Monday, June 8, 2015

How Long Will Unions Cling To 19th And 20th Century Industry?

Our strengths are in innovation, research, and patents.
We should not be telling people China will stop manipulating currency if we get a great trade deal
in the union view.
They will not.
We need TPP and Fast Track so that we have a leg up when China attempts to  dominate all commerce
in and out of the south China seas, and in the air over those seas.
The safest way for us to maintain and increase our commercial interests in that area of the world is to
develop enforceable partnership.
Countries will not sign an agreement with details of their business published on the Internet without
their permission.
Businesses in all countries depend on privacy in their contractual dealings, even U.S. businesses.
So how do we protect ourselves and our current trading partners in the Pacific if we have no trade
We have already developed so many industries in this country.
Why would we stop now?
When do we admit we have outgrown some of our industrial innovation?
Others are doing it cheaper than we now can, and if they are not going to be selling it to parts of the
free world to whom will they sell it? They won't sit on it, and we cannot force them to do so!
We have hundreds of patents for innovations in current industries, and for new manufacturing- especially in our health care sector- for developing industries.
Do we forget China took down an American plane already in 2001? They are an aggressive government when they have an opportunity presenting. They did this on April 1, and laughed that here that day was 'April Fools' Day'.  They refused to return the plane. They refused to return the crew. China forced President Bush to offer an apology we did not owe.
Five months later, the twin towers were destroyed by planes flown by seeming amateurs on a date
we had to call 911.
POTUS will get us the best deal he can in the Pacific Rim. How do we doubt that?!
The man is Barack Obama. This will be a rich part of his legacy. Don't we know him?
Don't we know how dangerous it will become for us to have no trade agreement in this part of the world?
Unions- get into the training business in new industries. Find a way to re-employ people in modern
sectors of our economy. Did you see The Lord Of The Rings? Get to the American innovations we have and "Get a fire goin!"

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