Friday, March 23, 2012

Condolences To Reverend Al Sharpton

Reverend Al went on air last night though he got the news of his mom's passing earlier yesterday.
I wish him and his family the best present time possible, and I applaud him for truly being the son his mom raised, as he is standing for justice even during this stage of very pointed grief in his life.
Reverend Al said on his show that his mother always told him: 'If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."
Well, yesterday, Rev. Al was the best possible son he personally could have been for his mom, because he stood by Ms. Fulton, and Mr. Martin, for the sake of justice for a child and for the boy's family.
Since Rev. Al has always stood for justice, and for the climate in which justice overtakes all that stands for injustice, Rev. Al stands for the best in any of us. And luckily for us, his hard work and his steadfast commitment to the public ideals he has always espoused, have given him the best bully pulpit anyone could ever hope to have achieved. His mom is surely right now, as proud as she could be here on earth, or in her afterlife.

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