Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Is Romney Aleady Toast/ Or Is He Closing In?

I think it's a miracle Romney got any votes at all in a state so dependent on auto company jobs.
People know he is not a friend to the industry, though it raised and bred him. So whatever is the matter with Ohio, is obviously the same thing that is the 'matter with Kansas'.
Yet I wonder: can Romney win the general if he is anathema to the south? Perhaps the same
thing that's 'the matter with Kansas' will be the matter with all these states in the general election.
Students and Hispanic people have to vote for our President. We know the black community will stick with POTUS if they are motivated to get out and vote. But in the general, I am wondering; if Ohio can so vote against its own interests, many states may tend to follow suit.
The one race that gives me pause on that is Virginia. Romney and Ron Paul are so close on
so many issues that I marvel Ron Paul got 4 of every 1o votes in that state!
Virginia Republicans have to really hate Romney for that to be true. They voted against him because they could. Only the Congressman was in that race with Romney, so Virginians in great number decided they did not have to consider the general election. They did not need to vote for Romney, and so they did not. Virginia is not typically "the South" when it comes to the vote. In Virginia, women it particular will galvanize and 'backlash' vote against policies which enrage them. Perhaps Republicans have forgotten about Governor Wilder. I don't see how.
In the end, if Romney is the nominee, will women Republicans vote for him, and will Republicans turn out to vote at all?
The one other really unusual thing about Super Tuesday is that The Saint decided to hang his hat
once more on "Obama Care" as he calls it. When will Republicans get the point that we already
have health care mandates. No fault car insurance is a health care mandate. But because it is
in individual states, it is WAY too expensive!
And then did I hear him correctly? When the health care law gets fully implemented, 100% of
Americans will have government insurance? I wish that were true. It is not true. I guess he will
somehow manage to keep his government insurance though. That is the important thing isn't
I do wonder what the energy debate will be in the national election, too.
The Salamander said last night that our President is dragging his feet on 'drill baby drill'. Much
to the chagrin of his base, President Obama is not dragging his feet at all on drilling. Since that point will be easily proved in a national election,what will the energy debate be? Right now there exists a small window of time in which we can beat China with all her billions of people and all her trillions of dollars, if we don't drag our feet on the President's energy initiatives. We have a ton of rigs drilling in the gulf, and new exploration in Alaska, no matter what the Republican magpies tell us. But our president is anxious for wind, solar, gas, biofuels, and clean coal to come online in a competitive and cost effective way. Other nations are developing these things for world consumption and export.
Therefore, environmentalists have the President's urging, backing, and financial incentive to come up with low cost scientifically sound to solutions to public health hazard. They need to get on it.

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