Monday, February 27, 2012

Let's Get Dumber By The Minute

Making sure everyone who would like to get a college education at least has a chance to try is a
good thing for public policy.
But we can't expect the Saint to know that. He doesn't know the possible snobbishness of having
three degrees and seven kids.
Most Americans couldn't begin to afford any of that.
President Obama hasn't mandated anyone go to university unless they'd like a chance to go.
For the middle class, college is practically a rite of passage for a definite percentage of high school
Some young people do give up many mystical ideals when starting a college sojourn; but once they have families of their own, they definitely get back to church in predictable numbers.
The thing is, the Saint doesn't have a divinity degree. And President Obama, unlike the Saint,
doesn't pretend to have one.
I'm beginning to think this Saint is only running for the Republican presidential nomination
as a way of proselytizing for his faith.
He should know, however, that if he doesn't shut up soon, and in the meantime refrain from talking about throwing up, not only will people not consider converting to Catholicism for generations to come, some Catholics may consider leaving the church so as not to have to think of
themselves as 'crazy'.
By the way Mr. three degrees, I am not a 'bla' person. I've never even heard of one.

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