Monday, January 23, 2012

What A Mess

Are South Carolina republicans showing how angry they are at Romney and Bain, or are they
saying redemption is more palatable there than true character?
What if Mrs. Newt #2 had said yes? Wouldn't the former speaker be embroiled in a bigger mess
right now? He would have continued the serial cheating he enjoyed, even though it was with the
wife's blessing. What about wedding vows? Wouldn't it be better to get an amicable divorce on paper, but not change the lifestyle?
I think he should thank Mrs. #2 for saying 'no' to living in a non-marriage, because he hasn't the commitment stability to look a bit honest if given any chance to go back on his word.
And if Mrs. N #3 really doesn't care what Mr. N does, aren't we practically promised another
impeachment scandal if the man is elected president.
Whereas he is good at redemption, he is not good at accomplishing things over the long haul which should require a great deal of character.
Didn't we just barely dodge a few bullets from a president with no character, in the years between 2000 and 2008?
Haven't we had just about all we can take of Robert Bork types, John Roberts types, and the
Antonin Scalias of the world?
Why is the south still obsessed with slavery? They would not want the work they would get from black people today if slavery were re-instituted ... believe it.
Let that man be a janitor and take care of his kids. That is safer for us all ... really ... I kid you

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