Monday, February 6, 2012

You Go Girl!

Giselle was right on the money. Tom Brady did do his job. I guess that should have worked for
him, especially after so many Giants' injuries.
I wondered during the game if some of those players need to simply grow up.
What would someone be pointing to the heavens for? Mrs. Kraft can see you. All she would want
is for you to get that ring.
And what would you be patting your chest to do? The name was clearly there. I hope you didn't
think you were having a Tebow moment. Not all fans appreciate demonstrative exhibitionism.
Maybe you thought you could sell anti-perspirant later.
Why point to the owners' box as well? Massuh was a good ole massuh?Was that it? Have you been renting The Blind Side, The Help, or maybe even The Green Mile? That's goofy stuff.
Well, go back to your off season movies then. This year's championship possibility is 'gon wit
de win',yes, pun intended.
Perhaps next year all of you will be able to play with the football idea Butterfly McQueen so
assertively exclaimed: "Ah don't know nothin' bout birthin' no babies!" Black self-determination
took a big leap forward with that line, and the way it was delivered. Football could take a hint.
Play the game without diversifying. Diversify once the game is done.
Brady will still be in New England next year.
Think about Eli while you're off. Did he once take his mind off the game? I don't think so.

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