Friday, March 16, 2012

Women In America

American women are shamefully wanton in the way they insist on making decisions about their
own reproductive lives. I don't blame them.
Many times, men agree wholeheartedly with the views of these women. Oftentimes because men have daughters, they prefer their children exercise choice over all the options which should be available to them in a modern society. Other men have that same sentiment toward women who may be their mothers, sisters, aunts, cousins and/or friends.
Some people, on the other hand, may be naturally reactionary toward autonomy for women.
By 1982, for instance (I know none of what has happened since. I read about this then.) more than one million marriages in the U.S. had as pre-nupts, that a husband asking his wife to become pregnant, was to give the wife grounds for divorce.
These pre-nupts may seem extreme. However, women feeling intensely competetive in life-long professions, wanted no thought of ever missing out on a promotion or a raise because they were competing with someone who would never need to take six weeks off to give birth, or a day off to care for a sick child.
After 1960, when many of the most prestigious colleges began admitting women, some women
decided in honor of their frustrated high school dreams, and in some cases the frustrated dreams of their own moms, aunts, older sisters, etc. - to go full speed ahead in striving for their own personal definitions of competitive success.
I didn't think to emulate them, for some unenlightened reasons of my own. Things did turn out
well for me and my own teeny tiny aspirations anyway.
However, I am immensely proud of those women who stayed the course full steam ahead.
If one woman each day decides to be happy with her decision not to have children, that's fine.
If one woman per day decides she has no need of marriage, that's fine.
In America, those things get more fine each day.
So it may seem to some republicans who can afford birth control, and air fare to places where abortions are readily available, that the remainder of us need nothing more than to be subject to
feeling we could be under the gun or out of autonomy for any given number of possible
gender dependent reasons. They do understand they are showing no concern that half the American workforce would be effectively re-hobbled. We have no time to let that happen, even from now until November.
Women need to keep up the good work of competing to infuse more and more power into their
citizenship. In no way do we have time to go back in time to re-litigate the rights we waited so long to have a chance to exercise. Yet, it seems on the surface we have little choice.
So we need to gather professional persons, as many as possible who are on our side. We don't have to be distracted with what overbearing lawmakers seem to have to belabor of late.
If our friends put their heads together for us ... we will be able to get on with those things we really should be doing to forge ahead for the sum total of all our progress thus far. That's what's

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