Monday, February 27, 2012

Let's Get Dumber By The Minute

Making sure everyone who would like to get a college education at least has a chance to try is a
good thing for public policy.
But we can't expect the Saint to know that. He doesn't know the possible snobbishness of having
three degrees and seven kids.
Most Americans couldn't begin to afford any of that.
President Obama hasn't mandated anyone go to university unless they'd like a chance to go.
For the middle class, college is practically a rite of passage for a definite percentage of high school
Some young people do give up many mystical ideals when starting a college sojourn; but once they have families of their own, they definitely get back to church in predictable numbers.
The thing is, the Saint doesn't have a divinity degree. And President Obama, unlike the Saint,
doesn't pretend to have one.
I'm beginning to think this Saint is only running for the Republican presidential nomination
as a way of proselytizing for his faith.
He should know, however, that if he doesn't shut up soon, and in the meantime refrain from talking about throwing up, not only will people not consider converting to Catholicism for generations to come, some Catholics may consider leaving the church so as not to have to think of
themselves as 'crazy'.
By the way Mr. three degrees, I am not a 'bla' person. I've never even heard of one.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Dirty Old Men

What is with these dirty old mainly WASPY types of legislators legislating the wombs of their
They themselves have gotten all the use in the world of birth control and abortion. The mathematics of the number of abortions since Roe v. Wade proves as much. Not only atheists and
unfaithful have gotten all the procedures we know have been done, and bought all the birth control sold in this country.
Now that these old dried up phonies have made a gazillion dollars off women's health, but have
no more need of many of the things they made plenty use of for themselves, they want laws in
place which won't deter them in what they themselves wanted to achieve in the timetables of their twenties, thirties, and early forties; they think they should get all transvaginal with their grandchildren.
If they are so worried about the private parts of our young women, why don't they just go to church and get down on their rickety old knees and try to pray.
Otherwise, they could get their moldy old minds off women's private parts, or keep them on the
private parts of women their own ages.
Republican women aren't very worried I guess, thinking they will always have the money to get
whatever anyway. I don't know about that. Don't they want their daughters to have an autonomy
money doesn't need to buy?


This morning's MHP(Melissa Harris Perry) show on MSNBC was golden. Finally after all these years I got to see Professor Anita Hill speak live and in person again. She is still soft-spoken. She's still assertive. She's still learned. I feel so lucky to have heard her views again , on some very important issues.
I find it significant that she chose the Melissa Harris Perry show, and of course that the MHP show even exists. I count myself so lucky to have seen this in my lifetime. As a feminist, it helps
me envision an intelligent future in which my grandchildren can live.
After listening to the drivel spoken about and made issue of in the Republican presidential
primaries these past several months, I have told myself if I am going to listen to cable news, I
do deserve something dignified and intellectual once in a while.
On that same Sunday morning show, Professor Perry highlighted the famous HeLa cells.
I first learned of these powerful cells in a Harvard Medical School newsletter in the eighties. Before reading about these cells, I thought all cervical cancers were alike, or very similar. After reading about them, I realized some cervical cancers are as deadly and quickly killing as a 'terrible
swift sword'.
Some are benign enough if caught early. But some are like HeLa. From their start to their finish,
they could kill a person dead within six months of suspicious pap onset, even with all the medicines and chemotherapies in the world.
I imagine we've made advances since the eighties; yet since the advent of AIDS, even yeast infections can and do kill women who are HIV positive.
I do think Henrietta Lacks descendants have a right to renumeration if her cells have been used
all these years to further research and to generate monies. This has been going on since 1951, and
has helped eradicate polio. Not all polio vaccines were sold without profit, for instance.
Ms. Lacks was not a cadaver from the free clinic, was not a donation to science, not a lady destined for a Potter's burial. She had a family. Why would medical profiteers not acknowledge
a debt owed her descendants.
When I first read of these cells, my advice to my children was to get regular exams by a gynecologist when they grew up, and to remember their mom didn't believe virgins got cervical
cancer, even though medicine doesn't agree it is an STD.
Of course, medicine rarely called anything an STD unless it caused great physical distress to men.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Afghani Citizens

You have a timeless world wide religion. Your religion cannot be burned. Your faith cannot be
burned. Your Quran is a book. It is not your theology. Therefore, you may want to stop screaming,
and begin to pray. While at prayer, pray for those who did this awful thing. Then we could all have
more peace than any of us may deserve.

Solon Is Reborn!

Greece has been absolved of 142B of its debt. So say we one, so say we all. The die has been cast.
The deed is done. And as in the 6th century B.C.- the right course has been set upon once more for that ancient nation state.
Now if we halve U.S. student debt, the whole world will have a start on the road to being set right again.


With all this talk of whether I should be the one making decisions about my own womb, my own
body, I nearly forgot to mourn missing out on two of the most important parts of Catholicism:
paczki day- fat Tuesday, and Ash Wednesday. I got a bad flu Monday night. So naturally
I got no paczkis on Tuesday. I used to be recovered in a day. Not any longer. At one point I
actually fainted. I was back to my senses Wednesday, but got a little hurt in the fall from the faint, so got no ashes.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ayatollah Santorum

Are we supposed to be shoving our religious beliefs down everyone else's throats?
Are we supposed to be living in a theocracy?
President Obama is not a preacher. He doesn't need a theology, right?
Are Catholic Bishops the arbiters of every Catholic conscience every minute of the day?
Catholics are free to live and work in a secular society.
If Catholic citizens and officials are intent on running hospitals and schools, it's best they run them according to U.S. law.
If there are Catholics who don't care for U.S. law, then they are a group who don't have to run businesses. They are a church. If they like, they are free to stick to faith and doctrine. Let some group who wants to be legal run businesses and schools.


I thought it was Dana Carvey who knew all about Satan.
Well, I remember Kathy Bates and Adam Sandler made a movie telling all about him.

Oh Goody! Let's Relitigate The Crusades

Why are we attempting to run all around suspending our laws to fit into a specific religion?
I read about the Crusades in the eighth grade. We could be done with crusading now. That
would be best.
True, the Catholic church has always been proprietary of wombs. However, in modern times,
women have decided to be proactive about their own bodies. Sounds grown up to me.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Whitney Elizabeth

Whitney Houston had the most beautiful voice a woman could have.
Additionally, she was both athletic and artistic in her deliveries.
She could not have been more musical.
It may have cost her dearly to try so mightily to suppress the musician in her for so many years,
but through it all, she always was Whitney. She was a giver. In life and in music, she was a giver.
She could open a phrase in any way she chose. She could make a note in any key, from
any part of the scale beautiful in any musical context, and hold it until even listeners felt out of breath.
I've heard I Believe In You And Me a 'million' ways, done wonderfully by a 'million' singers and
choirs; but after hearing her do it, I don't even recognize it anymore when I hear it until the
performer is well into the song. That song is not itself any longer. That song is part of Whitney Houston now and forever in the ear of those like me who not only heard her sing it, but experienced her singing it. Hearing Ms. Houston sing was a bit like hearing the late opera stars Dame Joan Sutherland and Mr. Luciano Pavorotti perform 'In Questa Reggia'... unforgettable...
Her voice control, and breath control was masterful and she knew it. She knew, loved, caressed, and nurtured her vocal gift.. A lesser vocalist would surely have fainted after some of the
runs and expressions she accomplished, even at the end of some of her performances.
My heart goes out to her only child now because many times when a parent seems overwhelmed
to a child, the younger person mentally takes on the parenting role whether or not it has become necessary.
If something goes awry, the younger person cannot be dissuaded from accepting blame. As
desperate as it sounds to young people, no effort can stop every unwanted outcome, no matter how awful the outcome may be.
The young accept this only intellectually. Helping this reality seep into someones heart is much more difficult than helping it sink into that person's head. The young need to feel some invincibility at the start of more adult emotional lives.
I have to wish Bobbi Kristina love and luck in this matter. If she can give up believing things should have been different, she can grieve by living through, and then beyond mom's legacy.
Cissy has a different sort of grief. Burying a child is unimaginable. But she should take some
comfort knowing she gave her daughter the skill and technique to do what she really, obviously, just had to do...good or bad, right or wrong. Whitney Houston had to perform, and she had to
sing. It is my belief that only her mom could have given her what she needed in order to love her
abilities as much as she needed to love them.
As wonderful as Whitney Houston's music is, I truly have never ever heard anyone manipulate the sound in a note of music the way Cissy Houston's can do it.
I don't see how it even could be taught, unless a child experiences it repeatedly from birth, then
is able to make a part of it a part of herself, or even of himself. It is obviously something a bit genetic in some families.
What better hope for being a mom could any of us have than to make sure our children
obtain that one nearly intangible thing of  special  identity no one else in the world has, and it be the thing that young person comes to want more than anything else. We  want our young people to love their gifts more than anything else they could  have had or wanted from first sensibilities after birth.
We couldn't get more than that from being mom; and Cissy Houston has had that. Nothing can ever take that from her.
Cissy has to realize now that Whitney's ancestors must have come to her to explain to her that her
loving, nurturing, giving was over in her earthly form. God had expressed through her for so long that He wanted her back. I imagine she was very upset about it; but I also imagine her ancestors let her know as gently as possible that her work on earth was done now. Whatever her faults and troubles
may have been, those who loved her have to believe those problems were in enough balance to make
certain her faith brought a balanced end to them all.
Her forebears may have had to tell her she was done giving in her present form.
She would not be so giving in another performance.
She would not be so giving in suppressing herself again for anyone.
She would not be so giving, in person, in her encouragement of other singers.
She would not, though it was wonderful for her to be doing it, be spending one more dime on behalf of friends and neighbors who could never pay it back.
They explained that she had given of herself in this world for the last time. The time had simply
come for her to be gifted herself, in eternity.
Cissy Houston should take some comfort in knowing her child will never have to bury a child or
a grandchild. Cissy's child will never have to lose a thing, ever again.
And when Cissy Houston's day of reckoning comes to pass, she should believe what I believe,
that her baby girl will come to escort her mom, herself.

Working Guys

Republican primary presidential competitors are not actually speaking to us about women's
contraceptive rights. They are arch capitalists advertising their willingness to gut the American
populace so that they can attract foreign capital into their various coffers per Citizens' United.
These exploitative business types know Republican women won't support legislation or attacks
curbing birth control medicines. However, they have counted on Republican women keeping
silent about it.
Republican women can normally afford to pay for these medications.
Democratic women, independent women voters, undecided voters, won't matter if their votes
can be effectively suppressed in great numbers in states where Republican governors and their
state legislatures have passed laws restricting voting privilege.
American business can safely advertise itself as a group willing to abuse women's rights on as
many fronts as possible, thereby convincing leaders in developing countries to open up their
own populations for wider exploitation once again, even if it is only to put their women to work,
keeping them still as subjugated as they are now.
American business practices have become anathema all the world over to governments whose
people have had to work for a dollar a day, so to speak.
Convincing foreign governments they are willing to throw American women under buses, convinces these leaders, increasingly hostile toward American business, that some of our businesses are 'sympatico' on social issues which help men worldwide operate as a dominating class.
Today's presidential primary players are dressing up in red red lipsticks, and short short skirts,
to surreptitiously parade up and down main thoroughfares at 'quitting time' in American foreign
business. But ...
President Obama has been convincing American businesses to come home, to do business where
they have citizenship, since they are not very welcome to operate cheaply in foreign countries any
longer anyway.
So the 'Arab Spring' phenomena, which has been generated in the Mid-East, the Far East, South
American and to a lesser extent Africa, has expressed itself in one way, and in part, a backlash
against American dominance.
That's fine. We don't need to express our competences in ways which decimate other cultures- in ways which turn the resentment that leads to thrown-off shackling into varying hatreds.
Now ... let's convince the sort of American billionaire who laps up unearned income that we don't
need to bait and switch everyone else in the world.
Let's encourage the Warren Buffet-type billionaires to stay vocal.
And women, stick together. Your biology has to keep you somewhat unified, or it will be your
undoing in radical legislative bodies, as your incomes- become your former incomes.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


If American taxpayers bail out banks and insurers in order to save their pensions, then let
the auto industry die, then don't American taxpayers destroy the chances of those same banks to succeed and reclaim their business futures by funding the auto industry manufacturers, dealers, suppliers, and resellers?
How dumb could we be? That would be a huge part of the working public unable to refurbish itself or get a loan from a BANK!

A Dog And Pony Show

We saw highlights this week of the 2012 Westminster Dog Show. A cute little
Pekingese won for this year.
In the Republican primaries this year, America witnesses conspicuous billionaires trotting
out their pet candidates on a weekly basis.

A Tough Act To Follow

At this point I have to assume Republicans have decided 2012 would be a terrible year for them
to win the presidency.
What would they do in fact?
POTUS is a firm, respected player in foreign affairs. All the Republican party could do post
George W. Bush is muck it up.
Domestic policy will be driven by jobs coming back to America, and by manufacturing seeing
a resurgence. Republicans have too much of the ire of the largest and richest unions to be able
to lead effectively on those fronts.
Social policy will be driven by women's issues, and minority problems. In attempting to derail
health care, and to drive Hispanics from the homes of their infancies and childhoods, Republicans cannot lead on those issues either.
It has occurred to them there is nothing to do aside from trying to demonize President Obama
or his policies until the actual convention date. Once the date has passed, there will be no use
talking crazy anymore. So why think seriously of a win? Republicans will do no more than keep
their base base, until a time when President Obama will be an act someone lesser has to follow.
In any case, that person, hopefully, will not be not be a Republican.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Millionaires: Pay Your Fair Share Of Taxes

You are American citizens.
You used American capital to fund your businesses.
You used American workers to build your financial strongholds.
You used infrastructure built by American taxes.
Pay your share of taxes, per what you have earned.
We know you pay enough gross pay and benefits for your workers to pay taxes on the income
they earn from your costs of doing business.
But there is a reason you need to pay your fair share of the profits you earn from your citizen partner efforts.
There is a very good reason you need to do this.
The reason : well, you can afford to do it.

We Are All Job Creators

Why do people keep referring to some mysterious, made-up, mythical Mt. Olympus type group
as job creators?
When I get myself down to Dairy Queen twice per week instead of once per week, depending upon how many people I drag down there with me, I may be creating a job.
When I realize I need to get down to the gym three tines per week rather than twice per week,
depending upon how many ice cream lovers I drag down there with me, I may be creating a job.
If I clog up my corner gas station by filling up more to go to the gym and the ice cream parlor so much more often, I may be creating a job.
When I see you on your way to the movies more than once a month lately, and I see you have a car full of kiddies with you every week, I know you may be creating one more sweep up the popcorn job.
Now that you and your husband are both back working full time at GM, you may have hired a
nanny to drop off or pick up your third and fifth grader, and clean the kitchen and their bedrooms in the interim hours. You two have created a job.
If you are living off retirement, when your grandson gets a job after moving in with you, he may
buy a few more groceries at the butcher to host Monday night football on your Bingo night.
In that case, he and his friends may be creating at least a part-time job at the store.
Every job is important.
Any group of persons working a job normally create at least one other job.
Every job counts.
Every worker is likely a job creator.
Non-workers, on the other hand, may or may not be creating jobs.
In America of late, most of them aren't bothering themselves about it.

Who Wants To Lead?

Republicans are redistricting voting areas in the states so that there are all-white districts, and
then there are all black, all Hispanic or other minority districts.
Republicans are restricting voting rights by insisting on many requirements a minority person might have trouble producing. Why not ask for an original marriage document from an
elderly long time widow? They likely need items which cannot be produced.
Republicans are making issues of questions already asked and answered.
Republicans are nominating in a self-imposed circus-like atmosphere.
Could it be they have decided they can run us all without the use of the office of the president?
Baby boomers are dying quickly enough for Social Security and Medicare to thrive. Or aren't
we? Is that what has them talking about nothing that would enhance what life we have left?
The dialogues they develop talking points around all refer to the inconvenience of our country having workers who can retire. Wall Street should have the right to raid the trillions in the
Social Security accounts, as well as the trillions in worker pension funds, right?
I don't believe so greedy ones.
Workers can retire in America. Women can control their reproductive health in America. Women
can divorce easily in America. Elderly persons have a right to medical care in America.
Why would you rather agitate for rolling back rights than discuss ways our hard won rights can
further develop our lives.
Pay my sons and daughters a living wage.
Educate my grandchildren.
If you discuss new and varying ways in which those things can be accomplished, I can stop using
the money I invested in old age to help feed my family long past the days I finished rearing them.
Know the difference between leading and attacking? I'd like to hope you do.

Palestinians In A Modern World

What is it the world wants the Palestinian people to do?
We talk a lot about what other countries in the Mid-East should do, should not do.
We need more dialogue about what we expect from Palestinian citizens.
Today it was reported that Palestine's only power plant has been so short of fuel, the country
experienced extensive blackouts. When will more fuel become available?
Put another way, is there any refrigeration in Palestine? Are all babies necessarily breast-fed?
How much food will be thrown away if there is not enough heat to cook it? Are there candles
enough for all?
How many days of school will be missed?
Will anything at all be different in twenty years for babies born in the dark today?
Is there some set of things we can encourage Palestinians to do? Let's hope so. Otherwise, don't
some regimes always use them as an excuse for new and more insane terrors, and don't we in the world oversee another generation of myopic deprived.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Bishop

Catholic Bishops cannot legislate every conscience in the Catholic church; nor should they be
encouraged to do so. Catholicism is centered in the Vatican, in 'faith and doctrine', literally.
American Catholics are free to use and pay for the birth control of their employees. Catholic
women are free to use the contraception of their choice without any threat at all of excommunication.
So if I don't have to listen to my Bishop, why would the discrimination laws have to be broken
for him? And why would the President want to help him break these laws? President Obama isn't
Catholic anyway. If he were, he would still know the difference between the religious and
life-style freedoms of women, and those of Bishops. Bishops simply do not comprise "the church".
Du questionnes?

Monday, February 13, 2012


With all due respect to religious freedoms, I think national politics is not quite the thing Mormons have training in their childhoods to be able to embrace a world where social media
reigns over most public spheres.
Mormonism generally trains members to be so privately devout, that they do have to have more
of a game face than an 'open' face - even during political campaigns.
Governor Huntsman tried mightily, but never seemed any more 'everyman' than Governor Romney.
Today's campaigns are incredibly facial, and 'body language' visible.
Religious devotees don't find those things developmentally positive in their lives, aside from their
Politicians, however, have to turn themselves over to publicly quantifiable visibilities.
Some lifestyles require the leap to be nearly insurmountable. Mormonism may be one of those
lifestyles because it proves to be more than a religion in the lives of most of its members.
Finding a lapsed Catholic is quite a bit easier than finding a lapsed Mormon.

Fiscal Sanity

I believe the term 'fiscal sanity' means 'austerity and deprivation' to most people who identify
themselves as conservatives.
If austerity means you cut back on vacations while I cut back on food, I can't hear you. You're
breaking up.
When President Obama says 'fiscal sanity' he means 'invest wisely in yourselves and your proven
More questions?


I am still so excited science has found particles which move faster than the speed of light.
I could be in my living room, and look over into my dining room to see what is about to happen.
Better, I could have remote control-type device I would punch a time into, asking it to show me a future moment of my own designation.
Further, I could program in an entire segment of time my faster- than- light control device would be able to use slow old visible light to show me.
What would Bishops do then? Outlaw the use of light sabers? We can't put it past them. However,Einstein had more theories than that of relativity. These new discoveries are about to blow thelid off them; and pious people don't accept any sort of predestination theories. Why not?
God can do it in many ways we cannot understand. And because it is there, doesn't mean we are
not the ones who used free will to put it there. I guess Bishop's would have a whole new reality
to bully everyone over in the final analysis.
I am told most Einstein's body of theory is understood by only a handful of scientists in the world. But now perhaps those few will be able to show us what they couldn't previously make us understand mathematically.
And perhaps we'll have scores of brainiacs able to delve into these packet powers now.
I hope we will have a progressive enough leadership in this country that the U.S. will stay on the
forefront of these new discoveries, and of the eventual infiltration of theses new discoveries into a great many technologies, both old and new themselves.


When you say Catholics, you are not talking principally about bishops or edifices. You are
speaking about persons.
If the Catholic Church doesn't want to be an employer in a secular society, that's fine. Catholics
will accept services from Baptists, from Episcopalians, from Buddhists, from Methodists, etc.
They can, and they do.
I've seen scores of Catholics at hospitals getting services from people whose religion they don't
question. Even when a doc may be wearing a turban, most people won't refuse his services.
Bishops may not quite understand that, aye?

Whitney Houston WasTruly A Diva

Ms. Houston had one of the most beautiful voices in the world. Her music was also quite beautiful, and told such lovely stories.
As I began to sorely miss Cyndi Lauper's voice on radio, Whitney Houston burst into song on the airways with I Just Want To Dance With Somebody. A very pretty song that was great fun too ...
The songs became more and more beautiful as time went on in Ms. Houston's career.
She was a mom, a daughter, a friend, etc. She did more in 48 years than many of us
accomplish in our longer lives.
I cannot imagine what her daughter is going through now. Sadly, I know Cissy Houston, an
absolutley astounding talent herself, as a mom, is suffering an indescribable grief.
Aside from that, she has lost a daughter-colleague.
May god bless Whitney and her family.

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Guillotine Dude? Really?

France is still a Catholic country, wunderkind.
The guillotine was used in France to further the church's doctrine's, even in the last half of the
20th century, after WWII. The guillotine was in no way instrumentalized after any supression
of the Church, a suppression which the French have never seen fit to engender.
Mr. Saint, women in modern post war France were guillotined as abortionists! So barbaric...
What in the world is wrong with people who talk about history without reading it?

A Brave Newer World

So if scientists really have found particles ( or maybe they are photon packets) which move faster than the speed of light, can these particles be marshalled to arrest reactions in nuclear material?
Could they be employed to stop other weaponry?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

You Soundt Crayssee

Marco Rubio is talking more, and so of course sounding more fuzzy-brained.
He wants to know why republicans try to sound like Ronald Reagan when democrats don't
argue about attempting to sound like Jimmy Carter.
Jimmy Carter is alive, and clear thinking. He can sound like himelf...still, and always make
sense. Democrats also don't try to sound like Bill Clinton. They have POTUS.
Then Rubio decided health care debates over women's reproductive health are not about birth
control. Well can't there be religious prohibition over one million differing debates? Are Catholics then to be the only exepmtees?
Staying unpregnant is surely birth control.
Rubio will always be unpreggers. That may be why he doesn't see the connection.
So let's be clear: a woman of child-bearing age has an excellent chance of becoming pregnant
if she has no birth control. Birth control that actually works well is available to women in modern industrialized countries.
POTUS wants women in America to have equal access to this control in their employee based health insurance programs.
Even better, though, we could skip all that, and go ahead with The Public Option. We wouldn't have to worry about employee based plans then would we?
POTUS could relieve you of any worry about it at all. That's what he wanted in the first place,
isn't it? Keep agitating. Women may then help open the floodgates to something which can be
paid for in a single payer fashion. Other health care concerns will probably be right behind this
one ... one by one, preferring single payer options for consumption issues regarding many diagnoses.
Otherwise, you may have to stop whining enough to let well enough alone.
Any Questions?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Burning All The Bridges

Somehow, we have hundreds of bridges in America.
And we have so many billionaires here as well.
Something happened, starting in the 80s, to make hundreds of multimillionaires and
billionaires able to race accross bridges of great wealth to destinations of much greater wealth.
Inexplicably, these greater wealth persons landed on a good solid spot after crossing, and
promptly burned the bridge which crossed them. Admittedly, the bridges, built by a middle class
society, were badly damaged by burnings these greedy persons initiated during the times they themselves were crossing, ushering in huge risks even to themselves. They nearly took the known
world down as they stampeded full speed accross the bridges of all the people.
Ultimately, the gluttonous ones formed a big ugly clot, accusing everyone providing the basic
infrastructure for their successes, of giving in to envy. Everyone wants to be destructive, gluttonous, and clotted.
Could that be it?

What Does The Term 'Creator' Mean To Jobs

America has jobs. The jobs are not getting done.
The jobs don't need any select group of people to 'create' them.
Who are these mythical 'job creators' republicans refer to so often?
Creation is normally a giant task.
In America, all we need is to commit to each other to get important jobs done.
If a company wants to complete a job, fine. We will work for the company for a living wage.
If a state or territory, or federal agency wants to complete a certain job, we will work for that
How did we get roads, bridges, schools, churches, teachers, nurses, lawyers, medecine, electronics, appliances, etc. in the first place?
Business and government worked togetther. That is why our infrastructure has lasted roughly
a hundred years, and 200,000,000 persons later.
We could be saying the same thing in 2112 if we are intelligent. Well, our future generations could be saying the same.

Rule Reproduction

One ingenius way to crush the middle class is to pressure families into two paycheck households, then hold down at least one of the careers by inserting reproductive uncertainty into the number of consecutive paychecks equations.
Employers have historically put women in precarious positions regarding raises and promotions
citing that no one can help young women remain unpregnant.
If women have access to the safe reproductive healthcare available in a modern world, the im-
pregnation argument has to lose steam. Maybe the loss will be slow at first; but it will be steady.
Women who have the power to decide, may quite often say: 'I am thirty-five. I have decided I will
have no more children.'
A thirty-five year old woman could easily get a degree, go to med school, do an internship, a re-sidency, and practice medecine for fifteen years or more. Many women have teenagers or preteens by age thirty-five.
A thirty-five year old woman could get a degree going to school year round, earn an MBA or CPA, and carve out atwenty to twenty three year career in business or banking.
A woman of thirty-five could do the same thing with a career in the law.
A woman who controls her own reproductive life can also decide to go to work while her babies
are at school, and use nannies or other family members to help without starving the help to death so that they are not too tired to do much with the kids before mom gets home.
In a modern industrial society, we don't have to work women to death in service industries only ,offering the tiniest of all paychecks available in our workforce.
Of course any children will still need mom home all day every day. Some of those who don't, however, will be proud to have two professional parents.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Super Pacs Are The Law

We may not like the law; but we can't sit on our hands while it mows us down. We must alter it or
find a part of it we can use to save ourselves.
It isn't ax murder. It's advertising.


Carl Rove, George Bush, Dick Cheney, and all their neo-con buddies were clones of  'the demonizer' machine they invented.
The machine worked to kill millions and cheat the U.S. of two elections. It isn't working so well
any longer.
Rovian methodolgy says and/or does the most heinous thing possible to themselves. They wait
ten seconds. Then they point a finger at an enemy, scream loudly, alert the press ,and accuse that
enemy of choice of saying or doing the thing they have just done to themselves.
Now,after all these years, the boys who cry, are always considered to be crying wolf, by those of us who think twice.

How Many 1000s = 1?

Well, I haven't discovered the answer, but I know it's out there.
How many thousands of lifestyles had to axed in order to build one worth 250mil?
Am I exaggerating? Was it only 100s of lifestyles, ordinary lifestyles?
Was it that 25mil wouldn't have been nearly enough?
If so, what made 25omil enough? So many questions. So few answers.

How Do You Earn A Living?

The average person may be able to accept the laws of certain ways sanctioned in business for
earning a living, without exactly admiring it, or being jealous of it.
There are people who would love to be millionaires; but they want to do it in theater, or film, or
sports, or patents, or franchises. They would prefer to build, rather than tear down.
Possibly, if some of those people found the chance to tear things apart, they would do it. But
most probably people are doing things which wouldn't give them an opportunity to 'venture'
into weak capital markets.
Gov Rom should see the movie or read the book, Bonfire Of The Vanities. The cake scene is
very interesting. We see a woman who has sacrificed some moral fiber to benefit from a profession she actually does not admire at all.

Cathloic Church Can't Discriminate Against Women

Oh my! How can that be right? By conscience, they HAVE to. They always have before. The
entire church, the entire history of the church is inside the womb of every baby girl born from
her birth until her death. The entire life of her womb has been legislated for centuries. Why
would they ever change that? They are outraged anyone would even suggest they modify!
The church can't be in error.
The church which wiped out entire populatioins of South American endemic peoples is absolutely infallible about wombs, and life.
The church which stoned young girls as possessed when a priest or monk became obsessed with
the youngster in the Middle Ages has perfect judgement. Hey guys, did you know her womb died when she did? So did her ovaries. The 'devil' didn't save her from your barbarism.
Virtually every mass murderer in the Cosa Nostra was Catholic. Nice.
I have an idea. This country will allow Catholic organizations to save all contraception money,
while other organizations must comply with non-discrimination. After all, it's their fault for not
joining the Catholic church isn't it.
I have another idea. Catholic laws can be adopted to oppose most all U.S. law.
OR my last idea. Catholic bishops could read the New Testament, and 'render unto Ceasar'.
What? I follow faith and doctrine.

Monday, February 6, 2012

You Go Girl!

Giselle was right on the money. Tom Brady did do his job. I guess that should have worked for
him, especially after so many Giants' injuries.
I wondered during the game if some of those players need to simply grow up.
What would someone be pointing to the heavens for? Mrs. Kraft can see you. All she would want
is for you to get that ring.
And what would you be patting your chest to do? The name was clearly there. I hope you didn't
think you were having a Tebow moment. Not all fans appreciate demonstrative exhibitionism.
Maybe you thought you could sell anti-perspirant later.
Why point to the owners' box as well? Massuh was a good ole massuh?Was that it? Have you been renting The Blind Side, The Help, or maybe even The Green Mile? That's goofy stuff.
Well, go back to your off season movies then. This year's championship possibility is 'gon wit
de win',yes, pun intended.
Perhaps next year all of you will be able to play with the football idea Butterfly McQueen so
assertively exclaimed: "Ah don't know nothin' bout birthin' no babies!" Black self-determination
took a big leap forward with that line, and the way it was delivered. Football could take a hint.
Play the game without diversifying. Diversify once the game is done.
Brady will still be in New England next year.
Think about Eli while you're off. Did he once take his mind off the game? I don't think so.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


In so many cases, homeowners were pressed by unsolicited bankers to re-mortgage with a couple of years of fixed rate, then an increasingly inflatable balloon rate after that, with signings of about
30 pages of legalese, and a promise of nearly guaranteed opportunity to re-mortgage again if the
balloon rate proved to be too big. Most homeowners could not foresee the bank got any advantage
from putting them in a mortgage they would not later modify, but then foreclose.
As a matter of fact, why have these banks done that?

Women Against Breast Cancer

So nearly as quickly as the Susan G. Komen Foundation cut Planned Parenthood from funding,
they restored them to funding.
We have to wonder if that seems to have happened because Planned Parenthood showed signs
of getting phenomenally increased support from all over the place in one 24 hour period.
In less than 72 hours, PP says they amassed 3 million dollars in funds, some of them very publicly donated.
At the same time, Susan G. went from the preeminent foundation of record for advancing all cause
against breast cancer, to a vehicle for restricting abortion rights.
I cannot for the life of me see that as a fair trade. They have blighted themselves for a foreseeable
future; and their cause before this was relatively pure.
Somehow they were a white, middle to upper class women's organization, helping women of all
backgrounds fight a scourge of a disease. Were they not getting enough research info from the
disease process in poor non-white women?
Why make Planned Parenthood sweep of function an issue? Some say the Tea Party, that party
which is not one, had undo influence.
I truly hope Planned Parenthood will now get increased private funding that would otherwise
have gone to Komen, in spite of the foundations quick reversal. Komen does have this right to be
narrow and obstructive. So many Americans refuse to draw a good line between the rights of the
born, functioning as individuals, and the rights of the unborn, functioning in a vessel.
And obviously, private funding for public cause is low-hanging fruit in present political climes.

My Church

Catholics know how they want to treat their women.
Catholics feel their women are different than other women.
Catholics believe their institutional authority over wombs supersedes a woman's equal rights to
medical care in a free society.
Catholics know how Christ felt about the things he was not explicit about saying.
Catholics are saying they don't even want equal rights over behaviors their church has denied them to have.
Somehow they'd rather disobey their church by using birth control than declare they have a right to disobey their church by using birth control, if indeed 98% have used it as studies suggest.
If any of us have ever wondered what Catholic guilt is all about, we see it illustrated in neon lights now.
It is, if nothing else, duplicitous; an individual divided against self.
POTUS has stood up for the rights he must stand for, as people say they don't want the right.
Instead of going on the attack, why not as employers, request Catholic women not to involve
you in birth control purchases? Put a scarlet letter on any person who uses health insurance
from your 'Catholicness' to buy birth control. We have so many scarlet letters floating around these days. Get yourselves some of them. But don't blame POTUS for pushing equal protection under the law. As usual, he is 'just tryin' t help' Ike.

Friday, February 3, 2012


I am so glad we are inching away from the equality rhetoric when we aren't talking about
In the fifties I used to find it a puzzling insult to be considered equal to some prejudiced white
person whose grandma willingly came here on a boat.
I was a kid; but that is how I was raised.
What decent person would want to be 'equal' to a barbarous slaver?
Who wants to be considered equal to a racist who had the choice to come here?
I thought I would understand it better as I got older. When my parents explained African American history to me, I thought, "Aren't we supposed to be the ones who are superior and angry?
Didn't we survive without executing all that violence, force, and assault?
I am more sophisticated now. But I feel quite certain I told my own children: "there are some
things and people to which and to whom we would definitely not want to consider ourselves 'equal'." Yuk ...

Eleven Million Grandmothers

Mr. Gov Rom has asserted to The Newt in a debate that the immigration 'problem' does not
merit the compassion we would give eleven million grandmothers.
Here is the thing. We don't have a problem at all with eleven million illegal immigrants. All of
them know the way home. We have the problem with whomever has hired an illegal immigrant,
such that the hired person and his family would be really dumb to go back home to no job.
Here is a thought: pay Americans a living wage instead. Then you won't seem to want a system
of communist leanings, where a chosen few live a life of privilege, but everyone else makes the
same teeny tiny bit of money no matter how hard they work.
Hiring causes immigration people: illegal and otherwise.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Komen The Political

Komen doesn't want a relationship with an agency which provides a much needed legal service
to women, Planned Parenthood.
So then who needs them?
Apparently they have enough valid data to fight a cure with data from women who say they have never had an abortion?
Of course that doesn't matter. At least Komen won't have anything to do with
an organization offering terminations. That is the best Susan G. will be able to do, because of
course they will treat women who have had abortions. They will treat women who have performed abortions. They will treat women who have aided in the termination of pregnancies.
They won't treat them through Planned Parenthood. They will treat them all directly themselves, the Susan G. Komen Foundation, because privacy is privacy- but they want to have destroyed it in Planned Parenthood.
This way, though, Planned Parenthood can replace Komen funding with funds from sources
wanting nothing to do with forcing more women's health issues onto society and into our country, by pushing us all back to a time when abortion was illegal, inviting sanctioned scorn.
Planned Parenthood: good riddance to compromising, complicating, privacy-stomping minds and funds ... you are better off. Now you can build a great coalition.
Komen will have to 'crawl' to a cure; but you may be the ones able to help them in the end - if they can even accept the cures you help advance. You will have excellent research documentation.
The whole matter may have been better handled by allowing private matters to be private, because of course no one will have a sensible way to any individual's relationship with having
had abortions, or helped with abortions, or performed abortions. The scarlet letter is dead.

Thank You Lawrence O'Donnell

I had no idea what the PBGC could do. The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation is a government agency. According to Lawrence, they are now fighting to force American Airlines
to honor the pension agreements they made with their employees. Apparently AA has underfunded the agreements they made when the company sought protections in bankruptcy court.
Whereas a bankrupt company can't meet all its fiscal responsibilities, pension promises are in
a class by themselves. They are agreements made in return for WORK, not investment.
People not able to live off investment make agreements to live off the efforts of their work.
According to AA, work done per specific agreement has no more right to respect than the informed gamble to take a chance on money that may work.
Perhaps now that corporations are people, corporations would like to advance a reality in which
dollars are people as well.
So when an AA pilot agrees to work so that he can eat enough to maintain a medically normal
weight, what will the dollars cheated from his pension plan be eating when he gets to the grocery
with half the money it costs him to buy food?
Now it makes more sense that Bain Capital would attempt to curb pension benefit obligations
to employees. Why that money which escapes from employee benefit goes into the Bain pocketbook!


If all your superiority is based on how well you can lie, cheat, exploit, assault, and steal as much
as you can, what happens to the strengths you could have developed instead?
Even when you legalize as much aberrant behavior as you can think of in yourself, while criminalizing every behavior you can describe in people who are trying to sidestep your many follies, that legality is on the paper, and in the minds of those making troglodyte thinking seem desirable.
What will happen then, when legal behaviors can be better defined as those which decry all your intentional assaultive and exploitative behavior toward others?
Hopefully, the day legal behavior doesn't destroy the lives of people who work, is in the near future of our country.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

State Of The Union January 2012

What a relief to hear positive changes can be a part of our future!
I do have to wonder about the milk spill, though . Has anyone ever seen those huge milk vat silo
things? I would Not want to see a spill!
But apparently we are adding jobs, showing strength abroad, returning the power of our auto
industry, increasing our commitment to energy at home, and a great deal other things which will
ensure a strong middle class growth in our country.
I hope the real estate proposal outlined will work for the housing industry. Reporters have described the particulars as workable only if banks get a pass on being held accountable for their
errant parts in the crises in all fifty states. Two states have attorney generals who think that is too
bitter a pill to swallow.
Maybe if home owners get enough relief, these banks could get a temporary pass, having cases
dismissed without prejudice in the event they err again.


Why would republican politics put forth the pretense of wanting to govern? These are the groups
who want no central government. The Middle Class is standing between them and the poor,
thereby having to, as a class, be rendered poor themselves- by 'the job creators'.
Governing fascists will want us all as renters with no careers. Simple jobs with plenty of 'duties' for each will do as far as 'bosses' are concerned.
Those government fascists would return us Italian city-states, and the German city-states of centuries past. City-states dissolve into warring factions. Have we forgotten?
Non government types might even like us to skip over even the Middle Ages to return to Athens and Sparta. But didn't they have to eventually unite to become Greece?
They want there to be a ruling, Patrician class who owns everything; and then there exists the
rest of us.
So who are those causing any sort of 'warfare'? Are those crying out against oppressive policies the ones causing the policies by hating them?
I feel certain that isn't how it works.
Would people hoping for much needed overtime in their checks actually beg to be laid off?
Would people plead to work for years without a raise?
Would the average worker want a promotion to consist of twice as much work with a raise of
a few cents per hour called 'salary'?
Would someone with a family want to work a series of 'temp' jobs offering few if any benefits-
then have Social Security gutted as well?
How many people who have to work want no workplace rules( save the whim of an employer) and no right to organize?
If no one at all worked in a union, what could working people strive for in a daily routine that
wasn't at the whim of an unregulated workplace?
Republicans really would work old people and children until they dropped.
Ruling classes did do that in England during the 16th and 17th centuries, and before.
British farmers are still having a hard time working their own land in some cases. They hate the
collectives they have to work so hard to avoid, and which have become increasingly necessary in order to grow enough food. Yes, farming can still be labor intensive.
Republicans would like to be elected in large numbers so that they can tear our government
down. They would fund an ever burgeoning military force, leaving public policy leadership
to Libertarian goals: which are of course to have no goals for public policy, and actually no public policy at all.
We can vote to destroy our own government. As we do that, we have to know we are destroying
ourselves. As we destroy ourselves, all manner of foreign oppressors will constantly intervene
in any policy we did have which would tend to keep us a whole country. We'd play right into the hands of having not only a lack of government, but a lack of nation.
Our Middle Class is an enemy of regression. Our Middle Class offers goods and services to
itself, and to the poor.
We fight the possibility our houses will burn to the ground, or our family members will be killed
fighting fire without professional safety measure.
We fight against the murder and theft of all members of our society, not the rich members alone.
We teach all children in professions which have grown in a myriad of subjects over the years.
We offer each other professional nursing services when one of us is ill, even though we can barely afford doctors or medicines.
We build homes for each other, neighborhoods, not mainly tenements.
We build roads we can safely travel over in the vehicles we've also built.
We train one another to be social workers for members in our society who may have gotten lost.
A great many of the poor and disadvantaged among us are women and children.
Women, therefore, who are not greatly dependent upon men, can expect a future of increasing
deprivation, of an increasingly backward evolution of choice, of opportunities for self-reliance, of personal, public and private autonomy.
Women who are already greatly dependent upon men, well, you will surely have to stay that way.
Men and women who have daughters they don't want at the mercy of those who would make
them poor, should vote a bit more progressively than you would if you if you didn't care about the
possibilities for your girl children to become poor adults.
Make no mistake here middle class voters, your ways of life are 'slip slidin' away' (the way the song words erosion).
Your opportunities for bettering your ways of life are 'slip slidin away'.
And make no mistake working people: Poverty is a tremendously violent force in any one's life.
Electing persons who don't want a government is a cruel hoax on the public and its sensibilities.