Saturday, June 20, 2015

South Carolina: A Legacy Of Vile Crimes Comes Home Again

This young man, Mr. Roof wanted to kill.
He needed to kill.
Race was his excuse because he knew it would get more attention.
Killing was his overriding passionate desire.
He apparently patched together the racial hatred excuse. He knows very little about black history
or black people from any legitimate sources. At his age he'd have to have been raised in black culture and/or very well educated.
Apparently he is neither.
Does he even know Dr. Martin Luther King's story?
Does he know the horror Emmit Till's murder awakened?
Does he know the story of Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress?
Has he read the history of how white northerners were so awfully disenfranchised by the privilege
white southerners claimed for themselves in the bodies of other people before our Civil War?
How in the world has he come to marry Jim Crow to Apartheid? Apartheid is as dead as a doornail.
Apartheid was famously developed from the fear South African whites had as a minority population
in the country of their birth.
I guess the segregation had surface similarity to U.S. segregation, but the two systems were generated
from opposite anxieties.
And as apartheid began in a minority fear, so did it die.
American civil war hatred came of a desire to continue  the subjugation of a minority population.
No white Americans had any fear they'd be overtaken by a black majority. Even now, as black people
the most recently descended from North American slaves, we are still only 11% of the American population.
Where did a kid this man's age get the notion black people are raping his women?
And if that were true, would those rapists be represented at a Wednesday evening prayer meeting in a
somewhat small city?
Mr. Roof killed mainly older ladies past child-bearing age. What sort of coward was he exactly?
Older ladies don't rape as a rule, and they are done or nearly done raising children.
I can only surmise the man sat with the prayer group an entire hour so that he could position himself to make a plan to kill the most able-bodied first, the way Andrea Yeats said she did in order to drown all her children. have many names in America. Please don't ever allow me to be "equal" to any of them.


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