Friday, January 27, 2012

Wanting To Earn An Honest Living

Middle class workers want to earn a good living advancing careers for themselves. Some workers
want to do their years, get their raises, and some promotions, while saving a little to augment
what they will collect in retirement benefit.
Some workers want to get into management as quickly as possible, and avail themselves of
whatever leadership opportunity their company offers.
There are workers who are trying to work long enough to save a college fund for a relative. They are otherwise secure enough to travel, or pursue some other business or interest.
There are no workers who have each decided to work for pennies until the day they die, having
enough to eat a little but not marry or live alone or have children, except in Iran.
No, people in Iran don't want it either. Many of them live that way to escape the violence of the
crazies of the guard, and that of the Ayotllahs.
The reason the American worker system works generation after generation, is because it gives
so many people chances to earn a good living, and it gives so many others a chance to work a way into some job provider class.
In that way, American innovation works generatively.
One generation takes the world pulse, then carries improvements to keep it throbbing on into the
next generation.
Not all economies encourage innovation.
Chinese students tell me repeatedly that they have babies; but if the baby needs a onesie, it's
going to get one or more- but the choices among those in your baby's size will be just about
In America, choice and opportunity advance civilization.
Money people want that to grind to a halt.
Why should it? No one gets rich unless someone produces. Product is king. That's the only way
money was meant to rule.

Citizens' Free For All

Oh pardon me ... I mean Citizens United. Did I say 'free for all'? What an awful confusion
that would be, aye? What would a 'free for all' have have to do with a Supreme Court Decision?
Silly moi!

He Threw The Fight

The Newt got ten million dollars last week. Then he had a retort stroke during last night's debate.
Suddenly he could 'bring it' the way he did in earlier weeks; but as soon as he provoked a
swing, he leaned into the punch, then collapsed onto the matt.
I saw the second match between Floyd Patterson and Ingemar Johanssen.
I saw the veiled threats Orin Hatch made when he agreed he would vote to confirm the phony
Supreme Court Justice who just as suspected, has never written a word of opinion.
Perhaps the party regulars have finally convinced everyone in the primary fight that salamanders
should stay out of the way of snakes.
I suspect Newt's response to one of Romney's attacks last night, "Fine", was somewhat lucrative.
I mean, he hasn't had a stroke has he?

Give Me A Break

The trustee ...
The bondholder ...
The blind trust ...
The investor ...
That is how Mitt Romney explains his all-American investments.
He has a masterful portfolio, and doesn't make his own investments.
Too much information dude. You are probably like the remainder of your colleagues in both
parties, but now that I had to hear you describe it while I am anguishing over the price of a
large bag of chicken wings, I am not envious; I am nauseated.
Grow up. Americans are not enough like you for you to give the long version.
Give the short answer, you dweeb.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Have You Seen That Finger Wag?

Governor of Arizona must be upset that the Governor of Mississippi behaved normally last year.
If a woman feels threatened, does she step to a grown man who has secret service everywhere
ready to pounce, in order to put her finger in his face, even though she can't even see him face to
face without looking up to him?
Two mayors from her own state have said our President didn't walk away from her either. She
lied about that. The mayors said President Obama stayed on the tarmack to talk with them. These mayors weren't both democratic.
Want to know what I think? I think the President of the United States might have himself been terrified because he may be afraid of all harpies.
If that woman can find a director, she won't even have to audition for a revival Broadway
project of The Wizard of Oz. No, not an audition for Glenda, of course.
I am a bit surprised, however, that he didn't throw a cup of water on her. She could have melted
like a bad witch.

You Can Be Governor!

You can be governor of Arizona. You can't be president of Arizona, though. Sorry. Duh...

Earth To The Newt

Space travel is being largely privatized now. Hello, aren't you a republican super-capitalist?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Rev Al

Some nutty tea partyer asked the Rev in public today to name his salary.
Rev didn't do it, of course.
But I know what Rev makes.
He is making the sum of money of a man who is not running for public office at this time.

Lost Income

People who work for a living could have for years brought home a certain salary for a 40 hour
Years ago, that same amount of work, 40 hours, began to show a lot less net money for the individual worker.
While this was happening to real middle class workers, the corps they worked for were reaping
greater and greater profits, paying for increasing less medical care, and paying fewer and fewer
taxes. Who paid, unwillingly, for the swollen, unearned company profits? People attempting
to work for a living paid for it ... without implicitly agreeing to pay for it.
Is every group cheat nothing more than a capitalist venture?
If you are a worker who would enjoy a situation a bit more even-handed than that, is it because
you are jealous?
You may be jealous of cheats and extortionists.
Could you have sunk that low?
I don't think that's it. It doesn't sound much like jealousy. It sounds more like wanting your
share. I think you want what you have worked for, and not only that which a company can't
get away with cheating you out of in salary and benefits.
Sounds less like envy and more like American citizenship to me.

Paychecks Are Dying

Jobs today are asking one person to do two jobs.
Jobs today are adking people to ignore work as career.
Jobs today are asking people to work without ever expecting a raise.
Jobs today ask people to work through holidays, refuse vacation days, work on sick days.
Are people offering these jobs dividing America, or am I?

Democratic Solutions

Someone is getting abused.
A. We have to discuss a way to stop it.
B. We have to discuss it openly.

Republican Solution

Someone is getting abused.
A. Don't bring it up.
B. If you have to speak about it, whisper.

Real Estate

There was a time when we all had to rent.
Landlords ran tenements. Landlords presided over slum housing. Housing projects sprawled beyond any agency's ability to manage them or keep them safe.
Those who could afford better apartments had to move frequently because landlords raised the
rents every year. No, they didn't put the extra money into
Landlords didn't need leases. Everyone needed somewhere to live.
Finally, tenements died.
Finally landlords were held accountable for rental properties.
Finally housing projects shrunk. Section 8 housing thrived.
Finally New York achieved rent control. Landlords couldn't turn housing into slum housing.
And still Jimmy McMillian is right: "The rent is too damned high!"

A Tinier War!

POTUS has announced The Afghan war is drawing down. What could be better news? Could there be better news? It has seemed lately that things were looking up because the Taliban has been asking for talks with the Afghan government. I hope the country will take President Obama's suggestion to use the money we save in this war to hire our vets for para military careers. I am so rejoicing these Taliban have to change the rhetoric of the 'graveyard of empires'.
Who brags about living in the 15th century forever? Moutains. Men should be happy to realize
they are not mountains.
Bin Laden's millions must have gotten crushed, scattered, sucked out of the Al Queda movements the Taliban wallowed in for so long.

Joe P.

On behalf of every child assaulted on the watch of coaches and leadership at Penn ... goodbye
Mr. P .... goodbye.
You dodged the bullet of a trial.

We Are Still Here

What is wrong with Congress? The debt will shrink the same way it ballooned ... incrementally.
For as long as baby boomers are alive, it will be alive. We paid into Social Security and Medicare because we knew we would need it. We need it. And we need the greedy to leave it alone. The
fund is not there to bail anyone else out. It is not there to pay down the debt. Let Bush pay it
down. He ballooned it more than any of the rest of us. Let Cheney and Condoleeza Rice help
him pay on it.
We don't need any debate at all about Social Security or Medicare unless Congress can make it
better for us. Our co-pays are burdensome!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

State Of The Union January 2012: II

Let's complete this mission, POTUS!

Are You Fit To Run?

Can you make a lot of rotting, phlegmy, vulgar, snide, vile, repulsive remarks about an entire
race of survivors of unbelievable historic hardships in your own country, as you regurgitate a
foul mix of your own diseased concoction of rude, surly,pestilent, inauthentic innuendo about
a leader of all the people?
Can you serially cheat, serially lie, serially beg forgiveness the way Sonia's stepfather does over and over in the Dostoyevsky novel Crime And Punishment; ( "Oh poor me. Once again I've caused my step-daughter to become a street walker to feed her mom and my birth children.)
Well then ... you can run for President of the United States of America in a Republican primary!

State Of The Union January 2012

For the first time in twenty years, Bin Laden is no threat to the U.S.
We should feel so relieved being able to hear that spoken by the leader of the democratic world.
For one thing, according to our President, the Taliban momemtum has been broken now.
And according to our President, our military achieves these sorts of victories by having the discipline remain focused on their common goals, rather than their differences, until their
missions are complete.
President Obama honored the pride of his family heritage, telling us his grandmother worked
on a bomber assembly line during WWII. And we know she later became a bank vice president
because anything productive can happen in America.
Our president's grandfather fought in WWII, and got his college education on the GI Bill. Yes,
soldiers of war time definitely should have an opportunity for an education on the government's dime. The relatives they left behind worked and paid taxes so that those taxes could be used for
precisely those sorts of things as the GIs got.
I was encouraged to hear our President espouse the possibility that individuals who earn advanced degrees at U.S. universities could be shown a way to earn citizenship.
President Obama wouldn't be the first U.S. president to voice dismay at foreign citizens reaping
cash and knowledge here in our country, only to spend it all or send it all back to their home countries. Shouldn't we get a little more benefit from educating foreign students? When they get
back home they often take jobs with American companies for half the pay the jobs are worth. So
we get no taxes from the work they learn to do here, while at the same time, the value of the same work done here becomes anemic.
I'm heartened to know President Obama has a close watch on Russian trade policies, because
no one needs broken embargos against Iran, though I'm sure many other things are at stake
there. I surely don't see a reason to have Israel insecure because of an Iranian-Russian world pact!
Lastly, but not perhaps the least important happiness I gleaned from SOTU is how great it is to
hear about the success of companies like Master Lock. That company has been in America
forever; and is obviously paying a real living wage!

We Could Care Less MITT

We don't care how much money the average millionaire pays in taxes. Mitt Romney doesn't
work. If a millionaire is working, maybe he should get some tax breaks. I don't see why Romney
needs such a big tax break, however, because he isn't working. I guess part of the rationale is that he may live off interest, amd so the bulk of his money stays in the banking coffers to keep loans
flowing, and to keep interest rates low for the rest of us. But if he isn't paying enough, we are
free to rewrite the tax laws whether he likes it or not. I can't see why anyone needs off shore money though. That is simple greed.
Anyone remember the little K Car Chrysler used to make. It was a great first car for newly
employed young people. Why did dealerships hate it? Greed. In America, it wasn't (isn't)good enough to make money on a purchase or an account. The K Car wasn't providing enough profit
per sale. Dealers wanted cars offering much bigger profits. Tax free is often a greedy profit.
Mitt R. should know it does matter how money is made. We could care less that he has
a good tax rate in many cases. But why does he need it, and is it a fair rate for his circumstances
of having earned.
We are not interested in his return. We are interested in fair taxation of those who can afford to
pay without harm to themselves in general.
The Gov is not a billionaire. If he is rich, he is rich. Big deal. A lot of people are rich without
doing harm to working people. We can't easily think of Gov as one of those.
Corps are rich, and do not want to pay taxes at all because they feel if they pay thousands of
people enough salary so that their net pay is about $50,000, the companies feel they have already enriched government coffers. These companies think they'd be paying tax again.
What these corps fail to acknowledge is that some percentage of the actual profit should be taxed
because citizens are the ones upping profits. Some corps are enriching themselves at our expense, trying to avoid increasing revenues of their own government, the government poised to risk blood and treasure to protect their businesses. In other words, these corps are short-sighted.
We put up with a lot to avoid mass lay-offs. And corps can't shed blood or be cold or hungry
in the way a human being can.
If we actually believe there is no difference between a person and a collection of persons, then
we may be a bit more communistic than we have previously acknowledged.

Make Up Your Minds

POTUS has been accused of being a czar. So goofy ...
He has been accused of creating czars. Being a czar is completely inconsistent with creating
czars. Czar means ... there is only one.
POTUS has been accused of not reigning in the banks.
But he has been accused at the same time of belonging to union bosses.
POTUS has been accused of being a European socialist.
How is that, when he has been arguing against the austerity measures Europe lives under now?
He has been accused of the politics of Kenyan anti-colonialism.
Kenya is nowhere near Europe; and America began as anti colonialists.
POTUS was accused of belonging to a radical baptist church.
Then, POTUS was accused of being Muslim.
POTUS was accused of being born outside the U.S.- of being a non-citizen.
Most accusers have no suggestion about where POTUS actually was born.
No one has suggestions of what country POTUS actually has been attempting to advocate for
at all.
Kenya remains a poor country.

Don't Tread On ALL Of Us

When our representatives in D.C. start discussing the "Ryan" plan, they are talking about
something destructive to us. Why is that?
Neither republicans or democrats have a thing to say about what will enhance the average
American family. For one thing, America is a bit elderly now.
Why aren't our reps inviting Occupy to testify before Congress? Why are they continually
arguing over whether or not to destroy us ... the America of the here and now?
Baby boomers are not going to be plentiful for much longer. We don't even get the medicine,
the hospitalization, or the physician care optimal for our well-being. So we aren't going to all
be octogenarians or older. A lot of us are already 65.
The debt, and the government are shrinking naturally because we are shrinking. Why don't we have elected officials discussing that? The next two or three census years are going to look a lot
different than any a baby boomer has ever seen. What do we own that our government will
allow our families to inherit?
Don't say our underwater real estate. We know that already.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Adventure/ Lobby

There happens to be a lot of excitement in the ventures of capitlalist deconstruction raids.
So they naturally love the word which is the root of adventure.
The lobby, is a place to loiter. Or in D.C. the practice is also akin to lying in wait.
Yeah. The lobbyists are waiting for your elected official. Now this is a situation rife for possibilities
of conflicting interests.

Low T

Some few years ago, British researchers found upon the autopsy of every single male who died in
their country for decades, that each man over 40 had prostrate cancer. Most died of something
else, because most of these cancers grow too slowly to kill.
The medicine for prostrate cancer is essentially female hormone.
Supplements companies are marketing things to curb prostrate illness.
Why, however, are other companies marketing testosterone to middle aged men? Shouldn't there
at least be some disclaimers, some warning, in the advertising?
Some forms of this cancer are so virulent, a man can be dead within months of being diagnosed.
Who is monitoring American marketing? Venture capitalists only?


Governor Romney admitted on the campaign trail today that the economy is getting better. He
said it was not due to POTUS, but that wasn't good enough for the right wing caller. When she
demanded a more blood-letting answer aimed directly at President Obama, Romney replied 'Well
it's the truth, Laura. What do you want me to say?'
She wants you to say whatever she imagines in her furtive ravings.
Gov knows this. I can only think he has become totally sick of the crazies.
He is not so free of fuzzy himself. So knowing that, he may have lost the taste for openly representing people even more flaky than himself.
At some point, whoever lasts in this goofiness primary, eventually has to espouse the most nonsensical thought and ideology available to disordered minds.
At some point, some of the candidates have to be willing to say: "If the completely crazy don't want
me, I surely cannot abide them either; especially if they are going to predominate!"

Republicans Want White Middle Classed Wealth

The Republican Party in this country attack blacks because they think that will be such a great
way to get to the ones they really want to crush.
White people, even if they are racist, should not allow themselves to take that bait again. Their
wealth has been successfully attacked in that way by power brokers for years.
I guess even if a person is a loyal American, he or she can't trust rich powerful white people with
the racism embedded in traditional personal attitudes.
Manage your racist leanings on your own. Insist everyone get a decent wage for a specific job.
Once all black people are forced to work for a dollar an hour, the rest of you are only going to get
Wall Street is not looking for all the vast wealth black people have managed to accumulate. If you
are a racist individual, you may be looking for that nugget. Wall Street is looking for the vast white
middle class wealth in this country.
They want union jobs in their pockets. Most of those jobs aren't held by minorities.
They want union coffers in their meaty fists. Those coffers aren't managed mainly by minorities.
They want most of the money paid nurses. Most nurses aren't black
They want a great deal of the money paid top docs. Most managing physicians aren't black.
They want most of the salaries paid firemen. We don't have a society predominated by minorities in the fire-fighting professions.
They don't want teachers teaching in any great number. Most teachers are not black.
They don't want a lot of pharmacists. Order your medicine through Fed-ex.
We know they sure don't want any post offices. Live in the country? Tough.
Republicans don't want states hiring. Landlords hire and manage.
Republicans don't want cities hiring. City managers collect money for landlords.
Republicans don't want real estate agents or mortgagers. Banks are for also for landlords.
Republicans don't want accountants. Who and what do they have to account for, anyway?
Well ... they may need a few accountants to get money out of the Cayman Islands. They won't
need those islands anymore. Are all of you accountants minorities?
Computers and servers will run themselves.
Republicans don't want anyone getting medical care. But if perchance one can afford it; they'd
love to sell pharmaceuticals.
Still, why in the world would you need Medicare to pay anything when all those funds could
wind up directly on Wall Street to pay insurance execs hefty bonuses for denying services!
Baby boomers will have used all the Medicare they are alive to use anyway within another
thirty years. But why should they get to use all those billions, trillions of funds when they are
'little people' and Wall Street guys are big powerful people?
Why would the average person need a car anyway? Stay where you are.
Truck drivers won't be needed. Use what your landlord has in your location. Eat what he has
available there. If he needs to get something to you, the trains are running on his time, and on
The landlords have no incentive to keep your place clean, supplied, well-lit, heated, clear-watered, cool in the heat. If you move, you move to a place he competes with to also keep costs
Buses are automatic.
Policemen are there to save property...not lives.
Landlords own the farms.
There are no upper middle class jobs.
There are no lower middle class jobs.
Computers take your orders.
Any questions?
You live in ugly places with gray furnishings because art and architecture are not necessary
except in mansions.
Maybe people still sing. For free.


1. The prize going to Iowa is apparently a Saint with a morbid sense of how to grieve.
2. The prize going to New Hampshire is a flim flam guy who believes in more and more laws which
advocate for it making no difference how you make your riches or whether you pay your taxes.
3. The prize for South Carolina is rap star who has plenty of money and plenty of jewelry, only all his talking points seem racist lately.

Every Four Years

We in the black community should celebrate Medgar Evers day at least once every four years.
At least once every four years we should consider getting home late on a day when the wife and
kids are waiting up, getting into the driveway safely, getting out of the car, and getting shot in
the back by a bullet that will land in the refrigerator we will never see again, fired by a man who will be then treated like a celebrity in his unlocked jail cell ... because we publicly advocated for black people to be able to vote.
Get out the vote on a Medgar Evers Day should be at least as big as Halloween. Parents and children should go to neighbors with flyers, and get a bit of candy at every house.
Well, of course people of all races should have this practice, because the right to vote is the right
to vote.
For people who had never effectively had it, of course the right was paramount.
But for the average American to see 'special' groups trying to find ways to take votes away, well that is even more insidious if such a thing as 'more insidious' is possible.
There should be No precedent in a representative democracy, which establishes a legitimate
mechanism for Taking votes. Taking is a disgusting new attempt by right wing groups, Disgusting.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day

This year's observances were so pitiful in the media, and in in many cases in our communities.
Every year, we should replay the actual footage of his I Have A Dream speech. We have a lot
of other days to do snippets and re-enactments. We in the black community are entrusted with
his legacy of keeping the dialogues open, at least with one another. We don't need a lot of media
coverage in order to organize community remembrances. He opened the doors to the activism the
law did not set precedents to further. Let us show each other we cannot let pass how many
people sacrificed all under his leadership just to have a chance. We got no real enforced promise. But we began to have a bit of a voice, and more of a chance.

What A Mess

Are South Carolina republicans showing how angry they are at Romney and Bain, or are they
saying redemption is more palatable there than true character?
What if Mrs. Newt #2 had said yes? Wouldn't the former speaker be embroiled in a bigger mess
right now? He would have continued the serial cheating he enjoyed, even though it was with the
wife's blessing. What about wedding vows? Wouldn't it be better to get an amicable divorce on paper, but not change the lifestyle?
I think he should thank Mrs. #2 for saying 'no' to living in a non-marriage, because he hasn't the commitment stability to look a bit honest if given any chance to go back on his word.
And if Mrs. N #3 really doesn't care what Mr. N does, aren't we practically promised another
impeachment scandal if the man is elected president.
Whereas he is good at redemption, he is not good at accomplishing things over the long haul which should require a great deal of character.
Didn't we just barely dodge a few bullets from a president with no character, in the years between 2000 and 2008?
Haven't we had just about all we can take of Robert Bork types, John Roberts types, and the
Antonin Scalias of the world?
Why is the south still obsessed with slavery? They would not want the work they would get from black people today if slavery were re-instituted ... believe it.
Let that man be a janitor and take care of his kids. That is safer for us all ... really ... I kid you

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Taxes ... Wives ... Whatever

I can't believe all anyone has to do is say outrageous things and/or cheat on paying taxes or on keeping his or her wedding vows in order to be a true conservative. I'm getting confused. Where
are the real people in the republican party? Are they all too busy to run?
I feel sorry for POTUS. He has to run against one of THESE?
Maybe he'll get The Saint, the ghoulish one.
Or maybe he will challenge the little old man who wants to live alone on the prairie with only
his immediate family and his slaves, and oh yes, some medicinal herbs.

Mitt Rom

Well Mr. Governor Mitt Rom ... why haven't You put forth your jobs plan if You have one all
worked out? Florida needs jobs I haven't heard you outline a plan to supply. Are You too little
too late? Should Floridians wait a bit longer for you to present your plans? POTUS would have
been glad to listen to them at any time if you had offered them. POTUS, as he has indicated in
the early days of his administration, is a sucker for punishment- and therefore does listen to
what republicans are saying all the time ... yawn.
Are you shrinking? You are offering retorts to good, researched ideas because it has taken some
time to do the research and set up vehicles and personnel to get the programs into action. You are becoming tinier and tinier ... and harder to hear.

The Mrs.(s) Newt

I can't blame Callista Gingrich. With all due respect to Mrs. Gingrich the second, why in the
world would anyone want Newt Gingrich all to herself? Of course I would have to get into the
mindset of a lady who could 'want Newt'. Why wouldn't the lady just buy Geico insurance?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

South Carolina

Come on South Carolina. What's the problem? You've had black people work for you before.
Why not now? POTUS would love to help dreg those ports at Charleston and Georgetown.
And you know FLOTUSA comes from a family which makes her one of your home girls. They
are rich, but they are working cheap right now. They draw pitiful salaries for the thankless jobs
they are doing now. Isn't that what you can use?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I Love The Bakery II

In 1965 Detroit had Italian bakeries, Polish bakeries, the Danish bakery, and Mid-Eastern bakeries. We had Dairy Queens, some candy stores, and Kathy's Cakes, a local cheesecake
maker. One of the best things, though, when I was growing up, was the Italian bakery.
I don't know what could have happened to the original bear claw. It was a tender yeast-raised
roll in the shape of a fist- embedded with a variety of candied fruits (including pineapple, cherries, raisins ,currants) and walnuts. A little white icing was always drizzled over the top.
Boy what a treat.
The Danish Bakery down the street here now is the closest thing we have to the old fashioned bakeries we had everywhere in Detroit until circa 1990.
I appreciate the numbers and varieties of donut our bakery makes each morning. We lost one
variety, the sugared twist, when our baker became ill and took a hiatus. I loved that donut!
But we still have glazed, cinnamon sugared, powdered filled, lunchsticks, glazed twists, all manner of breads and cookies. We have some pastries, too, and a couple of meat pies with
veggies. They even make a candy.
They make some pies, several varieties of coffee cakes, tarts, strudels and streusels.
We can order any kind of sheetcake with any kind of icing or greeting. And on Thursdays we
can get orange cake and an Italian creme cake. The latter is a cream cheese cake with cream
cheese icing. It is so moist I wish I had the recipe, but I can tell the thing is a laborious
In Chicago I found many bakeries; but they hardly seemed bakeries to me. I couldn't find a donut. The bakeries in Shy Town usually had continental-type sandwiches, and a few pastries or tarts and flans. I always came away thinking "Where is the rest of your fare?"
Detroit was in the news a few months ago as a city with no large grocery store chains. 'Tis true.
In 1965 when a nearly all white police force roamed the city streets stopping black youth, and even full grown black men for any reason at all or for no reason at all, we had a slew of
those stores. The price proved too big a price to pay in order to hold on to them.
We had over the years, A&P, Wrigley's, Kroger's, Farmer Jack. Great Scott. I'm sure there were
The upscale Farner Jack actually had caviar at Christmas. I could never buy it but my mom sure
did. It made appetizers before dinner nearly better than dinner.
The open Easten Market was a farmers market and a cook's dream. Every sort of fresh fruit,
veggie, and meat abounded along with specialty stores which sold spices, nuts, freshly made pastry doughs, ramekins, mini rolling pens, chocolates from abroad, just about anything anyone
who eats could think of, and some things we'd never thought about having.
Not far from Eastern Market was Ye Olde Butcher Shoppe. I shopped there a while until I
came home one day with bags of steaks, chops, and roasts for a relatively small pittance. My
husband raged the butcher had disrespected him. It was true; but I really was pretty cute, and
the guy put me on the spot; so I didn't go back to that butcher. Besides, they are long gone now.
Now we have the "likka stoh" on every block.
In the northwest section of the city we still do have Mini-Mart too.
This market is small; but has the best meat, and usually the freshest veggies and fruits in season.
This store had to buy nearly a city block for parking for customers at holiday times, even after
the neighborhood shrunk. Their butchers are so professional.
When I was growing up, my mom sent me to the small butcher shop about five blocks away,
then when we moed there was one three blocks down.
She always bought her ground round the same way...pick out a round steak which looks fresh in the meat and where the fat is snow white. Ask the butcher to grind it three times with the fat.
Those hamburgers were unrivaled by anything any restaurant could ever do. Of course, bar
burgers come close.
But when became an adult, trying to buy my own ground round, my stores were not so willing
to specialize it for me.
Mini Mart used to say they had ground it three times. When I opened the pack, I could see they
had not. Now they seem more willing. Maybe this neighborhood is not so crowded anymore.
Their hamburger is delicious. Thank heavens. We have no other butcher shops left around here.
Thirty years ago, when I felt like walking up to the shop across the freeway, I could get it the way I liked. He had every sort of special cut and front end piece of beef there was. I hate beef liver
but didn't have to worry about it because he usually had the calves liver I loved.
If we felt like going up to Guttmacher's ,a mile away, we could get anything under the sun.
Mr. G had all the cuts all the time, so fresh you'd think he had a ranch nearby.
There was even a butcher a block away from Guttmacher, but he moved away witthin months
of the neighborhood starting to change from professional white to professional and working class black. He moved to Troy. I didn't shop there much anyway because he rarely sold a strip or
porterhouse unless it was an inch thick. A bit rich for my blood. I was working class. Neither
of us had graduated university at that time. I earned the money to buy a house with overtime.
Mr. G stayed with his store until he retired. And Mini Mart now sells the ground turkey, both
white and dark meat, their aging customers demand along with ground round. They are the only
or at least one of the last butcher shops around. And to be fair to the liquor stores, a lot of them have a great selection of fresh packaged goods.
Detoiters often come from all over to shop at Mini Mart and the Danish Bakery. Thank heaven.
Our smaller full service independent grocery stores serve better and better quality and variety
of foods on the northwest side.
The Eastern Market on the east side now sells mostly wholesale. I don't know how long
The Broadway Market lasted downtown.
Harbortown Market is a relative newcomer on the far east side. Truly upscale. I haven't been
there at a time a series of pates weren't available. Even downtown Hudson's didn't have such
delicacies in the ready-to-serve food sections.
Hudson's was still downtown in the 60's, 70's, and 80s. There were at least eight or ten movie theaters.
Hudson's was a marvel of a department store. On the first floor there was a nut shop. Every
day the freshest nuts in the world were roasted on site. By the time my children were born
some ten years later, my mother was taking them there to wait for the first nuts to come out
of the roasters.
The second floor housed the most impeccable menswear I have ever seen or seen advertised,
even in Sky Mall.
One of the top floors had toys,and at Christmas, Santa's Toy shop.
Another top floor sold appliances.
The mezzanine sold boutique items and books.
My mother came to Hudson's slowly because when she was growing up, the downtown stores
would not hire black people. Only Sam's Cut Rate, the Jewish store would hire black workers.
But around 1953, Hudson's gave mom her Hudson's credit card. That ended much of her boycott.
That credit card has been a family tradition from then until now. But the flagship store in
downtown Detroit was torn down years ago, after having been left empty for years before that.
Of course Marshall Fields swallowed up Hudson's some years after it abandoned Detroit.
Later, Macy's bought Marshall Fields. But no store embodied the magnificent multi-storied
downtown Hudson's. Hudson's was the most glorious building/experience, bar none.
In 1965, '66, '67, we also had gangs of four...four white policemen riding around the city
stopping black men, putting a gun to their temples, seemed an ordinary day in any sector of
the city.
Enter Mayor Coleman A. Young. Detroiters elected him to curb that menace; so to make a long
story short, white shoppers, businesses, insurance companies, abandoned the city one by one.
Detroit's treasure, Mayor Young, was everyone else's bitter enemy.
Our city has suffered mightily for hanging on to Mayor Young. We had to do it though.
We couldn't get that gun out of the man's cold dead hand.

Last But Not Least

No way would anyone born mid-century last century believe that, of 'butcher, baker, and
candlestick maker- the candlesticks would be growing more plentifully than the other two
consumer availibilities!
If it is in a package, ordinary Americans can afford it...sometimes.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Staples/Sports Authority

Well, yeah...these two created a host of jobs ... in China.
Ever go in one of these stores and try to get service?
Ever go in one of then and try to buy retail?
You can do both those things on a quite limited basis in my opinion.
Somehow, these stores are humungous repositories for goods made overseas.
I don't begrudge people without food a job.
But don't try to convince me I have a job when someone else is getting the work and the pay.
At the same time I apply for unemployment benefits, I tell the clerks taking down my
particulars that I am looking for a job. Have you "job creators" ever noticed that, even though I
live in the U.S.?

Butcher, Baker AND Candlestick Maker

Butcher, and master butcher, used to be a great job in America.
Recently my neice went to a Jewel-Osco in Chicago, but couldn't find a rump roast in the week before Christmas. Do butchers work mainly on restaurant orders now?
In Detroit, adjacent to the Indian Village neighborhood in the sixties, mom often sent me to the
tiny butcher shop on VanDyke and Charlevoix. gave upThat butcher ground the round steak I picked
out, grinding the fat trim with it three times. Mom didn't want already ground round steak
because that meat had only been ground twice. But by the mid seventies when I was grown-up
with babies, I had the hardest time getting my ground round.
When a butcher grinds the steak three times, a lot is lost because it gets mangled in the grinder.
We never did mind. However, busy butchers didn't like the practice I guess. I would pick out
the most lovely steak I could find. The butcher would take it in the back. When I got the meat
home, the taste and texture gave up the secret of an only twice ground steak.
When I'd found a really beautiful cut with fat so white it was pearly, I'd be particularly
diappointed. Mini Mart had great meat, but no specialty services they could easily avoid.
There were two butcher shops on Grand River near Southfield in those days. I didn't have
any trouble getting what I needed from them; but they weren't walking distance from the
house, so I didn't go up there as much.
When the neighborhood began to turn black, one of the shops abruptly moved to Troy. MI even
though most of his customers were still white.
The other shop, Guttmacher's maybe, stayed a long long while. I loved it because I could get
calves liver from there. I was the only one in the house who ate it; so getting it pretty near the
house was a real treat. I could get beef liver, which I hated, almost anywhere in those days.
Gradually, the buppies moved out of the neighborhood too, and the owner was getting older
so that shop closed. The neighborhood began to buy more hamburger than any kind of ground
round. Hamburger, you could get anywhere.
At one time if I were in the mood I could go downtown. Mose was a black butcher in Detroit's
Eastern Market. He would get anything you asked. When he passed away, his children got out
of that business pronto. And now the best places in the eastern Market cater mainly to businesses. When my mom and her mom bought from there, butchers did anything asked
of them by an individual customer, including pluck a live chicken.
Broadway Market was downtown a long time; but parking was a chore. I don't do structures
if I can help it.
At one time Ye Olde Butcher Shoppe had beautiful meat on the east side. But one day I came home with steaks, chops, and roasts for a pittance. I tried to pay the guy but he was the most
terrific flirt. My then husband was outraged and disgusted.
"That guy has disrespected me!" he huffed.
"Well I can't go back in there and take this back. It's meat," I reasoned outloud.
Upshot- I just didn't go back there. Soon it disappeared too.
Recently I saw a newly minted congressional rep on The Hill admit to a reporter that Detroit
doesn't have even one large grocery store chain any longer. We don't.
In 1967 we had A&P, Wrigley's, Farmer Jack, Great Scott, Kroger, and maybe one or two others.
On the east side there was the Parkstone Market. If you were going to do a filet mignon for
dinner (which of course I never was, but enjoyed knowing it was there to strive toward) Parkstone had you covered. Much later, Harbortown Market took over. But even though it's
a large full-service store...both these markets were one store businesses.
We had some Farmer Jack stores near Detroit which regularly carried caviar at holiday times,
so if one Farmer's didn't have an item ... they could tell you which one did. I didn't buy any
caviar, but mamma sure did.
Gradually, smaller independent stores had to struggle to do enough business per day to stay in business.
Very few of them made it after the original owners got close to retirement age.
Mayor Young, and then Mayor Kilpatrick, and now Mayor Bing didand have done all they could to help. But big business does hate Detroit in large part. Red-lining ruled these roosts more and more year after year.
One of the nicest grocery stores with a sophisticated variety of specialty cuts in this neighborhood was Rosedale Market. He stuffed pork chops with interesting fare.
Liquor stores did spring up everywhere, stocking shelves with endless varieties of processed
We still have Mini Mart after all these years, though. They have probably had the store thirty-five years now. Many of the family members working there have reitred from there. There have been
skirmishes with the neighborhood home boys and girls. There have been mini scandals and near
scandals, but as William Faulkner said of Dilsey and her relatives...they endure, and I guess so
do we. People still come from miles around to shop there, and the owners have bought a city
square block to absorb the holiday parking.
We have Glory, and other independent smaller markets, too.
Butcher, master butcher, used to be a much coveted job. We could use a lot more of them.
Detroiters are older now, though. We eat a lot more ground turkey...white meat and dark,
than we do ground round. Still, we could use customer service. I don't think we will get it unless
a new influx of immigrants to settle in Detroit. Banks will cooperate with that here.
Back in Chicago, though, whenever Jewel is wanting, there is Paulina Meat Market on the north
I can call Paulina, place a special order of specific items over the phone, pay with a credit or debit
card, and arrange for a relative to pick it up at an appointed time. I will tell the store one of two
or three persons will come in and show a driver's license to get my package(s).
Can it get any better than that? Sometimes it can!
One day I woke up with a taste for a fresh turkey. I am so accustomed to frozen that, if I have
a taste for fresh and it isn't available, I'd as soon have chicken.
Paulina, however, had fresh in the poundage I needed.
I ordered some frozen mushroom rice soup they make, as well as a bit of sage, and a few other
items for my nice meal.
I ordered my things at 1o am, and by noon they had been delivered!
I stuffed my bird with a corned bread mix and the rice soup. It was so yummy my grandchildren
ate it for breakfast, for lunch, and again for dinner.
Thank you so much Paulina!

I Love The Bakery

Do we have access to wheat in America?
When I was a kid there were a plethora of Italian bakeries. The neighborhoods have changed,
but the bakeries didn't seem to follow their clientele. Are all the baked goods in conglomerates
now? Is everyone gluten free?
We still get paczkis before lent; but there aren't a lot of polish bakeries around Detroit any
longer. I am thankful there are enough Catholics around for us to get them from our bakery,
and some who have moved away still come back for them on Fat Tuesday. Even better, the
non-Catholics in this neighborhood have picked up the paczki habit.
Bakery, it would seem to me, should be a wonderful small business.
Cher and Nicholas Cage made bakery seem the most wonderful thing in the world a human
could encounter... in the movie, Moonstruck.
So many times I go into a bakery to find a few pastries and some continental type sandwiches.
What happened to the real bear claw, with candied and dried fruits imbedded with walnut
pieces in the tender yeast raised dough, and with crushed walnut and pecan sprinkled generously
in the moderate white icing on top?
Knudsen's Danish Bakery in northwest Detroit is still pretty close to a real bread and buns and
donuts bakery. It has much of the fare it always had before the chief long-time baker got sick
and went on hiatus.
Early every morning at 6am, people line up for glazed donuts- light, fluffy, right out of the oven.
There used to be sugar donuts too. They were wonderful. But now, though I truly miss the old
sugars, a bread donut sprinkled with cinnamon sugar has appeared. We get jelly donuts, glazed
twists, lunch sticks. By noon, we get the leftovers from the morning, and by closing time at
6pm we know most all the donuts are gone.
Breads are baked there. Rolls, cookies, cheesecake pieces abound.
Sheetcakes are everywhere; and on Thursdays you can reserve an orange icing or Italian creme
cake. We try not to order the Italian creme because the cream cheese frosting is so expertly
made, so light, so fluffy, adorning such a heavy cream cheese cake, that our arteries sometimes
harden when we unearth the confection from its crisp white box to lift it, then lower it lovingly
to our beautiful heirloom cake plate.
I know. I sound like the beer-o describing a drink of mug beer in the documentary.
I can't help it. I love bakeries ... even though they barely exist anymore.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Are You Creating Jobs?

You are not creating jobs by hiring people at $7.oo an hour, then lowering the minimum wage.
You are not creating jobs by hiring people at $7.oo an hour without benefits, then laying them
off without unemployment, medicaid, food stamps, or help from mom whose social security
has been down to an amount barely covering her doctor's fees since the cuts in her check. What?
No vulture -er, venture capitalism ate her pension check.
You have created no jobs.

Testosterone And Our Ladies

I heard a report on health news saying women over 65 were swirling in a U.S. epidemic of STDs
for their age group.
I found that impossibly difficult to believe, but who could I call a liar.
Then it occurred to me that one of my daughters has a friend who is a social worker and the child
of a career social worker and a state social work supervisor. She would know.
I called her, luckily finding her at home. When I told her of my misgivings, she said right away,
'Oh sure it's true. It's Viagra. These men are taking Viagra and patronizing prostitutes. Then
they go home to give the contracted diseases to wives.
Is it me? Did baby boomer wives ever in a million years dream this was what their golden years
would bring? Sexual penicillin? This is truly awful news. Shouldn't these men at least budget more money for their testoserone surges? Working girls on crack may be a bit lax. But real pros
are protecting themselves ... and your wives. The increased extra cost during cheat time could
save a lot of time, money, and health in the long run, men.


Yes. I am an award. I hope all grandparents are an award. The other grandchildren call me
grandma. But on her own, the baby two year old calls me 'grammy'. I couldn't be prouder.
I wonder how long we boomers will be around to vote in presidential elections.
I digress.
Whenever baby had to get her diaper changed at the holidays, she would call out: "Save me grammy."
She is the best. And my idea of saving her in the long term means I don't want her to live an impoverished life of a deprivational iumentum (L.) status whether she decides to be union or
Grammy will save her bb, even if America has to create jobs for me to make that committment.
Grammy will do her best to volunteer and to vote as one member of the 99% of Americans.

POTUS In The New Hampshire Republican Field

Potus got 282 republican votes in the New Hampshire primary contest last week.
Now that's what I'm talkin' bout!

Newt Gingrich

If I can take it, he can take it.

Sarah Palin

If I can take it, he can take it... That is what Sarah thinks about Mitt.!

Israel...Not One Bit Dumb

Why would Israel try to trick us into a confrontation with Iran, when they can handle Iran on
their own except for the air power, which they know we would supply?
Iran is the only country with something to gain by provoking the U.S. - and they are more than
ruthless enough to sacrifice a young procurement scientist to their cause.
Iran is no less an insane regime than North Korea. They want to be provocative because they
don't have enough population in power circles who have a collective ethos of groups with more
than an eighth grade emotional bent.
Hard to believe?
Talk to any educated person available to the press who has been an Iranian hostage.
When a country represses that many people in a modern world, stunts the growth of that many
women and young people in every phase of human endeavor, what else can be expected?
Even Iranian leaders, in western interviews, sound way more batty than Moammar Gadhafi
ever did.
No one can blame Israel for allowing Iran to hang herself.


I hope ad companies hire a lot of people this election season. Citizens United could have some
enhancing effect on our economy and the ideas of expensive "free" speech.
But in some ways the really dumb ruling has already proved to be silly in practice.
Carly Fiorina, Meg Whitman, last race for governor or New York ... moneyed much?


Consumerism is a huge part of the traditional American economy. So auto plant workers can buy
one of the autos the are building. That has been the American way since our country recovered
from the Great Depression, and even in some measure before then.
Squeezing, repressing, and dessicating the American middle class is the pig to which Gov. Romney
applies the lipstick he likes to call "envy".
Destroying American middle class treasure is the American way for him, somehow. Saying some
groups are destroying American middle classed treasure is apparently, possibly destructive to
what the governor likes to call American.


Happy early birthday to Mrs. Michelle Obama.
I know she doesn't think Americans in the heartland are a bunch of numbskulls.
But she does realize that at times a bunch of unelected numbskulls portend to speak
for Americans in the heartland.

All The Republican Pals

Mr. Newt and Gov. Perry are calling it as they see it. They are perfectly within their rights.
Gov. Romney is on record as the boy of the billionaires.
He wants to 'let everything foreclose, and allow landlords to take over.'
He wanted the state of his childhood to let the auto industry jewel in the American crown 'go
bankrupt'. Is he that crazy about Toyota, or does he enjoy swooping down on any injuries?
He has proposed tax increases on any family earning less than one million dollars per year because
these are the families already on the ropes.
Mr. Newt Gingrich is not much better, though. He is in the position of not wanting to be the only
candidate with highlighted flaws.
Mr. Paul wants to keep a bright light on whatever will convince Americans to re-litigate
the Civil War. Do I have a right to eat in a public place, or do owners have all the rights, since
'public' has no meaning in the minds of 'liberty' people?
The Angel doesn't feel any 'self evident' rights need be addressed at all in American life if we
live by Old Testament law.
Gov. Romney could care less about homosexuality, abortion, minority rights, health care,
religious fervor, presumably outside Mormonism. He is free to flip-flop on anything out there,
because he is purely and simply a "powertrician".
So maybe the great greedy snake of the Liberty people, the Tea People, and the Angel people is
finally eating its own tail.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Are republican politicians pretending capitalism as it was practiced under Dwight Eisenhower
was not lucrative for businesses? Would they like us to believe capitalism is the same now as
it was then? We aren't that dumb. Some republicans do know venture capitalism can be venture
vulturism. Governor Perry isn't the only one. There is no one group in America in charge of the
definition of capitalism. Perhaps Occupy should be the group to describe American capitalism now. Could they do worse than those capitalists who tanked our economy under Bush-Cheney variety capitalism? Hardly...

Change We Can Believe

Mitt Romney said what he meant.
I have changed my insurance companies many times.
I've dropped my policy at one place to adopt one at another. I've dumped coverages, and I've
changed banks and cut up credit cards. Romney, however, likes to fire people. He doesn't care
whether or not they are in insurance companies. He said it because he meant it. He likes doing it.


What? You only like his style when he is destroying all the jobs of working-class janitors?
He is doing what he is supposed to do right now. He is fighting tooth and nail for the republican
nomination for president. He is not supposed to be campaigning as someone other than who he
has been all of his life, as regards a competitive tactical strategy. He has several methods. None of
them yet has had any resemblance to a shrinking violet. He can't campaign for the candidate because there is no candidate. He can't campaign as though he will not himself be the candidate. That is not what it means to be competitive.
If republicans want a process more open to oligarchy, they are free to have party bosses appoint
a nominee. That sounds like them anyway. But...
Newt is Newt. How you like him now?

Your Money Or Your Life

Thanks to the U.S. republican brand of politics and business, western debt has collapsed middle
classed economies and engendered out and out revolution in poorer nations.
Old news? In a way the old has become new again because the Mafia is the biggest lender
in Italy these days.
Bomb the middle class.
Should we opine the good news first, or the bad?
Well the good news is that your credit rating is fictitious or close to being fictitious. Most debt
is illegal at this point. No way to enforce it. Italy has got to be the tip of this iceberg. It wouldn't
be plausible for all the rest of us to owe only legitimate creditors. Even if that were somewhat true, what can creditors with questionable backgrounds do besides the obvious of Mafia lore?
Put me out of my house?Too've already foreclosed me.
Not give me a car loan so I can get to work OK? You scrapped my job already.
Vaporize my unemployment? I can't afford to get anywhere to spend it can I?
Go up on food prices again? I can't afford to buy more than beans from you anyway.
The bad news is that for those of you who have saved, have held onto a job, who would like
to retire one day with meat in the beans, the prices on goods and services are going to go up
beyond what a retirement income can support because there aren't enough of you, and there
aren't enough of you buying to keep prices reasonable. Some of you are helping out more and
longer with children and grandchildren than you ever thought you would be.
Thanks to greed, deregulation, Ronald Reagan, backlash politics, Margaret Thatcher, etc.
western civ is morphing into a whole new class in university History 101.
POTUS is going all over the world, using his influence to get our paying jobs back. Now there
is a capitalist!

"Mitt" Hampshire

Either New Hampshire republicans love Mitt Romney, or they truly hate the POTUS. I think the latter statement may be more the case.
If Hampshirites loved Mitt, no way could Ron Paul have come in second in Tuesday's Republican
primary vote. In spite of what these men say now, Romney is a practiced moderate, and Paul is a practiced Libertarian. If people could pay the taxes Ron Paul wants, we really would go back to what Massachusetts was paying George III ... perspectively next to nothing.
Now that New Hampshire has given Romney so many percentage points over John Huntsman,
we can no longer brand South Carolina as the 'guns and bibles hicks' of our primary politics or
our country. I'm not sure if South Carolina likes my saying this. But I know New Hampshire does.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Not Just Mitt

I know corporate raiders are reckless, but then so are we. How arrogant of us all to insist
someone else form a company, regulate themselves, hire us, and grow our economies. A lack
of government is a lack of responsibility. Collective responsibility is a duty in a representative
democracy. If we do vote, we have done a great deal to honor our duties. However, we can't
drop the ball because someone else is responsible for the lives and fortunes of thousands, millions of us without our doing what we can to keep watch.
When Mr. Romney did make money for one of the Bain companies, a lot of us reaped those benefits.
Many of our pension funds made money. If we don't like the way these companies make
money, we need to say so before we cash our checks. We need to know what's happening while it's happening, and put a stop to it if it's odious. I don't prefer to put people out of work in order to make a buck.
Am I too late saying that then? I hope this isn't a wedding. Do I have to forever hold my peace? Well then ,I need an annulment or a divorce.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Black Middle Classed Americans

So many in the Black Middle Class have failed to understand the importance of standing by one
another. So many of them fail to see that the sacrifices their ancestors made in order to stay
together cannot be judged by standards white colonialists brought from Europe.
Let that be the work of other immigrants. Our history is more unique. Our ancestors did not come
here to find work. They didn't come here at all.
When our ancestors suffered the indignities they suffered it was so that one day we might honor
the fruits of their labors, and look after one another as best we could.
They were not saving for a new home.
They were not trying to buy land.
They weren't building a nursery in preparation for a new addition to their families.
They were not saving up to get married.
They were not making certain their children got to school.
They didn't attempt to train one of their peers in a profession.
They couldn't participate in policy decisions. The U.S. specialized in non-citizenship!
From 1619 until 1865, minimally, they were trying to stay together and to look after one
another when possible. One of the most independent goals they had was to work for a plantation
where they were not owned after the work on the owner platation was done for the day. In this
way freedom was often purchased for one another. Many men did this for their moms.
Now that we have loftier goals, we nevertheless have to hold fast to the original. If there are
suddenly only a few thousand black people in this country, those people will not be safe, even if
they are rich.
If our ancestors worked, and they surely did, their legacy is far more unattainable than any
we can lay down now.
Those who struggled so in the twentieth century may not always get proper credit for it;
but that they live to strive has had to be enough proper credit for our ancestors. The two sets
of acknowledgements won't ever be equal.
Whenever any one of us attains anything large or small, we have to remember how many scores
of us have died just in case that achievement could ever come true.
When one of us have set our sights on a lofty goal, we all have to remember, whether the goal is
achieved or not, we come from a race who will die trying, with all the odds stacked against them.
What chance did our forefathers have to come here with only a few cents in their pockets?
What chance did our forefathers have to come here with pockets?
What chance did our forefathers have to leave a will- no matter the treasure they earned?
We are a different race.
Of all those born in America circa 1950, not even a century past the emancipation of slavery here, how many who were black inherited tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars? And
of all those non-inheritors, how many have earned a billion dollars now? I can tell you they are
several. Or they are at least three. The fact is amazing because slavery lasted a long, long time-
and not slavery had only just begun!
When an African-American or an American African achieves without a seeming nod to certain
few, there may be no lasting slight at hand. And there are scores of ancestors to thank.
One black man reaching out to another black man has be done cautiously, quietly, in America, surely if any mass of benefit is being offered.
None of us need be bitter about getting our 'props' because whatever we did for the new
generations, we are in very good company. And whatever that new generation grasped, though
they most assuredly should not be unaware of the history of our grasping, well...that is what
we strove for isn't it?
We will have done all of this so they could achieve that, inconspicuously.
In the film, Lorenzo's Oil the parents by-passed their youngster's skeptical physicians to come up with a cure for their child's disease. But as time passed, when finally they had a solution to the metabolic disaster they'd fought ,the disease had progressed in their child. The mom was then forced to ask aloud, knowing full well the answer could be 'yes', "Have we done all this for
someone else's child?"
We have to give a push to those standing in front of us, even if we move up a disappointingly little bit from where we originally stood.
That is how we do it at all.

A New Coach

The Nittany Lions have a new coach. Best of luck to him. He has a lot to live down now. I hope
someone has cleaned the place up enough so he doesn't walk into some hornets' nest of a same old
same old status quo with a few new 'players'. Rape, molestation and pedophilia should have as
much of a zero tolerance policy there as they do in any police station in the country. I have to
assume these things can't happen to children in any police station!

Anybody But...

The entire Republican Primary gang is made up of  'anybody buts'.
People who hate Romney hate him so much because they hated him when John McCain was
nominated and he hasn't changed except that he keeps changing. People don't change that way.
Romney must be one of the corporations he keeps talking about ,but, he believes he is 'people'; then
thinks real people will somehow begin to labor under the same delusion. Three of every four of them will not be so deluded.
If Mr. Romney does win New Hampshire with a big margin, it will likely be because Santorum stuck his foot in his homophobe mouth just in time to insure no one will ask him to debate President Obama...ever. Scary if that were to happen- a brilliant president in a debate with some sort of self-appointed Pope
People who hate Mr. Santorum would also rather vote for 'anybody but' him.
People who hate Rand Paul are so tired of him, they will usually vote for 'anybody but' him.
People who hate Rick Perry don't actually hate him so much. Still, they'll soon come close to the
'anybody but' him sentiment. He is a Republican; and he is a candidate in the primary. So naturally, he's going to lead them right smack dab into the thick of 'anybody but' territory...sooner, rather than much later.


Someone tell the U.S.Republican party the emerging republican majority emerged decades ago.
They got their backlash president, the Ronald Reagan of their dreams.
They achieved the distinction of 'slip sliding away' education performances on the world scale.
If they believe destroying the world economy is an achievement, well for them it was.
If they believe adding to the troubles of the Mid East is an achievable goal, well for them it has been.
If they believe bombing an ancient Far East airport in Afghanistan was a good look, well that airport we used to start a war, hadn't recovered fully from Russian bombs anyway. Throwing good
money after bad much did we in ensuing years?
And why does The Saint continue to speak about bla.. people with respect to 'other people's money'? Africa built the entire New World. Can we effectively separate out the monies now?
Food stamps were instituted because Mississippi refused to hire black people as a backlash against the Civil Rights Act. The U.S. gives food stamps INSTEAD of a living wage. We are
perfectly free to do otherwise, but 'when it rains', as we know,' it rains on the just as well as the
unjust' - so a great many white families, and other minority families would do without Social
Services cases as well. Then what is Wal-Mart going to do? Hire people who come to work to
get a bite to eat? At least that way, we could keep down on some epidemics though; because
widespread hunger causes typhoid. As we live in close quarters in America, that disease could
spread quickly. And remember about the 'just as well as the unjust'?
Governor Romney loves chaotic woe. He wants to let the auto industry and its cottage industries
die. He wants the country to become a nation of foreclosed renters. That is, renters who put good
cash money down on a mortgage, but lost all that and must rent anyway.
Shouldn't someone have had a good eye on mortgages after the Savings and Loan debacle of
1993? Haven't you told Americans too late, after stripping them of cash and jobs, that you would
prefer they rent instead of buy?
Has the hedge fund, the arbitrageur,and the Bain Capital model become the only valued ways
of living in America? Why can't we protect the daily work of the GDP? That work belongs to us
What makes the Pauls believe if you own an establishment you claim serves the public, must you also own the right to describe the public? You don't own that right. You cannot buy that right.
Public policy has that domain. Grow up.
Why would a salamander believe he has something to say the NAACP might want to hear. He has already gone on record wanting to take a man's job away and give it to the man's minor
child. Even England has progressed beyond 16th century England. Why should we want to go
back there?
As for all fifty states mistakenly not taking up slavery...why they did and they have.
For every dollar a white man does earn in this country, a black man earns about 12cent. A black
woman may earn a dime. That's pretty darned close to what you want isn't it Mr. Rand Paul?
Pat yourself on the back why don't you?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Dangerous And Not A Bit Democratic

Both North Korea and Iran are insane administrations...that is, a danger to themselves and
North Korea thinks South Korea has a far superior way of life for its people than the people of
North Korea can access because South Korea is a traitor. A traitor to starvation, and to escape
into CHINA?! Isn't that the role of any rational government in today's world? Shouldn't those
governing be an enemy to starvation, and to citizens operating as mindless drones? Apparently
in North Korea 'traitor' has a more esoteric definition. Or perhaps the definition is simply a more
autocratically disciplined one, put in the N. Korean dictionary by 'dear leader' himself.
In the case of Iran, they seem to have an odd response to a chance to become more prosperous.
They want to be destroyed. By enriching uranium, positioning launchers, Iran won't achieve much
peaceful power use. Iran will only be putting a giant red, and white target on its back. So senseless. If they get all this nuclear power, and one of their launchers moves even accidentally a micrometer to the left or right of where it should be, they will likely be digging out of rubble for years! Their leaders will scream, "No! Imperialists! That was an earthquake. Why have you
As for the Obama administration cloaking a rep of reticence on Iran policies, that rep is a fiction.
This government does not in any way need another expensive destabilization in the Mid-East.
We pay to tear places down. We pay to build them back. Are we in need of spending trillions
more when all we have to do is play with real little wooden blocks for a very few dollars if we
still have our nursery tendencies?
President Obama has taken a series of steps toward the Ahmadinejad regime, which have been
necessary to build approach, in a much needed policy to keep world muscle flexing against this brute
instability. In a government where the judiciary, the clerics, the military, and the politicians
constantly attempt to undo one another to generate regional chaos, each branch of the government feels only might will generate stability. Therefore, these rulers are seeking an instability
in the Mid-east out President need only thwart.  We can shore up stable governments without always
waging war. That is our best defense against Iran, and it is also our best offense. Two birds ...
Why should our president position us to be the only world power to use force to stave off crisis in the Mid-east? Is American life and treasure that cheaply held? Not by Barack Obama, nor by Hilary Clinton for that matter...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

White Supremacist

What an oxymoronic term this is. If whites were supreme or superior, would anyone have needed
to come up with an adjective for the term "supremacist"?