Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Is Anyone Filing Suit?

Sabrina Fulton and Tracey Martin should sue Florida officials for desecrating the body of their
son. If these officials made no attempt to contact parents or next of kin for Trayvon, they had no
right to order tests on his body. He had not been charged, even posthumously, with anything.
Hollister, the name brand clothiers, should sue. How dare anyone suggest their products are suspicious in the rain!
Skittles should sue. Nothing about Skittles is suspicious.
The housing complex Trayvon was visiting should sue.
Does that complex have a neighborhood watch the killer could rightfully represent? If not, that community now has uninvited notoriety.
The state of Florida needs to prosecute many things, ,the least of which would be that this killer
may have contributed to, and even set up what he has described as a delinquency in this child.
He claims he stalked the young person; then minutes later he says the young man followed him. He accosted someones child then, which led the child to follow him. Why would he provoke a child to do that; except of course that he is obviously making these things up as he goes along.
If the eyewitness testimony is true (And why would they lie?) this killer also desecrated Trayvon's body once he had completed the killing.
The witnesses say they saw this murderer stand with his feet on either side of the child, while the child lay face down, the killer pushing on the child's back in motions which would have pushed all the air out of the young man's lungs, at the least. Why is a grown man straddling a child in any circumstance?
Sounds as much like perversion as anything could to my ear.
If these eyewitnesses saw what they saw, the killer in question is lethal in any community.

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