Thursday, January 12, 2012

All The Republican Pals

Mr. Newt and Gov. Perry are calling it as they see it. They are perfectly within their rights.
Gov. Romney is on record as the boy of the billionaires.
He wants to 'let everything foreclose, and allow landlords to take over.'
He wanted the state of his childhood to let the auto industry jewel in the American crown 'go
bankrupt'. Is he that crazy about Toyota, or does he enjoy swooping down on any injuries?
He has proposed tax increases on any family earning less than one million dollars per year because
these are the families already on the ropes.
Mr. Newt Gingrich is not much better, though. He is in the position of not wanting to be the only
candidate with highlighted flaws.
Mr. Paul wants to keep a bright light on whatever will convince Americans to re-litigate
the Civil War. Do I have a right to eat in a public place, or do owners have all the rights, since
'public' has no meaning in the minds of 'liberty' people?
The Angel doesn't feel any 'self evident' rights need be addressed at all in American life if we
live by Old Testament law.
Gov. Romney could care less about homosexuality, abortion, minority rights, health care,
religious fervor, presumably outside Mormonism. He is free to flip-flop on anything out there,
because he is purely and simply a "powertrician".
So maybe the great greedy snake of the Liberty people, the Tea People, and the Angel people is
finally eating its own tail.

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