Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Beau Biden's Beautiful Catholic Sending Forth June 6, 2015

During Attorney General Biden's services, I kept having thoughts of his tremendously unusual life.
He lost his mom at such a young age, and in such a sudden way, while she had just completed such
a heady campaign with the then Senator Joe Biden. I know how lost and afraid a five year old, a six year old is when he knows there is suddenly no mom. And yet the six year old stepped right up, to do
all she would have been comforted to know was happening. If he ever missed her a bit too much, he surely doesn't have to any longer.
My mind went back so quickly to the recent excellent public service work Attorney General Biden did for ordinary citizens, with Attorney General Eric Schneiderman at the height of what would be a full scale banking crises in this country.
I thought of how discouraged a freind of mine was when as an attorney in Oakland County, MI, he
didn't have the budget to properly prosecute child sex offenders, and especially child sex incest offenders because perpetrators could afford more experts to testify for them. Attorney General Biden
put a stop to those crimes going unpunished.
Anyone who thinks those crimes leave minimal damage to victims think that way because many times they don't see the damage. At times, victims themselves don't ever see the promise of what their
lives could have been had they been consistently cherished.
People who want a hint of the sort of life Attorney General Biden saved in offended against individuals should try reading Wide Open, by Nicola Barker. I warn, the experience of this reading is literary, but awful.
My friend worked in the 80s, and eventually changed counties because he couldn't take the letdown
of what was happening to little children any longer.
Beau Biden, you may never know just how many good people you inspired.
I noticed how Irish Catholic the congregation at his funeral looked, but his choir was majority
African-American, and the fellow soldier who spoke after General Odierno was a minority woman.
I felt very proud about it.
I felt very proud the President of the United States of America spoke for you from his heart. You
must know what kind of deal your dad thought that was!
I felt very sad for Dr. Biden who raised the little boy she obviously dearly loved, and now lost so soon.
I know the A.G.'s siblings will feel the loss of his presence because they obviously were regularly involved in it, and regularly sought him out as their loved one.
Vice President Biden has had the burdens of Job in his life, and this one seems ever so cruel- his eldest child. His first born son has been taken. Now that is the universe getting a guy below the belt.
V.P. is not young enough for this sort of heartbreak. I hope for his sake and for the sake of the Attorney General's family, that he will weather this storm.
Attorney General Biden's little son looked as though he would never have a look of peace or joy on his face again. The A.G.'s little daughter looked as though she had to believe her dad would come walking in at any moment; and his wife looked as though someone had folded her in half so thoroughly that standing was excruciating.
God speed Attorney General Beau Biden, J.A.G. I am so, so sorry for your suffering. But when the
time does come for any of your other family, I know they have nothing to fear. You personally will
come to get them. That is the sort of man you seem to have been; and that is surely the sort of man
you now will ever be.

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