Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Why would republican politics put forth the pretense of wanting to govern? These are the groups
who want no central government. The Middle Class is standing between them and the poor,
thereby having to, as a class, be rendered poor themselves- by 'the job creators'.
Governing fascists will want us all as renters with no careers. Simple jobs with plenty of 'duties' for each will do as far as 'bosses' are concerned.
Those government fascists would return us Italian city-states, and the German city-states of centuries past. City-states dissolve into warring factions. Have we forgotten?
Non government types might even like us to skip over even the Middle Ages to return to Athens and Sparta. But didn't they have to eventually unite to become Greece?
They want there to be a ruling, Patrician class who owns everything; and then there exists the
rest of us.
So who are those causing any sort of 'warfare'? Are those crying out against oppressive policies the ones causing the policies by hating them?
I feel certain that isn't how it works.
Would people hoping for much needed overtime in their checks actually beg to be laid off?
Would people plead to work for years without a raise?
Would the average worker want a promotion to consist of twice as much work with a raise of
a few cents per hour called 'salary'?
Would someone with a family want to work a series of 'temp' jobs offering few if any benefits-
then have Social Security gutted as well?
How many people who have to work want no workplace rules( save the whim of an employer) and no right to organize?
If no one at all worked in a union, what could working people strive for in a daily routine that
wasn't at the whim of an unregulated workplace?
Republicans really would work old people and children until they dropped.
Ruling classes did do that in England during the 16th and 17th centuries, and before.
British farmers are still having a hard time working their own land in some cases. They hate the
collectives they have to work so hard to avoid, and which have become increasingly necessary in order to grow enough food. Yes, farming can still be labor intensive.
Republicans would like to be elected in large numbers so that they can tear our government
down. They would fund an ever burgeoning military force, leaving public policy leadership
to Libertarian goals: which are of course to have no goals for public policy, and actually no public policy at all.
We can vote to destroy our own government. As we do that, we have to know we are destroying
ourselves. As we destroy ourselves, all manner of foreign oppressors will constantly intervene
in any policy we did have which would tend to keep us a whole country. We'd play right into the hands of having not only a lack of government, but a lack of nation.
Our Middle Class is an enemy of regression. Our Middle Class offers goods and services to
itself, and to the poor.
We fight the possibility our houses will burn to the ground, or our family members will be killed
fighting fire without professional safety measure.
We fight against the murder and theft of all members of our society, not the rich members alone.
We teach all children in professions which have grown in a myriad of subjects over the years.
We offer each other professional nursing services when one of us is ill, even though we can barely afford doctors or medicines.
We build homes for each other, neighborhoods, not mainly tenements.
We build roads we can safely travel over in the vehicles we've also built.
We train one another to be social workers for members in our society who may have gotten lost.
A great many of the poor and disadvantaged among us are women and children.
Women, therefore, who are not greatly dependent upon men, can expect a future of increasing
deprivation, of an increasingly backward evolution of choice, of opportunities for self-reliance, of personal, public and private autonomy.
Women who are already greatly dependent upon men, well, you will surely have to stay that way.
Men and women who have daughters they don't want at the mercy of those who would make
them poor, should vote a bit more progressively than you would if you if you didn't care about the
possibilities for your girl children to become poor adults.
Make no mistake here middle class voters, your ways of life are 'slip slidin' away' (the way the song words erosion).
Your opportunities for bettering your ways of life are 'slip slidin away'.
And make no mistake working people: Poverty is a tremendously violent force in any one's life.
Electing persons who don't want a government is a cruel hoax on the public and its sensibilities.

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