Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Tough Act To Follow

At this point I have to assume Republicans have decided 2012 would be a terrible year for them
to win the presidency.
What would they do in fact?
POTUS is a firm, respected player in foreign affairs. All the Republican party could do post
George W. Bush is muck it up.
Domestic policy will be driven by jobs coming back to America, and by manufacturing seeing
a resurgence. Republicans have too much of the ire of the largest and richest unions to be able
to lead effectively on those fronts.
Social policy will be driven by women's issues, and minority problems. In attempting to derail
health care, and to drive Hispanics from the homes of their infancies and childhoods, Republicans cannot lead on those issues either.
It has occurred to them there is nothing to do aside from trying to demonize President Obama
or his policies until the actual convention date. Once the date has passed, there will be no use
talking crazy anymore. So why think seriously of a win? Republicans will do no more than keep
their base base, until a time when President Obama will be an act someone lesser has to follow.
In any case, that person, hopefully, will not be not be a Republican.

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