Monday, January 23, 2012

Republicans Want White Middle Classed Wealth

The Republican Party in this country attack blacks because they think that will be such a great
way to get to the ones they really want to crush.
White people, even if they are racist, should not allow themselves to take that bait again. Their
wealth has been successfully attacked in that way by power brokers for years.
I guess even if a person is a loyal American, he or she can't trust rich powerful white people with
the racism embedded in traditional personal attitudes.
Manage your racist leanings on your own. Insist everyone get a decent wage for a specific job.
Once all black people are forced to work for a dollar an hour, the rest of you are only going to get
Wall Street is not looking for all the vast wealth black people have managed to accumulate. If you
are a racist individual, you may be looking for that nugget. Wall Street is looking for the vast white
middle class wealth in this country.
They want union jobs in their pockets. Most of those jobs aren't held by minorities.
They want union coffers in their meaty fists. Those coffers aren't managed mainly by minorities.
They want most of the money paid nurses. Most nurses aren't black
They want a great deal of the money paid top docs. Most managing physicians aren't black.
They want most of the salaries paid firemen. We don't have a society predominated by minorities in the fire-fighting professions.
They don't want teachers teaching in any great number. Most teachers are not black.
They don't want a lot of pharmacists. Order your medicine through Fed-ex.
We know they sure don't want any post offices. Live in the country? Tough.
Republicans don't want states hiring. Landlords hire and manage.
Republicans don't want cities hiring. City managers collect money for landlords.
Republicans don't want real estate agents or mortgagers. Banks are for also for landlords.
Republicans don't want accountants. Who and what do they have to account for, anyway?
Well ... they may need a few accountants to get money out of the Cayman Islands. They won't
need those islands anymore. Are all of you accountants minorities?
Computers and servers will run themselves.
Republicans don't want anyone getting medical care. But if perchance one can afford it; they'd
love to sell pharmaceuticals.
Still, why in the world would you need Medicare to pay anything when all those funds could
wind up directly on Wall Street to pay insurance execs hefty bonuses for denying services!
Baby boomers will have used all the Medicare they are alive to use anyway within another
thirty years. But why should they get to use all those billions, trillions of funds when they are
'little people' and Wall Street guys are big powerful people?
Why would the average person need a car anyway? Stay where you are.
Truck drivers won't be needed. Use what your landlord has in your location. Eat what he has
available there. If he needs to get something to you, the trains are running on his time, and on
The landlords have no incentive to keep your place clean, supplied, well-lit, heated, clear-watered, cool in the heat. If you move, you move to a place he competes with to also keep costs
Buses are automatic.
Policemen are there to save property...not lives.
Landlords own the farms.
There are no upper middle class jobs.
There are no lower middle class jobs.
Computers take your orders.
Any questions?
You live in ugly places with gray furnishings because art and architecture are not necessary
except in mansions.
Maybe people still sing. For free.

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