Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Who Wants To Lead?

Republicans are redistricting voting areas in the states so that there are all-white districts, and
then there are all black, all Hispanic or other minority districts.
Republicans are restricting voting rights by insisting on many requirements a minority person might have trouble producing. Why not ask for an original marriage document from an
elderly long time widow? They likely need items which cannot be produced.
Republicans are making issues of questions already asked and answered.
Republicans are nominating in a self-imposed circus-like atmosphere.
Could it be they have decided they can run us all without the use of the office of the president?
Baby boomers are dying quickly enough for Social Security and Medicare to thrive. Or aren't
we? Is that what has them talking about nothing that would enhance what life we have left?
The dialogues they develop talking points around all refer to the inconvenience of our country having workers who can retire. Wall Street should have the right to raid the trillions in the
Social Security accounts, as well as the trillions in worker pension funds, right?
I don't believe so greedy ones.
Workers can retire in America. Women can control their reproductive health in America. Women
can divorce easily in America. Elderly persons have a right to medical care in America.
Why would you rather agitate for rolling back rights than discuss ways our hard won rights can
further develop our lives.
Pay my sons and daughters a living wage.
Educate my grandchildren.
If you discuss new and varying ways in which those things can be accomplished, I can stop using
the money I invested in old age to help feed my family long past the days I finished rearing them.
Know the difference between leading and attacking? I'd like to hope you do.

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