Friday, March 13, 2015


President Obama is trying to say in any way he can without hurting every one's feelings, that the manufacturing and industrial jobs of the nineteenth and early twentieth century don't belong to us in America any longer.
We have to guys- even if it will be painful. Those jobs belong to developing nations now. Even determined people can't ride the wind in a hurricane.
We can ignore that reality the same way we ignore climate change; then those jobs paying $.25 in the Pacific Rim will still be paying the same wage for fifty years to come if China sets the standards in that region!
We have to turn our jobs into STEM jobs. People won't all need degrees for these new jobs- but they
will need training. What is so awful about being re-trained? Elect reps in the government who will
insure these job transitions are as smooth as possible.
The only chance we do have in the Pacific Far East, is to make sure China doesn't become so powerful in weaker countries that our business and patent infrastructure laws become meaningless.
For years they have done patent infringements, keeping our companies in court forever!
We can't afford more of it as their economy grows to dominate  trade with smaller countries.
If we get a foot in the 'agreement' door now, we can legally hold them to some things which we know
we will need to keep our economy competitive with that of a nation of over one billion people. Yes, China does have room for all its citizens. And still it will co-opt the business climates of other smaller countries if we don't do something TODAY.
Unions have to diversify now! They are the only way wages here or abroad will keep pace with international industries' growth.
If we hate fast track, we'd better come up with something better, quick.
We can't keep fossil fuel industries going, for instance, even though all those miners and processors are repped by unions. And steel, dependent on fossil fuel plants, will be impacted.We shouldn't even have as much trucking as we do. Our highways should be in more and more, part conveyor belts in the middle of highways, monitored and maintained by people who now drive trucks, and by smart computing in 'clouds', even in some measure by mid-level air drones.
We need new industries right now. We don't need to be holding on to things two-hundred years old
in Western culture. The steam engine was invented 1700s. Let it go?
POTUS sees the future. We can embrace it by standing up to it. If we don't, it is going to run us down
while we stand around denying it is on its way.
We do have the infrastructure in our society to face up to these 21st century challenges because our college and university systems can take nearly any complicated concept and break it into many real
world jobs and applications. Our universities cannot be rivalled in this world. We don't need to
Scott Walker the jewels in our crowns. We need to polish them!
Do we fail to need MIT now that the Koch brothers have gone there already and finished their educations, and bought them up some government officials? We do not.
We need these institutions now more than ever. Let's find a way to keep them in power. Let's find
a way to make our informed votes count in order to do what is needed to enhance and refine these
priceless institutions.


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