Friday, March 2, 2012

Young White Males

As Republicans salivate over dissecting women's parts, we wonder if in another life they may have
been serial killers. Where is Shirley Maclaine when we need her? At the same time, we wonder why they would ignore a real 21st century trend which may signal a worrisome set of troubles.
An increasing number of young men in their twenties are undergoing voluntary vasectomies. Doesn't that worry legislators at all; or is it a matter of privacy, and of the fact that
the young man's body belongs to him, as does his decision about sperm production?
What about all the dead life-giving cells? Are you worried about them?
What is it about American society, moreover, what makes men so young decide they never even
want the option of having children? These are not minority males. Do you care?
Young women may not be so far behind these young men. They are not as eager to marry, for
instance, as they once were. Are you helping? No you aren't. You are disgusting young women.
As a somewhat parallel aside, I made my family quite angry one day in or around the year 2000.
We were watching The Oprah Winfrey Show. I made the remark: "even though I prefer to see
black men marrying black women, I sure don't blame the white women who prefer them. Soon
there will be fewer and fewer women of any race wanting to marry white men. These men are
really making a mess of whatever they can. They are escalating their destructive behaviors."
When I said it I didn't realize how racist a sound it had to it. I thought I was speaking in sociologically statistical, dry predictive terms.
But I shut up. There have been mixed-race relationships in my family. I snapped out of it. Then,
in 2005, I felt somewhat vindicated. An article in a major Chicago newspaper cited millions of
dollars had been spent by Texas and Oklahoma attempting to encourage young women to marry.
Dissatisfied with the progress they were making in Texas, that state instituted a law which made
marriage or separation counseling mandatory for anyone seeking a divorce.
I was appalled, because announcing a desire for dissolution of marriage has proven to be extremely dangerous for women. But I recall hoping no one would get hurt by failing to do it quietly.
Last night,as I listened to the day's news, I began to wonder whether any of those new programs worked. Texas passed their dumb transvaginal probe law. Oklahoma has one on the way.
Guys, if the woman doesn't want you, she will find a way to get free of you. Don't get mad ... get

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