Saturday, March 24, 2012

My Neighborhood/Your Neighborhood

This is my neighborhood.
That one over there is yours.
People do kill over that.
Well, in America they do. Other countries may be different.
When I read Mike Royko's book, Boss, I wanted to cry when I came to the chapter where the
lost nine-year-old boy came out of the water on Lake Michigan at a part of the beach where no black persons were allowed.
The people present where he came out of the water were so trashy, they forced him back into the lake. He drowned.
I try hard to forget those kinds of events in American history. Then when another black child is killed here for no reason, I feel guilty for trying so hard to forget the former child.
I begin to feel I haven't given enough children enough warnings.
Our young men are supposed to be cautious about what they wear.
They are to be cautious about having tattoos.
They are to have only approved hair cuts and hair styles.
They have to be careful about their gaits.
They have to be careful about being in groups.
They have to be quiet about being stopped and frisked.
Apparently, they cannot travel alone.
They cannot be armed.
They cannot attempt to disarm.
Aren't our young men already all in jail then? The rich, the poor, and the middle classed?
More and more, I understand W.E.B. Dubois, and Marcus Garvey.

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