Friday, January 6, 2012


Someone tell the U.S.Republican party the emerging republican majority emerged decades ago.
They got their backlash president, the Ronald Reagan of their dreams.
They achieved the distinction of 'slip sliding away' education performances on the world scale.
If they believe destroying the world economy is an achievement, well for them it was.
If they believe adding to the troubles of the Mid East is an achievable goal, well for them it has been.
If they believe bombing an ancient Far East airport in Afghanistan was a good look, well that airport we used to start a war, hadn't recovered fully from Russian bombs anyway. Throwing good
money after bad much did we in ensuing years?
And why does The Saint continue to speak about bla.. people with respect to 'other people's money'? Africa built the entire New World. Can we effectively separate out the monies now?
Food stamps were instituted because Mississippi refused to hire black people as a backlash against the Civil Rights Act. The U.S. gives food stamps INSTEAD of a living wage. We are
perfectly free to do otherwise, but 'when it rains', as we know,' it rains on the just as well as the
unjust' - so a great many white families, and other minority families would do without Social
Services cases as well. Then what is Wal-Mart going to do? Hire people who come to work to
get a bite to eat? At least that way, we could keep down on some epidemics though; because
widespread hunger causes typhoid. As we live in close quarters in America, that disease could
spread quickly. And remember about the 'just as well as the unjust'?
Governor Romney loves chaotic woe. He wants to let the auto industry and its cottage industries
die. He wants the country to become a nation of foreclosed renters. That is, renters who put good
cash money down on a mortgage, but lost all that and must rent anyway.
Shouldn't someone have had a good eye on mortgages after the Savings and Loan debacle of
1993? Haven't you told Americans too late, after stripping them of cash and jobs, that you would
prefer they rent instead of buy?
Has the hedge fund, the arbitrageur,and the Bain Capital model become the only valued ways
of living in America? Why can't we protect the daily work of the GDP? That work belongs to us
What makes the Pauls believe if you own an establishment you claim serves the public, must you also own the right to describe the public? You don't own that right. You cannot buy that right.
Public policy has that domain. Grow up.
Why would a salamander believe he has something to say the NAACP might want to hear. He has already gone on record wanting to take a man's job away and give it to the man's minor
child. Even England has progressed beyond 16th century England. Why should we want to go
back there?
As for all fifty states mistakenly not taking up slavery...why they did and they have.
For every dollar a white man does earn in this country, a black man earns about 12cent. A black
woman may earn a dime. That's pretty darned close to what you want isn't it Mr. Rand Paul?
Pat yourself on the back why don't you?

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