
Not all 4 million people with rotten policies are going to insist on keeping them anyway. But for those who do, hold on to them. Ignore insurance company letters. Those policies are worth as much with the companies honoring them as they are with the companies refusing to honor them. Whether you keep them or not- you've got nothing.
If we do have, we should have several websites by several names:
4- 2parenthomes
Each of those websites can funnel people right to insurance companies. Let the companies report how
many people are insured with them, The only other website citizens need is:
Knowing these slippery, sly corporations masking themselves as persons- that is a website which might legitimately crash often!

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