Thursday, March 1, 2012

Parading Up And Down The Thoroughfare

Yes, they put on short short skirts, covering minimal underwear, and paint red red lips, to stroll
the city streets looking for any takers.
I know why the girls do it. I don't judge the girls. But why are the grown men in the Republican
Party Primary doing it? And is it working? Governor Romney had to ask for Internet money when
he declared his Michigan three point lead over Senator Saint. All this posturing to advertise
themselves as people ready, willing, and able to exploit women to the fullest extents... is it bringing the foreign money into their super-pacs, as it seemed to me they thought it would? I don't think it is working. But they won't give up.
At first they came for the immigrant population.
Then they targeted minority voters.
About that time too, they came for our unions.
Now they have come for the women.
So we are waiting. Who is next?
Are we going to invoke Mr. Niemoller forever?
Since 1970, as a late date, these subversive Republican efforts to institute 19th century politics
into 20th and now 21st century modern life and business have been getting increasingly overt.
They are principally using a righter turning "Supreme Court" in order to chip away bit by bit at
all the civil rights legislation in federal law. What these groups have failed to fully grasp, is that
all that legislation was based on constitutional guarantees.
During the Reagan administration, and during the Bush (the son) administration, these groups
made a lot of progress. They piled up a great deal of case law under every piece of civil rights
law imaginable. Those laws are now nearly as weighted down as the 14th amendment to our
constitution was when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. began to be an activist in the Southern
Christian Leadership Conference.
Now that our laws on civil liberties are somewhat hobbled again, the right wing has Citizens
United on their side. Corporations in America are people. So I imagine multinationals are all
people as well. And since that is done, the rest of us need to be in court chipping away at that
hammer and chisel with a constancy, the way Minnesota is attempting to do.
However, having the tea party successfully stack the states' decks with Republican governors
and legislatures makes it a bit difficult.
Still, if we don't, we can kiss a representative democracy goodbye. I can't even imagine the dredges left in its place.
Now of course that corporations are people, the "Supreme" court has decided to hear a case on
the civil rights of corporations.
And the way that court has gutted affirmative action, we can only guess what kinds of giant rights
the giant people will have.
We should get someone to sponsor a bill which gives rights by the pound, up to a healthy medical
weight per inch of height in an average adult human being. Any "people" not in the norm don't get a vote, and don't get constitutional rights.
(Funny how affirmative action is so wrong when slavery built these universities in the first place.
Americans pay little attention to the true history of the original thirteen colonies. )

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