Wednesday, April 30, 2014

NCAA- Stop It! Grow Up To Pay Student Athlete Employees

You do sound like the antebellum south.
Donald (Topowitz) Sterling practically took words out of your sorry mouths.
He actually said he buys players' food, cars, houses, etc.
Listen to Mrs. Anne Romney. Stop it! Playing is hard.
What you do is wage theft. So if you have to alter your glorious calculus in college sports'
departments- so what? Ask the government for subsidies. That's what the U.S. south did.
Pay those students a yearly salary for the billions you are making from their efforts- then charge
them tuition as a condition for team play. I'll bet you a dime to a dollar they will allow it to
be deducted from their salaries before classes even start.
What is this exploitative nonsense about what you give them? Those students are the givers.
You are the takers, the collectors.
Get the pacifiers out of your whiny graspy mouths.
Pay what you owe your student athlete employees, the student athlete earners.
Universities employ many of their students, without withholding paychecks.
Some, however, have to have their athleticism held against them if they'd like to be admitted
to classes.
That system is rotten; and it always has been.

A Racist Sex Scandal

I suppose I'm way too provincial, thus far, to understand the conversation.
The old racist white guy tells his minority girlfriend she can "sleep with" black people.
She doesn't say she won't do that.
The old guy is married.
The black man the "girlfriend" is seen with is married.
The old guy could never hold a candle to the men he is in business with unless people have to
have billionaires in their circle as opposed to having millionaires.
Who cares unless you would someday like to buy David Lucas?
Oh. David Lucas is not for sale.
This old man apparently doesn't want to be publicly confronted with his girlfriend's possibly
"having the fear of god rammed into her" as they say in the film- Elmer Gantry. Otherwise,
what was all that about the young woman being some sort of  "delicate Latina ..."?
But no guy can necessarily react well to that. In this case, the guy let his racism speak his
resentful passions. His racism was apparently the fullest, most developed muscle in his quiver.
He reacted in part because noone who ever saw him could believe he is able to kneel. So needing
a young girlfriend is a perversion. Needing a young girlfriend who likes younger healthier men
and likes to be pictorial about it is a perversion on blast.

Shut It Down If You Have To

Let America know you alone are the best and the brightest. Many of you retire to become professional in many other fields, and many of you may adjust to living on less for a time if
the entire organization crumbles. You may play only well enough to attract some fans for your salaries.
The NBA doesn't have to be an exciting organization on the cutting edge of showcasing the best
human development and skills execution on earth.
Some other organization can do that.
Racists need not apply.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Young Girls

There isn't enough money in the world. Truly.
Warren Buffet is good-looking.
Try someone like that.

NBA Owners

Players will play.
Players will play for money.
Whether you own a team or not, players will play.
Fans will pay to see them play.
You can organize around that, or not.
You cannot do the things people will pay to see.
'Nuf said?

What If You Were A Leather-Faced Pot-Bellied Foul-Mouthed Lecher?

Wouldn't you be jealous too?
People keep saying things about "the founding fathers".  But many people have relatives who were
post Emancipation Proclamation immigrants with no connection whatsoever to any of those persons
who fought the British in order to shed their colonist identity.
Those immigrants came here with the express intent to find paid work, whether or not they would be required to shape their thoughts and attitudes toward recently freed black people into a racist, obstructive, hateful, intolerable, and artificially justifying mass.
Now the descendants of those immigrants have so very much to say about the people they were allowed to push aside without consequence to themselves or their children. So many of them, of course, actually admired their new "white" employers.
My friend Adrianne entered the University of Michigan in 1965. She stunned her professors with her
statements that Southern white males were the only Americans who'd ever lost a war. She had gotten
sick to death of hearing about the emasculation of black men in America.
She was right. And people like Donald Topowitz came from those who thought they could succeed in
by aiding and abetting and agreeing with the deep-seated hatred of the ensconced hiring population.
So to see the objects of such scorn rise to excellence in many ways in spite of such vicious objection
of a clamoring majority, has to be daunting.
I have heard so many Topowitz-types, if he is a type, say 'My grandfather came here with only ten cents in his pockets.'
They don't hear my scornful reply because I usually say it to myself. My ancestors came here without
But I think Donald Topowitz had a visceral response to an ego slight, fed overweeningly by the
lifelong nurturing he has lavished on his own racism.
People like him cannot feel equal to the superiority they have constructed in the mythologies of their
both conscious and subconscious yearnings.
Who can measure up ever to some of the tallest, quickest, most powerful, most popular humans in physical competitions- unless the humanity of those humans can be successfully challenged.
But people who have the need to work hard at othering those who have not in fact purposefully
harmed them succeed only in abridging their own humanity.
I think Topowitz felt suppressed in his true self when he was actually faced with the idea that a woman who should have been instructed to admire him did in fact admire her own people, though
he had decided they were so much less than he.
Besides, he had to at first admit she would publicly be seen as someone who would naturally want to
belong with "those people" or even worse- one of "those people".
My dad hated nearly all his bosses, because in the fifties and sixties, (and likely today as well) black people in civil service jobs were tremendously intelligent. They typically couldn't get hired by many
in the private sector, but scored very well on municipal exams and used veterans points to get even better scores than many average citizens.  However, those people in the jobs before cities began to be
black, were Caucasian. When promotion times came, these people who had preceded black hires, found creative ways to promote each other. Trouble often was, even though they had seniority, they
weren't able to manage complicated supervisory schedule manipulations, and previous bosses were
now full-fledged administrators or retirees. So minority persons who were very well-qualified to do the higher level work had to do it or get fired.  My dad was one of those minority persons.
He had one boss, an F. Paruskevictz, he swore had the intelligence of plastic; but dad had to put up with it to feed five children. When Mr. P. did try to do the job he was so clearly unable to understand,
that's when my dad had an even bigger mess to steer into lucid territories.
One day, while dad's history was still fresh in his mind, one of his bosses on a job he got after retiring proved way slower than dad too, and when that became clear to them both, the guy came to my dad
one day and asked him, "George, are you prejudiced?"
Dad replied, "I'm prejudiced against white men. I'm not prejudiced against white women."
His boss walked away without a word; and upper management wouldn't get rid of the smart guy even
if his supervisor was chagrined by the fact they wouldn't.
Admittedly, though, dad was smarter than nearly everyone. I'm no light weight, but he had it way
above little me.
To make the point: I don't think Donald Topowitz strictly meant 'don't publish pictures associating
with black people, don't bring black people to my games', he meant; ' don't publicize yourself associating with black men.'

Donald (Topowitz) Sterling Got Caught

Truly, so very many Americans are so much worse than Donald Sterling. (Is he one of those self-hating Jewish citizens who changed his name to sound more Patrician?) He only said what so many
Congressmen have intimated about our president. Why would he think he should use more moderate language and thought when speaking about our basketball players.? He said less harmful things than Paul Ryan. He even said less harmful things than actual presidential candidates have said. He said things less odious than what Allen West has said. He hasn't sounded as awfully as the "great" Dr. Ben Carson has.
Mr. Sterling has been encouraged by the U.S. Congress to utter absolute filth. He shines even more light now on how absolutely beautiful so many of the 450 millionaire NBA players truly are.
Would that we could get rid of the most vile in the U.S. Congress when they open their terrible mouths.

Monday, April 28, 2014

West Virginians

If the government cares to implant you, presumably without your knowing it, they don't need you
to sign up for the ACA or anything else in order to do it, right?
What's marriage like in West Virginia these days?


Gary Peters knows that health care plans which are illegal now are illegal because they have very
high deductibles, and very high co-pays, which don't justify the low premiums or the lack of coverage
should something serious happen. What this means, is that all the rest of us pay if something does happen to you.
Don't you know that as well? Or do you just not care?
If you don't care about the remainder of us, why would we concern ourselves with your finances?
If you have children, these junk policies are terribly irresponsible for you to use for your coverage.

Should I Be Pickin' Cotton?

Robert Kennedy was infinitely wise. When asked in 1968 if America would ever elect a black president; he said it would take about forty years.
The Attorney General was somewhat naive, however, when it came to the levels of hatred and
contempt able to be unleashed by the entreched racism of the southern states of the United States
of America, at a moment's notice.
On one of his visits south, he was in the home of a black man, asking the man why the nine-year-old
in the home couldn't stand. The boy was too weak. His family had no food.
When Atty.Gen. Kennedy asked southern officials why such things were tolerated, they told him
it was because black people were no longer hired to pick cotton, or do much of any other sort of
work for that matter.
Again, he asked why that was.
Because, they answered him, it's the way we get even for the civil rights laws.
So Robert Kennedy went back to D.C. and he ensured there would be food stamps, and that they
would be tied to farm bill subsidies. The south had been getting these subsidies since the civil war.

Cloven Biddy...No?...Oh- Cliven Bundy- Yawn

Dr. Michael Eric Dyson was right again. We can't see daylight between Paul Ryan's views and the views of the Cloven one.
The owner of the L.A. Clippers- another craven billionaire. Remember the nut, Carl Palladino?
Foster Freize, Governor Sununu? Duck Dynasty? And even the NBC host "Chuck" Todd who said
of one of the President's trips abroad that the president had in so many words been, "neutered"?
The journalist to whom he was speaking actually had to correct him on the spot.
What sort of "tune" actually advertises that he and his followers will put their women and children
on the firing lines in skirmishes with the government? And what kind of people pass by government
housing knowing the occupants have nothing to do? These guys are right out of a William Faulkner
novel, and I think Faulkner was attempting to say even then these ideas were relics.
These Paula Deen people are seemingly a dime a dozen these days. I am pleased to see progressives
getting eqaul time.
The owner of the Clippers doesn't have the concept of people who work for pay, or he hasn't
grasped the concept any more than P. Ryan has, that black people work for pay. Or maybe he
is more like Rick Santorum who doesn't know that blaah people work for pay, and pay taxes
every step of the way- always have. Black men may be the only group in the country who never
got tax looholes and had trouble for years even leaving large estates to anyone but the IRS.
What happened to Sammy Davis Jr.s money when he passed away?  Who got Fred Sandford's money?  I guess the recording companies got all of Ray Charles' money unless his children have
prevailed quite recently.
I remember feeling overjoyed years ago when Nat King Cole's family was able to
secure his estate.
Owning a basketball team doesn't mean you own the people. I suppose that's as close as these
goofs can get though.  So many of them consistently overstep.Does the man actually believe he buys food and clothing and houses and cars for the members of his team? He has to delude himself to that extent?
Those men have tremendously individualized and complicated diets. The team owner is not qualified
to buy their food. Their labor buys their food when they spend their own money for it.
Only they can buy the cars they want to the specifications they need and want.
They buy homes from real estate agents they themselves choose in a free market.
Paul Ryan doesn't know any black men- but a lot of black men sure know him. He surely knows nothing at all about "generations" of black men. He claims he could have some other men in mind
when he speaks about the culture of the inner city. But who is he trying to kid? He may as well go
on out there on the ranch and join the foil-mouthed crowd on the Nevada border.  Maybe he'll find
some generations of balck men out there who "work".  Maybe all these guys are getting part of this
notion from people like the awful black Reverend who ran for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia with
the awful Ken Cuccinelli.
Listen guys, those aren't your average black men. Noone has gotten those men to work for 5, 6, 7d
per hour. Those men believe slavery was acceptable for their families, and that if one day an intelligent slave had been born, whites would have elevated him to their own stature. Those men comprise from 3-10% of black voters. As John Fugelsang so wryly intimated..' surely there are some
self-loathing black folks out there'. There are plenty of them. However, they will never represent
the majority of us.  They will never want representation from a President Barack Obama. They are a
definite minority within a minority. Go find them. Converse with them. They are the types who can
make you feel good about havng black people around. Bet.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Attorney General Eric Holder

Our Attorney General is an African-American statesman. He is not supposed to admire the goofy tactics of say, Daryl Issa.
What does the right mean by "playing the race card" ? We're Americans. We play the hands we're

Another Bush Disaster?

Jeb Bush gave us an illegitimate U.S.President.
He gave us the Florida "stand your ground statutes".
Hasn't he done enough?!

POTUS Does Talk About Race-Thanks To America

Whatever things POTUS mentions in domestic affairs affects African-American citizens...intimately.

Well, Thomas Frank...We're Waiting

Whatever was wrong with Kansas may be getting worse.
This Miller person killed three people, and was continuing to scream Heil Hitler while handcuffed
in police custody, in  police car.
Why did this man go to Kansas to enact his grotesque expression?
He killed a physician and grandad. Could a man ever be more than a dad, a grandad, and a physician?
This man was. He was on a trip to be with his grandchild! How could anything be better? I don't see
how it could be.
I wonder if this nut knows history? Germany would have won WWII had they embraced all their
I tried to read Mein Kampf. I couldn't hold it in my hands. Does this American killer
know Hitler was German? Does he realized Hitler is dead? Dead the way Pol Pot is dead. He was
a madman who mass killed his own citizens.
How does this creature figure this is a country for "white people" only?
White settlers destroyed the warrior class of Native Americans with Smallpox, Syphilis, and Tuberculosis. Whatever weakened fighters remained were slaughtered by these same settlers and the
British Army.
What is glorious about that?
Then these settlers were still too uninformed to work the land they stole, so they kidnapped African
people and enslaved them to get the work done. Africans had brought for  crops in the harshest
climate on earth. But again, is something glorious about that history?
I think antebellum has been needlessly glorified by a lot of Americans. Brutality, not skill, character,
intelligence, morality, or even ordinary humanity and industry was most of what it took to drive a
nation committed to slavery.
The various races and nationalities in this country had to be here.
Thomas Jefferson didn't want immigration but he acknowledged the U.S. would have to embrace it
if slavery were abolished. Guess what? Slavery was abolished.
Could we have won WWII ourselves without Jewish scientists? No. We were barbarians compared
to those scientists. Robert Oppenheimer, Leo Szillard, Lise Meitner, Neils Bohr, and so many more
worked tirelessly day and night to develop the weapons which saved the bacon of the democratic West.
At least one of those scientists knew he was in danger for his exposure during weapons develoment' and he did eventually lose his life.
There is no basis whatsoever for anti-semitism in America.
And if people believe their ancestors were original white settlers they should know Miles Standish
could barely spell or write with grammar. I've read original source materials he's written.
And some people claiming "the founding fathers" are themselves relatives of rather recent immigrants. They are in no way relatives of these "founders".
I won't ask Miller if he is crazy. Clearly he is worse than crazy. Thank heavens he will be charged
with a hate crime. He killed a grandad and a grandson and a Catholic lady whose mom obviously
needed her. I would ask him however, if he knows why he is insane. Why?! There can't be thinking
involved. Perhaps these people feel the somewhat inevitable arc of the moral universe. If so, maybe
they should patiently go with it. A white man defined it even before Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
used it in the U.S. civil rights struggle.
The Corcoron grandad and his grandson were Methodists.


I have been trying to conceptualize hundreds of people, families even, flying for hours over black
waters with no hope of an acceptable outcome for their lives.
I am quite simply unable to do it. Even a moment of such discomfort, such terror, horror, panic,
desperation, and lack of power is impossible to imagine.
I know every Christmas that Newtown parents would like to go alone into a closet and scream to
the top of their lungs until they collapse with nightmarish grief. They have suffered palpable, biblical,
visible loss. Families of MA370 have no realistic symbol of what they have to suffer, likely for the
remainder of foreseeable time.
I surely hope I am wrong about this; but did the plane really drop in the area searchers are looking?
The Indian ocean is vast and deep. I'm not sure we know much about it.  It encompasses depths of
miles and miles and miles of water. If that plane sunk down that low I continue to hope the passengers were already unconscious.
The Indian Ocean has so very many rivers, lakes, mountain ranges, craggy cliffs, slippery slopes,
volcanoes, storms, etc.
I wonder how much we know about what is where at the bottom of that ocean among the things which are actually there naturally.

Ted Cruz

What in the world is he talking about on the ACA? What about the ACA is not working in his
pea-sized estimation? He uses these superlatives on the particulars which he does not name.
To whom, exactly, is he speaking?
Even some people who don't particularly care for POTUS don't want to lose their newly accessed
health care!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

What's Wrong With The Koch Brothers ?

Joan Walsh might be able to figure it out.
Or maybe Thomas Frank can figure it out.
Why in the world are people like the Koch brothers talking about "collectivism" ?
Perhaps in a modern interpretation of the word they will see themselves accurately portrayed.
These two and their cronies collect all they possibly can from the earth, and from everyone they
can get their greasy, oily "gassey" hands on all the time- each and every day.
Are they kidding with this op-ed stuff?

The NCAA Plantations Are At It Again

Ok, pay the young men for their efforts you creeps. Stop embracing the status quo. Stop talking about people playing for 'the love of the game'. If  that's the case, coaches can coach for the same reasons.
These young men are adults. They want to begin their lives and ensure their futures. Don't believe a
word Paul Ryan is talking. They want to earn a living as soon as they can...even those from dead in the center of their cities.
Many of them can read, write, think critically, and quantify before you ever offer them a place they
can risk life and limb to work without earning.
Pay people what they should get at organizations earning millions. Don't worry. If you contract the
first stringers for x amount of money per game after tuition and fees are deducted, they will still
sign on the dotted line to pay it.
Maybe the college baseball teams will have to have more fundraisers to keep their sport.
But don't they have more time to do that than basketball and football starters?
You don't need to be "giving" these young men an education., because they more than earn it; even
without fair pay, and even without workman's comp or medical benefits.
You officials remind me of the movie title, and maybe that's your thinking: They Shoot Horses Don't

What Do Black Women Love Above All Else

Aside from one another- Black Men!
Black women have an unassailable and unyielding and for better or for worse, undeniable and intense
love for black men.
Black women love dads, husbands, brothers, lovers, uncles, male cousins, step-fathers, step-brothers,
half brothers, baby daddies, boyfriends, brother-in-laws, grandads, step-grandads, and on and on, against all odds, even often unwisely when such devotions are not fully returned.
Black women are far less likely to marry or even date outside their race than black men.
And black men who do this usually genuinely love these white women. That's fine.
And quite a few black women wish they could be so inclined to establish those mixed-race bonds as well.
They just simply are not.
We're lucky for the current first family of New York.
Would Mr. DeBlasio be as fierce a leader as he has become if he didn't have that wife and those kids?
We don't know, because it often takes a bit more courage than can be seen at first blush, even today,
to step outside the norms where marriage and family are concerned.
Our President likely knows that well.

To Clarify: I Don't Believe Hillary To Be Flippant

Mrs. Clinton had clearly decided Vladmir Putin felt it perfectly reasonable to muscle in on the
Ukraine as Russia muscled in on so many countries to form The Soviet Union and as Germans did
before WWII broke out because both these groups used the protection of their ethnic or national
brethren in foreign countries as excuses to transgress treaty-drawn boundaries.
Here is the standard: You say the country your brethren inhabit is a foreign country, a country not
your own.
Believe it or not, neither George Bush or George W. Bush are the standard. They are principle
reasons we elected Barack Obama.
Is Spain or Mexico going to send troops to the U.S. because they don't admire the way we are
treating so many Spanish-speaking U.S. citizens and non-citizens here?
I think not.
Of course, part of that equation would have to be they don't have the kind of power to challenge us even if they wanted to invade. But I doubt they'd want that.  You doubt it too?
Which brings me to two more points.
First, what is Russia going to do with Crimea she wasn't doing already anyway? I can't see anything
in the recent past to suggest Ukraine or the west was about to restrict Russia in any way in Crimea.
No one seems to have intended to interfere with Russia or Russian Crimean activities in any
meaningful way. I can only surmise that after destroying so much capital related to the Olympics because he cares so much who is gay and who hides being gay, that he didn't want the political
optics of his man in the Ukraine, Yanekovich, being so quickly drop-kicked back into the Russian
end zone after Olympic games were done.
The other thing is that in this age of proud nuclear weapon disarmament, I heard a citizen of the
Ukraine state with firm determination in her voice on C-Span, in front of an audience of eastern European studies professors, that Russia was the reason all the countries of the former Soviet Union
should pursue nuclear capabilities.
What a kettle of fish that could be!

God Bless The Jan Peter Schmittman Family

So soon after the Russian "government" and many uber-rich individuals associated with it begin to
encounter western sanctions, Mr. Schmittman, his wife, and his youngest of two daughters are found
dead in their own home. Cruelly, the eldest daughter was left to discover her family dead.
Mr. Schmittman was a former ABN AMRO Netherlands banking CEO.
This all happened Saturday in Amsterdam as nearly as I can make out.
If it was only a "family problem" as the local police statements say officials suspect, why was it
reported so soon in the international news? I don't find that customary, and I make myself search out
a lot of news.
I hope the eldest daughter will be safe.
So many times in this world people have perished for having knowledge of the inner workings in a
specific sector of banking and finance- chiefly for not aiding and abetting the laundering of inappropriately obtained or used funds.
Call me quirky, but when certain "governments", practiced in getting access to connected persons
in western finance find themselves victim to what they deem fiercely objectionable money restrictions, they are not known for being enlightened enough to even consider
'diplomacy' until they find bloodshed in various subterfuges won't work.
I think we may not find the truth in this matter, if we care, as I deeply do, until we get a new
Tom Clancy novel.
Or- if it really was a "family" ...duh..."affair"...we may have to wait for the Lifetime channel or movie
of the week TV listing to say "this film doesn't depict any real persons or events" blah blah blah.
By which disclaimer we know it does depict something actual, otherwise why make such a statement.

The Ghost Ship

I find it agonizing not to know what these governments suspect exactly in order for Malaysia to
dub flight MA370 a "crime scene" wherever it is.
For that many people to be flying over unending waters for hours and hours, is an intolerable thought.
I desperately hope if that happened, the passengers truly were unconscious the entire time.

A Revisit...See The Film: "Shoah" -Director, Claude Launzmann

For those who sit through the days-long film for hours and hours each day, you will understand
that Mr. Launzmann shows immense genius and loyalty directly to his ancestors by detailing the
intricacies in the methods of the many sorts of madnesses which kept generating horror.
Ever the artist, he also lets living persons who wanted their legacies joined to the physical records
of their own accountings tell their stories in their own words.
He lets the audience see the records of how all the victims' worldly possessions were confiscated and
liquidated to pay for train passage, and all that went with those passages, or divided among those
who had neither worked for or earned them.
He let's us hear the stories of young survivors who did so by cooperating with what they were told
to do.
Some of the particulars are much too awful to relate if you were not actually there to liberate camps.
So when we do honor those who lives were lost, we needn't ever have flippant reasons in order to
make unparalleled events seem parallel.
Off the cuff remarks are offensive, and inexcusable.