Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Wrong Effigies

Why are some Afghan people angry with the President Of The United States Of America? Why
would they hang him in effigy? They are the ones always proud to call themselves a graveyard
of some sort. They are the ones who worship backward Taliban policies,no matter what trouble that develops. Why don't they hang some of those Taliban or some of the Queda they could hoist in effigy?
Peaceful, productive, Afghan people must wonder how much violence is going to take the place of
working, prospering and progressing, so that the Americans can leave?!
No one has forced the Afghan government to anchor the Afghan population in antiquity, to isolate them from the rest of civilization.
America has a hard time abandoning the Afghan population and its land mass to drug lords and wife beaters, when that is exactly the sort of environment radicals need in order to train jihadists to kill thousands of western citizens at a time.
Now that Nato forces are making some needed progress in that very slow-moving part of the world, suddenly every tragedy is highlighted as some awful thing the Americans have done to a
peaceful people.
Somehow, a rogue soldier did do an abominable thing. But why leave President Obama or even
the occupation the blame for simply being in the country in the first place.
Afghanistan has to become a place where mass violence cannot be planned and fueled so that people, Afghani or otherwise, can become victims.
The Afghan government has got to cooperate with America in order for that goal to be achieved.
Though the goals should be temporally bound, they can't be bound by the simple fact that
some foreigner in that country did something wrong. We are there in the first place because some
foreigners in our country did some 3ooo wrongs, not including U.S. property.
So if they want us out of there, we have given them plenty of ways to get us out. No,
we are not exactly enjoying our visit there; and we are not enjoying a sense of glory there. Yes, we are truly quite anxious to be out of the presence of the wonderfully enlightened Hamid Karzai.

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