Friday, March 16, 2012

Whose Taxes Do You Pay?

Are we living in a place and time where each person knows and approves of all policies and
initiatives his and her taxes have funded?
Our taxes fund the laws...all the laws.
Black workers in Mississippi paid taxes used to enforce Jim Crow.
Quakers pay taxes which help fund wars.
Lilly Ledbetter paid taxes before the equal pay for equal work law was signed.
Blind people pay taxes which help buy books for sighted students.
Deaf persons pay taxes to help public airways sound 'emergency broadcast signals'.
People who work are told their insurance benefits are part of their compensation packets, whether they go to a hospital or doctor or not, whether there is a layoff or not.
Then, those workers pay taxes on their gross earnings.
We don't get to assign our taxes individually, exclusively to the projects we like.
Go figure.
That would be a world power turned into a sudden, chaotic, foreign country dominated soup.
Therefore, please don't tell me whose taxes pay for what. We all pay for all of it, as we ought.

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