Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Will Mike Brown Jr. Get To Join SAE?

No he won't.
I believe the black community has much bigger fish to fry than figuring out what makes SAE stand up and cheer.
If Mr. Petit was glad to whip his fellow SAEs into a frenzy over not having an 'N' in the frat, then he
must know he is glad about that fact, and he wants his frat brothers to be glad about it too.
Let's face it. Mr. Petit didn't found SAE. He didn't write that chant.
The worst parts of the whole affair are that 1.) SAE would have been so much better by now if it ever
had accepted black members, 2.) singing and chanting about lynchings is one of the worst things anyone could do- especially in the good old U.S. of A.?
Another horror is that we don't know who leaked that video or why.
The affair is really quite sad too, because if the bus had been full of Kappas, or Qs, or Alphas on the
same campus, the last thing in the world those guys would have been joyous about would have had
absolutely nothing at all to do with white guys.
Maybe those SAEs would truly have their innocence back if they had no attitude of exclusion which
they needed to cheer.
In the meantime- Tamir Rice will never have to worry about frats. I am deeply, deeply worried
that he will not.

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