Friday, March 23, 2012

Foreclosure Tragedy

Perhaps much of what caused someone to be murderously prickly about "my neighborhood"

was a place newly integrated or encompassing new and shifting populations of persons due to so

many foreclosures in Florida.
 What made a Florida neighborhood belong to a killer?

Who is a 28 year old man who has a mortgage in his name in a "gated community"?

What 28 year old man is a nuisance caller about open garage doors, kids playing in the streets,

and potholes-  during "neighborhood watch" sojourns.

If the police department was itself reactionary to a "changing" neighborhood, maybe that is why

they initially lost the faith of the black community before Mr. Lee became chief.

Perhaps the nature of the citizen complaints has changed so much, that Mr. Bonaparte felt

himself identified with the older Sanford community. All the officials seemed as wooden as they

were ineffective.

I can only guess; but the officials in Sanford didn't seem to see Trayvon Martin as an individual

human person. He seemed to be to them more a symbol of something. What in the world would

make them think to drug test the child? They did not have the parents' permission to do that!

Whatever is happening in some communities with high foreclosure rates, wherever the

newly displaced are finding themselves, whoever can't get away from underwater mortgages,

may continue to cost us all dearly.

 If the signs of entire police departments going from disgruntled to criminally disinterested and

culpable aren't going to begin to be recognized for what they are becoming, and monitored for

 stability improvement we are looking at more troubles which look exactly like Trayvon's killing.

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