Friday, March 13, 2015

Not The Day Mike Brown Jr. Died?

Yesterday was 'reprehensible'.
Yesterday was 'unacceptable'.
Yesterday was 'disgusting'
Yesterday was 'stomach-turning'.
Yesterday was 'horrible'.
Whoever shot police in Ferguson must have been alone, and male if he could be termed
a 'damned punk'. But isn't the person innocent until proved guilty.
My, my, many colorful adjectives....
I guess officials and reverends have to do their best to keep us 'peaceful'.
And they need to know people are doing their best as well.
I heard it said yesterdays actions would take us back into the past.
I thought it was Trayvon's killing which took us back to Emit Till, and back only a few years
to Oscar Grant, and a few months to Tamar Rice.
We do want to be peaceful.
We don't break the peace when there is one.
We all, each and every one of us, want to go home at the end of the day.
One big part of fractured race relations is the majority and their spokespersons telling minorities
what to feel. Well, at times, feelings do boil over when people get cornered. I know that isn't a
good thing. But I also know rhetoric can exacerbate it, however awful it is.
Our own leaders might want to keep that thought as a 'note to self' when any person gets shot.
And yet- I hear Burkina Faso is loveley this time of year, even though they may now be ruled by
the military. I don't think tanks and tear gas are in the public square yet.

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