Monday, March 12, 2012

When Chicago Shuts Its Doors To K-12

When Chicago destroys so many schools, and so many teachers' jobs, how many "A" students will
they displace in those schools?
How many "B" students will be displaced?
Will a lot of "C" students lose their places?
What will happen to struggling "D" average youngsters?
And those who are failing? Will they be encouraged by Chicago officials hanging the albatross
of school failures and closures around thier necks, and their teachers' necks?
Good job Chicago. You are a Democratic city with Republican solutions to student need. What
a wonderful Frankenstein you have become. And somehow, there aren't even many angry
villagers with torches at your very expensive gates. That's right. It costs so much to park in your
city, that cars often drive out their expensive gas ... circling. Those who'd want to protests had better be prepared to walk a lot.
You are implementing a neutering schools plan. Fail to do what you should be doing, and leave
the victims the blame. Good luck pretending to offer a better education. You ARE the albatross.

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