Sunday, October 11, 2015

Please Pardon Kwame Kilpatrick

Either Kwame Kilpatrick or Dave Bing are mayors of Detroit.
Of course, Benny Napolean might have a claim.
And I don't see why Matthew Abel isn't Wayne County Prosecutor, but Kim Worthy loyalty I will
admit, is high in this city.
I am certain, however, that we didn't vote for someone in my district called David Knezek. Why
does he keep contacting our house?
Michissippi is a strange, and stranger place each day.
I hated it when Jennifer Granholm refused to help Benton Harbor (a largely black city in Michissippi)
hold on to their legally inherited beachfront property. Now, of course, Snyder has stolen all their elections as well.
I hated it that Jennifer Granholm couldn't stay out of the fray when WDIV and the Deroit Free Press
insisted Kwame Kilpatrick go on trial.
How odd that Kwame, who loved Detoit is behind bars, when Trayvon's killer, who loved spilt blood,
is walking around. As the preacher said at the bid farewell to another sort of martyr, "My. my".
I ,though, will say that unlike the 'Snyder spider', Gov. Granholm did not try in any way to destroy Detroit.
Please- don't ignore our mayor because he isn't in that class called a "non-violent drug felon".
Our Mayor is surely non-violent; and no drug felon at all.

Dolts Running For President

See,citizen guns could not have dissuaded the Nazis
Not even a 'well-ordered militia" could have stopped the Nazi machine.
Even today, your 'well-ordered militia' couldn't stop the WWII Nazi regime.
Only armies could have done that.Not to say any para-military force could have succeeded; a full
fledged military- many full fledged military forces were needed to take down the Nazis.
If the world had begun right after the Wall Street collapse, maybe it wouldn't have taken such a gargantuan effort. However, the world was spent after WWI. And Lloyd George had no suggestions for how any nation was going to pay back what it owed, especially to America. And so Germany, and
Italy turned inward. Germany focused on its war machine.
Only entire nations, with armies, fleets of ships and subs, and air war capabilities could have, and barely did stop WWII Germany and the Nazis.
What might be helpful to the oversimplifying vacuous, is to read 1918-1938 German political history.
Don't read the history Fox News may have researched. Get British, or American, or French, or Austrian histories. Or,read each country's account. No? Well then do us all the great kindness of shutting your vulgar and unknowing mouth.
People don't have to be bragging about ignorance simply because they love to be politically incorrect.

Why Do The Uncommitted Keep Changing The Conversation?

Why do people keep wanting to change BLM to ALM. Here is the point. In today's America, Mamie Till would be stunned. People don't avoid the police. People don't evade a trial. Medger Evers' widow
wouldn't have had to go through all those justice seeking measures today.
There is usually 'no true bill' for killing an unarmed black person.
In Ohio, where the law says 'open carry', it must mean 'open carry for whites only', just like in Jim Crow days, but worse.
Tamir Rice could not 'open carry' or stand his ground. Even his big sister was manhandled for trying
to comfort her baby brother.
So many Americans relate the 'so what?' sentiment that if we don't start holding killers accountable,
what statute that we do have now will make BLM?

The End of Church Camp:2015

              The only two paid black workers were hounded to do more every day. Subjective? Read on...
The children were not to be taken into the gym.
The children were not to be given play equipment.
The children were to be kept very quiet when a church person spoke to them for an hour on how to
pray.(Not happening. They would get so hungry, and the temperatures were high.)
Camp workers were told to take the children to play in the hot parking lot.
One day they were told to have the children plant flowers. Well, the flowers were to be planted in
the front, where no tree cover was helpful. The children threw down the trowels after a short time.
The children told camp leaders, "My mom does not want me to get mud on these Air Jordan's."
The next day the same kids brought a second pair of equally expensive, but not brand new gym shoes.
Still, they didn't stay in that hot sun long.
Part of the problem the two Caucasian staff had was that the two Black staff members didn't blame the children at all. They blamed paid black staff. 'Get those project waifs in line!'
So one day the children were allowed to get on the church bus for Belle Isle,an island recreation park familiar to generations of Detroiters. As no itinerary had been offered the kids or their
camp counselors by camp leaders, the youngsters planned a 'lil sumpn sumpn' for themselves.
As nothing had been said to any on the trip about when and where they would get to play or eat- they didn't seem to expect much.
For the "D" uninitiated, Detroit has a large island park, now taken over by the "henchmen" state of
Michissippi of course, called Belle Isle. The island has many kid-friendly features- slides,etc. but the children were always fed so late in the day that they were skeptical of how comfortable with would be with playtime, as with all the church's 'outings'. As bus began the journey, the youngsters(all Black but one) began to sing songs and do monologues from "The Boondocks". The two AA counselors looked at the kids, who stopped singing immediately, and looked caught. "Boondocks" is not for children. It is on TV, aired at midnight here; but the two counselors burst into laughter as the children began again to talk in Uncle Ruckus' voice about 'pickaninny cheelren'.
                Back at the church one day, one of the Caucasian 'leaders' told the camp workers, 'This is probably the only decent meal these kids get all day." All Caucasian workers but
one was a paid staffer. Still-
                Where does that sort of propaganda originate in a setting like this one?
Were the leaders blind? Of the several children in the camp, only three or four were from income challenged families. One family owned two houses on Virginia Park St.(a street in an older upper middle classed neighborhood built by retail middle managers mid-century) and one in Grosse Pointe; but rarely stayed at the Grosse Pointe house.(To me, all five Pointes behave like sundown towns- but then so do parts of Detroit.
                 I think many AA Grosse Pointers are of more recent African heritage. So they feel foreign
in all American settings. AA men especially, are a group no one will fully infiltrate. And if you get
too familiar, they will let you know.
                 One of the children got chided for bringing a one hundred dollar bill to camp. But some kids bought lunch for each other on "field trip" days. This particular child was related to one of the original Temptations.His grandma had told him if something happened to it, she would get him another one.
                 So many of these Methodist churches have opened their arms to the white gay community or whites who say they have black people as relatives. And truthfully, they are some of the worst 'leaders'.
                 They are often the new overseers no one dares accuse of anything.
They believe their family bona fides or cries of newfound acceptance give them privilege to demean, degrade, and announce their knowing dominion over everything in black culture; and to twist it into majority straight jackets. For one thing, they change dialect in Negro spirituals, which are classic around the world just as they were published. Sigh. Aargh!
                  Black congregations are somewhat  themselves to blame for giving at huge levels to these sorts of churches. This church is endowed by The Kresge Foundation, and the Kresges were more
progressive than POTUS probably is. I doubt they'd approve.
                 After summer's end, the only two paid black church workers were let go, even from their winter jobs at the church. Church leaders were unhappy they'd found no volunteer camp counselors. I warrant this country has seen enough unpaid black labor for...forever. Maybe more amenable black workers were hired in place of the two who were 'no longer needed'.
                 Actually, the Caucasian male who should have been releived after he
threw an adolescent male to the ground for refusing to give up his cell phone, was simply 'spoken to'.
The boys' mom, however, wasn't sure whether she'd escalate.
                 One other situation the children resented in that camp was that the top
floor of the church was populated all summer by people being trained for some sort of ministry- maybe in Haiti- and they slept there, ate there, not to be disturbed in any way.
                 So don't play, and don't disturb the all-white paid and housed delegation.
The children's parents had begun to show up more often near the end of camp.These were parents who seemed to be unaware the church leadership was going south for black families. I wonder what
they will think for next year?
                  Don't think Methodists are alone and pregnant though. Some Catholic parishes in this city
are as awful.
                   I wonder what Ralph Ellison would think of any of this all these years and all these same
sort of events later?

Monday, July 20, 2015

Silas Norman: Detroit's Treasured Physician And Opera Voice

Dr. Norman, also a brother of the more world-famous Jesse Norman, has passed away this week-end.
Dr. Norman had the most beautiful bass voice I have ever heard.  I asked him once why he hadn't taken that voice to the met. He indicated that he couldn't have competed with his sister, but I doubt that was why. I don't believe they would have been contracted for the same projects.
Still, Dr. Norman had an illustrious career, and taught for some time at the Wayne State Med School.
He was sincerely revered as well, as one of the most prized members of Detroit's
accomplished Brazeal Dennard Chorale.
I cannot believe I won't hear Dr. Norman sing live ever again. To hear him sing was
absolutely transformative.

Friday, July 17, 2015

What Sort Of Muslim Is Drunk?

It makes no sense for authorities to say the Tennessee man who killed four marines was arrested for
drunk driving in April, and yet a religious loyalist radical in the Muslim faith in July.
Muslims do not drink.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Church Camp: 2015

When I was young and we saw a gaggle of cops, we knew someone might be in trouble. We were
pretty certain it wasn't any of us.
Today, the kids think much differently.
The camp bus rolled up to the Detroit Belle Isle entrance Wednesday.
One of the youngsters asked distractedly,
 "What are all these police doing here?"
Another answered,
"Cause they don't like us."
According to the camp counselors it was Youth Day at Belle Isle, and cops seemed to be there from
the tri-county area, as well as the Border Patrol!
Just then some of the kids began to mimic Uncle Ruckus of the cartoon show, The Boondocks.
"Look at all the picaninny chillren, wit dey picaninny essence all in d' ayur!"
So the counselors (All on the bus were African-American of American slave heritage.) began to laugh out loud. They asked the youngsters,
"Do you watch The Boondocks?"
Initially, the children thought they were in trouble, but at the end they all began to laugh.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

I Feel You Ta-Nehisi - In Some Ways

I saw the short TV interview Mr. Coates did with Chris Hayes on MSNBC 7-14-15. I understand his
claim that black bodies built the U.S. but I don't quite understand his non-grasp of freedom in the
human soul.
Our souls comforted us during slavery.
We are the survivors.
Some Africans did elect to be killed rather than succumb to slavers and plantation purveyors.
We are not likely their children.
The soul is the will to live and to love one another.
It can, and often does, transcend anything.
To witness transcendence in the power of the soul, one might choose to look at early documentaries
on the life of Dr. Stephen Hawking. No one was more full of the life of the body! And yet his mind
was larger than life as we then knew it. Dr. Hawking was to have died in his twenties, maybe thirties,
according to the provincial wisdom in medical science at that time. Yet Dr. Hawking is my age now,
or older, with children of his own, and I am most assuredly over 65.
I do know,however, that when a black man loses a friend, or brother, it many times tears at him, claws at him forever and ever.
Black men feel they are a race of people.
They feel themselves a beleaguered race of people small in number and weak in the power to
enforce policies and policy provisions that even they themselves have enacted or been forceful
in having enacted.
Black women, they feel, are simply a part of their bodies they may be able to take great care of
or may have to neglect.
So when you,Mr. Coates, express the anguish of the loss of Mr. Prince Jones, I felt you grieve at the loss of one of the best in the world, one of those who built the entire New World, and was slaughtered for thanks,
though already a part of an endangered few. I felt that in your delivery.
I have always been bitter that the police killed my aunt before I was born. The loss is a bit difficult to
convey because of the time warp I didn't endure so that I could get to know her. But one would have to be able to have looked in her sister's (my mother's) face when she told the story of begging the
doctor's not to let my auntie die, and the doctors' taking pity on her small broken heart when they
explained that even though she would take care of this, her beloved elder sibling, it could not help.
My mom's sister was dying from a billy club to the head, and mamma never recovered from the
horror of that loss.
Mom was maybe nine. Her sister was just eighteen.
My mom could have been bitter about it, as was her mom, my auntie's mother too, had she ever
had a chance to be angry. She seemed to have gone from disbelief straight to grief and depression.
And as regards the cauchemardesque* of it all, that is where she stayed until we lost her at age 77.
l know my aunt's body did not survive the policeman's attack. But the part of her soul that let my mom tell us about her did survive a bit. As her body lay buried, parts of her soul were still with her
little sister, and then given over to us to ponder and to understand what about it was love.
Her stories were in her little sister's family many times, years and years later.
The soul is that part of a human being which is so very free that it makes the saying true: 'The human
mind can make heaven out of hell or hell out of heaven.'
How else could I offer a man in dire need of heroin a room at the Ritz instead, and he double over
in misery and with rage. His body helps him into this mental posture at that moment, but dependent
upon how sick he actually is, only his soul may be free enough to reject my offer most fully.
In our recently deceased and martyred South Carolina Nine, their souls will live on in many, many
persons as their bodies are no longer so free to do.
Mr. Coates would love to have met my dad, who founded an organization in the fifties, asking
for reparations. I used to say 'Dad, there was no U.S. There were thirteen colonies. Who would
pay us- we built the entire thing! All the first thirteen colonies were built by our ancestors, and the
money funding the westward movement came from the too!' He'd still try to puzzle it out.
I generally avoid all the progressive whining done on MSNBC, especially since Joy Reid has no show now; but I am so glad I caught you last night.
I also hate to miss Lawrence O'Donnell, Ed Schultz, and Rev. Al- which is how my TV happened to be on at all.
Often the sound is off and I am out of the room!
I will Between The World and Me tonight. I know your writing because I read The Atlantic when I can.

*nightmarish ( for me, in an exquisite depiction)

Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick Is Still Our Mayor

Mayor Dave Bing was a very good Detroit Mayor. The state had the power it gave itself to replace
him, but they had no right to do it. Michigan may get away with its blatantly racist tactics because
it doesn't fly the confederate battle flag. The mayor in name only we have now serves at the pleasure
of the Michigan legislature and its cheat of a governor.

But the mayor we elected who was jailed for nonsense- he served the Detroit public. Mayor Kwame
Kilpatrick is a tremendously non-violent public servant, and thanks to that, he is a prison inmate.
We need Mayor Kilpatrick. His family needs him. Please grant him a Presidential pardon for the
"crimes" he did not commit against the citizens of Detroit.

We are immensely hurt that this state and the more local Detroit haters were able to bring our Mayor
down. We also loved Mayor Bing. But at least he is free.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

White Women Are Getting Black People Out Of Prison

America has no people.
Japan has no people.
Europe has no people.
America, however, can replace its aging population with persons who
are young and not actually prone to real criminality.
America can compete.
Get good people out of prison.
Republicans are not fooling us into thinking they are suddenly magnaminous. Neither are the Clintons.
What they are is, pragmatic. Thanks.
White women have just not been falling for the ruse to keep having a lot of babies.
They have been interested in developing themselves, and the one or two children they have
been willing to have.
They tried being married forever whether the guy was worth two cent or not.
They tried the Nurse Betty life for decades.
They tried to make it known that they needed Roe v. Wade.
They felt the sting of disrespect when right-wing groups decided if they felt abortion was
murder, everyone had to decide abortion was murder.
Abortion is termination, pure and simple, termination of pregnancy.
Americans have a right to that belief.
So thank you men and women who tried to push your brand of "family values" on everyone
in the same ways you shoved it onto each other.

Please Pardon Our Mayor

Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick mainly looked after his city. The Detroit Free Press had a problem with
that. The prosecutor was pressured to hound him. Now we have no mayor. I don't know why people
think we voted for Duggan. Detroiters love Benny Napolean.
Please pardon Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Is There Any News?

Donald Trump is not news, and he has nothing to say. Why is media speaking with him? He has
Fox News.

Claire McCaskill: Been To Church Camp In Downtown Detroit?

I don't know how children manage logistics in a man/woman relationship. However, some things they
have heard about, they don't know how to distill. They shouldn't know anyway. However, these things which have caused trouble at camp, should of course cause trouble for life when they occur.
                                 Nine Year Old African Am Male: My dad used to be in the Marines.

                                 Seven Year Old African Am Male: Yeah, and that's how you got borned. Your
                                                                                           mamma got raped.

                                 Nine Year Old...: Hey! (shouting) He over here talkin' about my mamma!

                                 Camp Counselor: (an Af Am lady) What's going on over here?

                                 Nine Year Old:( very angry) He's over  here talking about my mamma
                                                                               got raped.

                                 Seven Year Old: That's how he got borned. They rape people in the Marines.

         :                       Counselor: What? OK, you two go to opposites sides of the gym, and don't let
                                                         me see you play together again.


So, do we think the Armed Services are able to properly handle their criminal business?
No. No we do not.
I find this exchange particularly strange since black men don't do all that much raping as a rule,
as I know of- though I admit I don't know all the statistics, and black men are becoming more
westernized by the day.
But how did this behavior attached to Marines trickle so far down that it is in a day camp for
As I heard said in a church not long ago ... my, my, my.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

What Does Ta-Nehisi Mean?

I thought Sean Bell was killed by thuggish officers who envied the 'bands' Sean's party had at the club to 'make her dance'.

For Our Fallen In The Already Famous South Carolina Church

Make no mistake about it. Paul Laurence Dunbar was an educated man. He wote this poem to memorialize our ancestora as they were. There are those of us who love them dearly, the way they
looked and lived and spoke and loved is dear to our hearts. We owe no apologies. For the only people who originally learned English from Americans, were those who came over from Africa.
And lest any ever forget what the sacrifice ever meant to individuals whose freedom should have been honored  at birth, without question, Abraham Lincoln didn't do any of what he did without black
soldiers. When African Americans who have recent roots in American slavery do go to the ballot
box, they are not doing so to honor any confederacy, or the likes of  John Roberts and his gang.

                                                 When Dey 'Listed Colored Soldiers
                                                                     by Paul Laurence Dunbar

                                     Dey was talkin' in de cabin, dey was talkin' in de hall;
                                     But I listened kin' o keerless, not a-tinkin' bout it all;
                                     An' on Sunday, too, I noticed, dey was whisp'rin mighty
                                     Stan'in all erroun' de roadside w'en dey let us out o'
                                     But I did n't t'ink erbout it twell de middle of de week
                                     An my 'Lias come to see me, an' somehow he could n't
                                     Den I seed all in a minute whut he'd come to see me
                                     Dey had 'listed colo'ed sojers an' my 'Lias gwine to wah.

                                     Oh, I hugged him, an I kissed him, an' I baiged him
                                         not to go;
                                     But he tol' me dat his conscience, hit was callin' to him
                                     An he could n't baih to lingah w'en he had a chanst
                                         to fight
                                     For de freedom dey had gin him an' de glory of de right.
                                     So he kissed me, an' he lef me, w'en I'd p'omised to
                                         be true;
                                     An dey put a knapsack on him, an' a coat all colo'ed
                                     So I gin him pap's ol' Bible f'om de bottom of de
                                     W'en dey 'listed colo'ed sojers an' my 'Lias went to wah.

                                     But I t'ought of all de weary miles dat he would have
                                          to tramp,
                                     An' I could n't be contented w'en dey tuk him to de
                                     W'y my hea't nigh broke wid grievin' twell I seed him
                                          on de street;
                                     Den I felt lak I could go an' th'ow my body at his feet.
                                     For his buttons was a-shinin, an his face was shinin',
                                     An' he looked so strong an' mighty in his coat o' sojer
                                     Dat I hollhed, 'Step up, manny," dough my th'oat was
                                          so' an' raw,-
                                     W'en dey listed colo'ed sojers an my 'Lias went to wah.

                                     Ol' Mis' cried w'en mastah lef' huh, young Miss mou'ned
                                          huh brothah Ned,
                                     An' I did n't know dey feelin's is de ve'y wo'ds dey said
                                     W'en I tol' 'em I was so'y. Dey had done gin up dey
                                     But dey only seemed mo' proudah dat dey men had
                                          hyeahed de call.
                                     Bofe my mastahs went in gray suits, an' I loved de Yan
                                          kee blue,
                                     But I t'ought dat I could sorrer for de losin' of 'em too;
                                     But I could n't, for I did n't know de haf o' what I
                                     'Twell dey 'listed colo'ed sojers an' my 'Lias went to wah.

                                      Mastah Jack come home all sickly; he he was broke for life
                                           dey said;
                                      An' dey lef my po' young mastah some'r's on de road-
                                           side, - dead.
                                      W'en de women cried an' mou'ned 'em, I could feel it
                                           thoo an' thoo,
                                      For I had a loved un fightin' in de way o' dangah, too.
                                      Den dey tol' me dey had laid him some'r's way down
                                           souf to res',
                                      Wid de flag dat he had fit for shinin' daih acrost his
                                      Well, I cried, but den I reckon dat's whut Gawd had
                                           called him for,
                                       W'en dey 'listed colo'ed sojers an' my 'Lias went to wah.

For The A.G. Beau Biden

I am still heartsick over this loss.
We learned growing up in Catholic school, that a person can have a correct conscience, a doubtful
conscience, or even a wayward conscience. Wayward in that there may very well be 'honor among
thieves', but it isn't actual honor.
Though I didn't know the A.G. I somehow became very familiar with his work.
He was like a more moral Eliot Spitzer.
He seemed a less political Elizabeth Warren, and an equally committed but less fiery Bernie Sanders.
He was all anyone ever could have hoped for in a public official.
His public conscience was offered to us as not only correct, but laser-focused, rigorous, and muscular. How did medical science in this day and age allow us to lose such a man? I suppose only
heaven can answer that question.
I'd like us to use A.E. Housman's poem to remember the A.G.'s public service, and as likely, his personal humanity as well.

                                                To An Athlete Dying Young
                                                                                     by A. E. Housman

                                           The time you won your town the race
                                           We chaired you through the market-place;
                                           Man and boy stood cheering by,
                                           And home we brought you shoulder-high.

                                           Today, the road all runners come,
                                           Shoulder-high we bring you home.
                                           And set you at your threshold down,
                                           Townsman of a stiller town.

                                           Smart lad to slip betimes away
                                           From fields where glory does not stay
                                           And early though the laurel grows
                                           It withers quicker than the rose.

                                           Eyes the shady night has shut,
                                           Cannot see the record cut
                                           And silence sounds no worse than cheers
                                           After earth has stopped the ears:

                                           Now you will not swell the rout
                                           Of lads that wore their honours out,
                                           Runners whom renown outran
                                           And the name died before the man.

                                           So set, before its echoes fade,
                                           The fleet foot on the sill of shade,
                                           And hold to the low lintel up
                                           The still-defended challenge cup.

Donald Trump: What Sort Of Americans Flee Into Mexico?

You got the answer right, buddy- rapists, murderers, and drug dealers.
As a matter of fact, Interpole is always looking for a lot of those kinds of Americans all over Europe
as well!
Did you hear about the doctor Loretta Lynch arrested as he got off a plane in LaGaurdia?
Why he was an American mass murderer who'd attempted to hipe in Africa. No, Donald Dumbness,
he was not a minority of any ilk.

Mrs. Myrlie Evers- Beg Pardon

As regards the use of 'Mr.' in the S. Carolina church killer's name- many writers, like me, meant no
harm or disrespect to our fallen or their families.
Using the man's full name didn't seem right at all, because we'd put it in print for all to see, acknowledging the cretin in a way he didn't seem to deserve. Let the courts name him in full. Let the
backward backwoods judge who was so worried about the bloody one's family so soon after the murders address the man in full. There will be court filings and court papers galore naming "the
defendant". I never want to name him!
I might have used his last name alone, but as it happens the name presents as completely innocuous.
Nothing about this person should come from us who love the peace and human worth expressed in
church or through any innocent.
'Mr.' seemed to create a proper distance, like the 'Mr.' in The Color Purple, if indeed we ever had to
name this man at all.
So sorry to have offended. I guess from now on if I have to think of or write about this 'critter', I will say D. Roof. Oh, ick.

One Of The Saddest Things About Trayvon's Trial

The killer's grandfather took the stand to say he had heard the scream on the 911 tape once before. He had heard his grandson scream that way when he was about fifteen years old.
No one mentioned that Trayvon's voice was a lot closer to that of a fifteen year old boy than was that of his very depraved and disgusting killer.
Those of us who want children to walk the streets in peace pray every day that these killers of young,
unarmed black men get what they deserve somehow, one way- or the other.
Who knows? Those kinds of prayers may get answered too.

Trayvon Was So Within His Rights

Trayvon would have been about the age of the S. Carolina church killer right now.
That man used Trayvon's murder as one of the things which made him want to be like
Trayvon's killer.
The strangest thing about that is that at the moment Trayvon noticed some creep was following him,
he was on his cell phone drinking iced tea, and eating skittles. That might have been the exact thing
D. Roof was doing at that exact moment. Boys of that age do the sugary drink and candy thing a lot
while on their cells... even "white boys", y' know.

Grace Or Victory In South Carolina?

Those family members who went to court the very day D. Roof was arraigned were asserting their
victory over his planned part in what he hoped would be a wider insurrection.
Southern confederate types are constantly attempting to start a race war.
Well, not in South Carolina good buddies, not that day, and not on the backs of our beloved slain
including Senator Clementa Pinckney and his brothers and sisters in that Wednesday prayer meeting
at Mother Emanuel Church.
Those families did all they could with a quickness to stop you dead in your foul, stinking, bloody,
so misguided tracks- and isn't it the wonder they were the ones to do it! Praise the Lord, you sad

The Confederate Battle Flag

That flag is an enemy of all black people everywhere.
Imagine its scope and magnitude in today's world of international law and human rights legislation if
it were to attempt its dominion over any variety of darker peoples.
Would black people still be saying we were not a race of people who inherited our characteristics from a specific group of humans?
Well, they could say it; but it would do them no good at all.

The U.S. Civil War: States Rights Over Slavery

Yeah...pure and simple, the Confederated states issued articles of secession, and gathered an army
against the U.S. of America, asserting their right to have people as slaves in their ownership no matter what the law of the country might say.
Sounds good?
No. No it does not.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Black Americans: Do The Math

For hundreds of years, the Americans who exploited enough other Americans to make this country
wealthy beyond measure anywhere else in the world, were the ones raping, killing, beating, cheating,
and degrading those doing the bulk of the work on a daily basis.
So how many hundreds of years after America officially accepts the evils of the system which grew them rich, will it take for them to outgrow the inclinations to excuse instances of rape, murder, cheating, wage theft, beating, and degradation as ways of life?
Are we telling ourselves there is some sudden seeing of the light? There is not. There won't be.
For  every one million Americans, we definitely have the nomenclature of a number of serial killers.
Most of these are white people, statistically and otherwise.
Most white people are good people, of course, but these good people haven't been good enough to
purge their ranks of the extremes evil has reached in this country as positive, acceptable ways of doing business on a daily basis.
For every one million Americans, there do exist a real numbers of mass murderers.
Most of these murderers are white. Not all- but most, statistically and numerically, are white.
Most rapists who kill and main during their rape crime, are statistically and numerically- white.
I don't say these things with hatred for people, but with hatred for the extremes we went to for so
long as the positive, acceptable costs of doing business.
Other countries may be as bad. But how measurable can it be in other places?
For us, the scourge is up close and personal now.
Do we go on pretending not to see it?
Do we pretend we cannot count the ever more frequent atrocities?
As lie is given to inherent inferiority, how many find their rage must make them beastly?
Should we pretend the worst thing we encounter in America is a mom on food stamps?
Well then- we are ignorantly blissful about being a bloody lot.
I'm sure we don't have to remain that way even if we have embraced such thus far.

Dot Scott: A Hero Of The S. Carolina Massacre

Ms. Scott never spoke any words more honest than when she cautioned the majority of us to be careful about rushing to the judgement of 'forgiveness' for people who haven't asked for forgiveness.
The families of the slain may have no choice but to get the killer off their minds and out of their hearts so that they can properly focus on their losses.
The remainder of us need to focus on how to keep creatures like Mr. Roof from 'walking the earth'.

South Carolina: A Legacy Of Vile Crimes Comes Home Again

This young man, Mr. Roof wanted to kill.
He needed to kill.
Race was his excuse because he knew it would get more attention.
Killing was his overriding passionate desire.
He apparently patched together the racial hatred excuse. He knows very little about black history
or black people from any legitimate sources. At his age he'd have to have been raised in black culture and/or very well educated.
Apparently he is neither.
Does he even know Dr. Martin Luther King's story?
Does he know the horror Emmit Till's murder awakened?
Does he know the story of Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress?
Has he read the history of how white northerners were so awfully disenfranchised by the privilege
white southerners claimed for themselves in the bodies of other people before our Civil War?
How in the world has he come to marry Jim Crow to Apartheid? Apartheid is as dead as a doornail.
Apartheid was famously developed from the fear South African whites had as a minority population
in the country of their birth.
I guess the segregation had surface similarity to U.S. segregation, but the two systems were generated
from opposite anxieties.
And as apartheid began in a minority fear, so did it die.
American civil war hatred came of a desire to continue  the subjugation of a minority population.
No white Americans had any fear they'd be overtaken by a black majority. Even now, as black people
the most recently descended from North American slaves, we are still only 11% of the American population.
Where did a kid this man's age get the notion black people are raping his women?
And if that were true, would those rapists be represented at a Wednesday evening prayer meeting in a
somewhat small city?
Mr. Roof killed mainly older ladies past child-bearing age. What sort of coward was he exactly?
Older ladies don't rape as a rule, and they are done or nearly done raising children.
I can only surmise the man sat with the prayer group an entire hour so that he could position himself to make a plan to kill the most able-bodied first, the way Andrea Yeats said she did in order to drown all her children. have many names in America. Please don't ever allow me to be "equal" to any of them.


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Julian Castro And HUD

Secretary Castro is attempting once again in American history to achieve greater housing integration in our country's communities.
Good luck, sir.
Any integration in housing will have to be accompanied by an integration of minorities with like social strata into middle classed majority communities.
Even that will be met with virulent resistance in many American communities.
When my own children were integrated in our school system through busing, the white parents in the
receiving school caused so much trouble every day that the teachers and the administration in the school had to wring their hands in frustration every day.
The professionals in our school suffered thus until the white parents had all successfully moved from the neighborhood, or gotten their children into some teeny private school concern.
When my eldest child was valedictorian at this same school in 1978, the white girl who was salutatorian exclaimed bitterly to her she got valedictorian because teachers favored black students.
The school had enough minority teachers and/or administrators to count on one hand. They went from having all white classrooms to having 60/40 white classrooms in a fortnight. They handled it well; but why in the world would they favor black children?
Today, this same daughter, a U of M grad (No. She wasn't a legacy, or an "opportunity student" at U of M.) is a computer digital trafficking expert. She has written contracts to sign two separate companies she has trained in Chicago to help with these trafficking and other technical computer concerns. She was an English major in college; because she had mastered computer science in high school.
She was second in command in the computer department for a while at the U of M Dental school.
She wrote training documents for the graduate admissions school at Cornell University for a while.
Even at ten, she was intellectually vigorous in her academic work. But she didn't bother to try to explain that to the little white girl. She kept pushing forward as best she could. In Michigan, however,
she and her personnel department have found it difficult to find people in Michigan colleges who are
ready to be trained in quickly changing and advancing technical fields.
Years later, my third born child had such high grades she was elected class president. By then, there were more black children at school; but white parents were always enraged.
Finally, though there was no way to challenge her 100% on every math exam, her principal devised a
poetry/fiction competition which was school-wide to show no favoritism was shaping academic recognition at the school.
She went to every classroom to collect writing samples which had only a number, given to a name by
each classroom teacher.
The administration and the music teachers and art teachers judged the anonymous writing samples.
It took some time. Sadly for so many who hated busing (as I had come to do) my little ten-year-old
class president won 1st place in the poetry competition, 1st place in the Haiku competition, and first
place in the fiction competition.
The principal was proud of her, but she explained on the loud speaker, and later even to me that the
submissions were judged as anonymous offerings. The child was prescient.
I wish she had had time to become a writer; but she is a systems and data analyst for a large public
school system.
The sister who was between these two excelled in music and sculpture, even at eight and nine years old. She graduated high school getting 100%, plus the 20 extra credit points in geometry, and passing her chemistry and physics classes while working toward her certified music diploma.
The last little one I sent to that school had a struggle from the day she arrived.
She struggled all along anyway though, because she could read at third and fourth grade levels when
she entered kindergarten. I didn't know it; but her sisters had taught her, and her teacher demonstrated it for me.
Long story short, she was so irritated she called her grandparents every other day to come and get her. Finally, she wound up at a school designated for gifted kids, and later graduated high school
as a National Merit Semi-finalist. She earned a four year scholarship to a private school through her
EAS ( Engineering Aptitude Search) exam.
I didn't bother her with the SATs. I believe she took the ACT at some point because I remember a near perfect score in Science.
I wish she had become an engineer. She has degrees in music.
Oh well, as I said Secretary Castro...Best Luck!

The TPP Costing Medicare?

Medicare savings are flourishing; and will likely redouble themselves quickly as time goes past.
Whatever those savings are, they would be put to great use if they help bolster the TPP and Fast Track.
Critics claim 740M dollars are a risk. They indicate that in a day, all those millions will exit
the Medicare system at once.
Cyclically, Medicare savings will nourish jobs and trade in many of our international business and
corporate interests.

POTUS! What Have Democrats Done To Push Rebublicans Into Creating An Alien?!

Democratics have taken the completely immoral ( or maybe just amoral) position that we don't need to compete with Vietnamese workers. We do have to compete with Vietnamese workers. We are competing with Vietnamese workers. We will continue to compete with the Vietnamese, in spite of the fact that our unions all want to return to a 1950s status quo.
So then will the French go back to Vietnam to use the worker force their better than the way they did
to cement the Vietnam war?
No. The French won't go to Vietnam again.
Should we try to encourage organizing among Vietnamese workers, or go into the country and force
a brand of our democratization on those citizens the way we wanted to do in the sixties when North
Vietnam balked?
No We should not attempt to do that.
We have to compete with countries in the Pacific Rim whether our President gets TPP or not.
Somehow, Congressional Democrats have turned so virulently against their leader's initiative, that the
Republicans have figuratively taken the President's side so completely they have dared to twist the language in the original requesting documents he presented, by adding so many
non-POTUS caveats to it that if the bill goes to the President's desk the way they've altered it, even POTUS, its originator, would want to hold his nose in order to sign it.
Even so, having trade agreements with Asia-Pacific work forces will be better that having none, even
if the agreements aren't perfect. No agreement can be perfect. And no agreement will give American
unions the power to control hiring or wages in other countries without a decades-long commitment.
American unions are having a difficult time holding the line on illegal hiring, firing, and wage-thefts,
even in their own country.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Do I Want COO (Country Of Origin) Stamps On Meat? Well ...

I'd like to know where the meat I buy has come from. However, I don't want any meat from the
cloven one, Cliven Bundy either. What stamp will I get at the meat counter to protect me from that?
The cloven one grazes his cattle at taxpayer expense on public lands, holding federal officers at
gunpoint all the while, using the real goons and thugs America suffers.
I don't want to support that truly criminal enterprise.
Mainly, I guess I would like to have the FDA, USDA stamp if I can't get the 'honest ranchers' stamp.
Maybe that is the best any of us can do in this increasingly pressurized climate of international commerce.

Sea World: Who Are You Kidding?

What does Sea World mean the whales at Sea World live as long as whales in the wild? Shouldn't they live a lot longer than whales who have to fend for themselves?
Do you seriously suggest these very intelligent very family-oriented mammals would not prefer their
You are no better than zoos, which are also abominations.
Where is the far-sightedness needed to turn our lands and seas into preserves?
We are lucky we haven't been bombed. Do we consider, and have a Plan B for what to do about wild
animals if war ever actually does come to our shores- god forbid.
How many zoos does America have anyway?

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Officer Casebolt

Talk to the nut at U of Chicago (and his newspaper buddy) who wrote a chapter in his freaky book on
the names black people give their children. Apparently those people, (like Barak Obama's dad, or Oprah's mom) would like their children to fail. Those guys and their readers must be experts. Ask them if your name could possibly be causing you a lot of stress, since instead of being a family name, it's the name of something in packaging or building.
And then, my advice, get sexual harassment training.
Last but not least- sea kelp.

MSNBC: Change The Subject As Usual

What is wrong the weirdo people who see a 14 yr. old girl in a bikini wrestled to the ground and knelt
on for an extended  period of time, but begin to speak of procedures, and community, and training, and officers perceiving personal danger, and inquiry and investigation and everything but the abusive, assaultive behavior of a full grown man with his crotch in the face of a young teen aged girl who could bear no threat?
At least Lawrence O'Donnell called it "pornographic" . And that is exactly what it was- a sexually
provocative assault on a teenager.

MSNBC: Why Goof Up A State Funeral

The funeral of an elected state official, whose parent is himself an elected official second in command at the White House- that is not your grandma's funeral simply because the mass given
is a Catholic funeral mass. Catholics are not as monolithic as some obviously believe. They do give
shrift to time, and place, and person. Decorum calls for it.
The liturgy of the word is not over before the gospel is read.
I won't go on and on.
Why would a major event be reported so clumsily?
I don't get it.

Beau Biden's Beautiful Catholic Sending Forth June 6, 2015

During Attorney General Biden's services, I kept having thoughts of his tremendously unusual life.
He lost his mom at such a young age, and in such a sudden way, while she had just completed such
a heady campaign with the then Senator Joe Biden. I know how lost and afraid a five year old, a six year old is when he knows there is suddenly no mom. And yet the six year old stepped right up, to do
all she would have been comforted to know was happening. If he ever missed her a bit too much, he surely doesn't have to any longer.
My mind went back so quickly to the recent excellent public service work Attorney General Biden did for ordinary citizens, with Attorney General Eric Schneiderman at the height of what would be a full scale banking crises in this country.
I thought of how discouraged a freind of mine was when as an attorney in Oakland County, MI, he
didn't have the budget to properly prosecute child sex offenders, and especially child sex incest offenders because perpetrators could afford more experts to testify for them. Attorney General Biden
put a stop to those crimes going unpunished.
Anyone who thinks those crimes leave minimal damage to victims think that way because many times they don't see the damage. At times, victims themselves don't ever see the promise of what their
lives could have been had they been consistently cherished.
People who want a hint of the sort of life Attorney General Biden saved in offended against individuals should try reading Wide Open, by Nicola Barker. I warn, the experience of this reading is literary, but awful.
My friend worked in the 80s, and eventually changed counties because he couldn't take the letdown
of what was happening to little children any longer.
Beau Biden, you may never know just how many good people you inspired.
I noticed how Irish Catholic the congregation at his funeral looked, but his choir was majority
African-American, and the fellow soldier who spoke after General Odierno was a minority woman.
I felt very proud about it.
I felt very proud the President of the United States of America spoke for you from his heart. You
must know what kind of deal your dad thought that was!
I felt very sad for Dr. Biden who raised the little boy she obviously dearly loved, and now lost so soon.
I know the A.G.'s siblings will feel the loss of his presence because they obviously were regularly involved in it, and regularly sought him out as their loved one.
Vice President Biden has had the burdens of Job in his life, and this one seems ever so cruel- his eldest child. His first born son has been taken. Now that is the universe getting a guy below the belt.
V.P. is not young enough for this sort of heartbreak. I hope for his sake and for the sake of the Attorney General's family, that he will weather this storm.
Attorney General Biden's little son looked as though he would never have a look of peace or joy on his face again. The A.G.'s little daughter looked as though she had to believe her dad would come walking in at any moment; and his wife looked as though someone had folded her in half so thoroughly that standing was excruciating.
God speed Attorney General Beau Biden, J.A.G. I am so, so sorry for your suffering. But when the
time does come for any of your other family, I know they have nothing to fear. You personally will
come to get them. That is the sort of man you seem to have been; and that is surely the sort of man
you now will ever be.

Monday, June 8, 2015

How Long Will Unions Cling To 19th And 20th Century Industry?

Our strengths are in innovation, research, and patents.
We should not be telling people China will stop manipulating currency if we get a great trade deal
in the union view.
They will not.
We need TPP and Fast Track so that we have a leg up when China attempts to  dominate all commerce
in and out of the south China seas, and in the air over those seas.
The safest way for us to maintain and increase our commercial interests in that area of the world is to
develop enforceable partnership.
Countries will not sign an agreement with details of their business published on the Internet without
their permission.
Businesses in all countries depend on privacy in their contractual dealings, even U.S. businesses.
So how do we protect ourselves and our current trading partners in the Pacific if we have no trade
We have already developed so many industries in this country.
Why would we stop now?
When do we admit we have outgrown some of our industrial innovation?
Others are doing it cheaper than we now can, and if they are not going to be selling it to parts of the
free world to whom will they sell it? They won't sit on it, and we cannot force them to do so!
We have hundreds of patents for innovations in current industries, and for new manufacturing- especially in our health care sector- for developing industries.
Do we forget China took down an American plane already in 2001? They are an aggressive government when they have an opportunity presenting. They did this on April 1, and laughed that here that day was 'April Fools' Day'.  They refused to return the plane. They refused to return the crew. China forced President Bush to offer an apology we did not owe.
Five months later, the twin towers were destroyed by planes flown by seeming amateurs on a date
we had to call 911.
POTUS will get us the best deal he can in the Pacific Rim. How do we doubt that?!
The man is Barack Obama. This will be a rich part of his legacy. Don't we know him?
Don't we know how dangerous it will become for us to have no trade agreement in this part of the world?
Unions- get into the training business in new industries. Find a way to re-employ people in modern
sectors of our economy. Did you see The Lord Of The Rings? Get to the American innovations we have and "Get a fire goin!"

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Are We Happy With Our Rand Paul Constitutional Freedoms Now?

Earlier this week, our Congress failed to pass the Patriot Act.
Even Mitch McConnell, proud of his enmity toward the President, was on President Obama's side here.
Rand Paul, also from Kentucky, decides to filibuster this legislation the country sorely needs. He doesn't care about that. He cares about his own recognition for shoving his beliefs down the throats
of those equally as vain.Vanity can help humans swallow a lot of gunk.
Now, before the week is completely over, foreign hackers have attacked four million American
Not just any accounts were hacked. These were federal government employees, many of them in the
personnel department. Could the department somehow now hire absolutely the wrong person entirely?
Will employee benefits be mismanaged or altered so as to be erroneously denied?
If none of this is likely, how many of our resources will be used to correct the hack-attack, and regroup?
We don't live in Colonial times any longer.
Our constitution can accommodate the extra-national threats we now face.
For now, though, the government which has our personal information is 'some one's government not our own'.
If so, OK, because many of the repercussions from this may yet be lingering in our future.
Besides, we might be smart to realize a lot more "non-patriotic" trolling may be awaiting us in the
near future.

Karl Ove Knausgaard

When I was growing up, my mother had Mein Kampf displayed prominently in the living room. She originally bought it because she wanted to understand what had driven her husband, her only good friend at the time, so far into Europe, a place she barely ever even anticipated, through the American WWII army draft.
She always asked us not to touch it.
She told us it was awful, and commemorated a nightmarish part of human history.
She told us about the Nuremburg trials.
She explained Joseph Mengele.
She talked about the 'Desert Fox'. She especially hated him because his campaign focused on Africa.
From time to time she'd mention a name and a horror from that book. The thing was a memento of
a hell generated by sub-humans for humans.
None of us ever touched that book as far as I know.
It seemed to remain untouched on the shelf forever.
It may now be somewhere here in our house now, as most of my parents' books came to me; but no
matter how historic it may be, I will not be able to read it.
I surely won't be able or willing to read another book by the same name, this time written by a real
Knausgaard claims he still wakes up unhappy every day. Is he bragging?
He says his dad was a drunk who didn't like him.
An alcoholic is his own worst enemy.
His or her children can see this if they are able to grow up- which alcoholism in a parent can prevent.
People often don't see they can outgrow another person's alcoholism. Knausgaard is obviously one
of those people.
Knausgaard seems to be one of those people.
And Norwegians are falling for it hook, line, and sinker.
Apparently, many people of many countries and nationalities are falling for it.
Thomas Frank should know Kansas is not the only curious place in the world.
What's the matter with Norway?
Knausgaard, who had been living in Sweden, went back home to Norway when he heard about the
nearly seventy kids killed in a massacre at a Norwegian summer camp.
Mr. Knausgaard can describe the slaughter in detail, victim by victim, per his fascination with it.
What I think might help him is to listen to and study all of  Coldplay's music.

POTUS! I Can't Get My Lawn Cut

For so many years the guys would come along on a regular basis all spring and all summer to offer to
cut the grass for a really fair amount of money.
Now, thanks in great measure to you, they either don't come any longer, or they ask for a lot more money.
These young men would leave a card, and come by when we called.
This year- they have jobs!
How can they have gotten jobs, now. This is Detroit. Isn't everyone here still out of work?
The fellows who do come are asking for more money, and for more specific times they themselves are offering! They are busy.
How could you do this to me POTUS?
I can't cut that grass.
I'm retired.
I'm not retired the way Republicans retire.
I had to retire because of an exacerbated handicap.
So- please POTUS, get me a lawn guy?

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

How Much Money Can Americans Have?

At the moment each American  is paid $62,500- our industries would grind to a halt. There would be no money to fuel them, or meet their payrolls.
It would cost $22.5 trillion dollars.
Families would accumulate as much as possible as accumulators. We might not have many with the
cash to create business and pay bills. Perhaps the government would hold children's money in trust.
Within a year, if everyone paid their taxes on time, the government would have maybe, six months of enough revenue to fund our military again?
Would that be too late?
Is my math sound enough to validate my timeline?

We Definitely Need TPP! ADP Is Showing Us

We don't need the sort of jobs that would keep bread out of the mouths of Vietnamese children. Aren't they the children who are suffering enough already?
Aren't we more than able to retool and retrain?
ADP says our private sector added 201,000 jobs last month. I prromise they were not tool and die work.
We cannot keep all those sorts of jobs. We need other sorts of jobs now.
TPP isn't the reason we won't keep those jobs. Those jobs are outdated for our manufacturing structure. Why is the left expressing the sort of denial about this the right mouths constantly about
climate change?
If we don't get fast track, what will they agree to instead?
They have no plan, and they think that "no plan" is going to protect these old jobs.
It will not.
However, the "no plan" people will guarantee China a leg up in all those countries in the Pacific Rim.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Paul Ryan...Finally Right About Something

Congressman Ryan has been speaking up for TPP.
I feel dirty now, but he is right.
Profit motive moves the world.
Until communism continues to fail, we will not stop profit-making among multinationals in western
Will we be a leader in these machinations?
Whoever leads will have a big, muscular, expansive economy.
Know any nation like that?
Know a nation which can continue in that vein?
I never thought I'd see the day when Paul Ryan's absolutely odious politics and philosophy didn't
seemingly, inevitably tank his judgement on policy.
(Run some water for me now.)

Henry Johnson/ The Harlem Hell Fighters/ And Laverne Noyes

I'm glad President Obama finally honored William Simon and Henry Johnson for their WWI service.
And now, please allow their descendants the benefits of the Laverne Noyes scholarship. Most minorities, as in my family for instance, were denied access to these funds by wording in the award
which rejected any service done after a certain date in the War. Maybe these guys fought in time for
their families to be accepted.


That white boy backed so quickly out of the building where he had his gun blazing bam*, bam*, bam*, slam*, bam*,bam*,Bam!
Problem is, I couldn't even keep count of all that fire power on the videotape, and the young man he was firing at was not armed.
Still, the Wisconsin Atty. General saw no problem.
Me, I do see the problem.

Attorney General Lynch And FIFA

Our Attorney General is absolutely correct, and a true forward-thinking law professional to prosecute
the ranks of FIFA.
As our commercial interests increase in other societies, we will come into closer contact with FIFA
popular culture.
We cannot afford to import concerns rife with organized crime.
If we are poised to accept a greater soccer influence, especially in organized sports, we need to be proactive about discarding as many of the rotting parts of its branches as we can before it begins to
flourish full-fledged in our business communities.

Baltimore: This Year, The PoPos Added To Your Murder Rate

They forgot that Freddy Gray couldn't control the city's murder rate any easier than its badges could.
However, he has never been accused of murder himself.
And he too, wanted to go home at the end of the day.
One doesn't need to wear a blue shirt in order to want to go home at the end of the day.
So, Baltimore, should your boys in blue become part of the solution to murder, or should they
remain a big part of the problem?
I feel they are a bigger part of the problems, because if murderers are the 'trusted' ones slated to control other murderers, a city can more easily descend into chaos.

Americans- You Now Have The Civil Right To Lay Smouldering In Your Beds

We don't have The Patriot Act any longer.
But we have freedoms unchanged since the 18th century, which we can no longer afford as freedoms unchanged since the 18th century.
We aren't concerned with the British Army and Navy.
We aren't concerned with conventional weapons.
And we're apparently unconcerned with hackers.
Target Store are concerned with hackers.
But- 'We the people'- we are unconcerned.
We have AT&T.
We are not worried about a muscular security array to counter Al Queda, Al Shebob, The Taliban,
ISIL, or lone wolf attacks on us on our own shores, to name a few things which don't bother us at this
Do you smell smoke, though? I hope that isn't me.
I hope POTUS has gotten plenty of other systems in place to combat my ashy freedoms
I hope Angela Merkel and Scotland Yard have gotten resources from us to take up the slack of what
we should be doing ourselves.
For those of us still living when all the data is considered important all the time by those sensible
enough to care, remember...STOP SMOKING.
I mean, at least stop smoking in bed!

Elizabeth Warren- Please Don't Become Jennifer Granholm

Governor Granholm was an excellent Michigan Governor.
She was a Harvard grad of excellent intellectual rigor, thank heavens not a bit like Mitt Romney or Ted Cruz.
Jennifer Granholm is an eloquent and inspiring public speaker, and she used those skills magnificently at the 2012 Democratic Convention on behalf of President Obama and the Democratic
In her time as Michigan Governor, though, she completely ignored the very worthy cause of the citizens of our minority city, Benton Harbor, to help them protect property willed to them from other
millionaire influence peddlers.
At the end of her term, she very reluctantly got into the fray which helped drag our Detroit Mayor,
Kwame Kilpatrick into the clutches of the rabid Detroit Free Press funding of the mayor's prosecutions in his city's courts.
Governor Granholm should have gotten a prominent place in some Democratic party structure.
I hope she will recover at least part of her former public Party influence, because even if her overall
reach is a bit activist imperfect from time to time as regards, her finger is needed on the
pulse of Democratic Party causes.
We desperately need Elizabeth Warren to continue to make as many termite bites in the pulp of our
unwieldy banks as she possibly can.
As a matter of fact, she can help us out a lot with the tasks of retooling the American manufacturing
sector for the next fifty years of this century.

Fast Track And Medicare

President Obama wants Fast Track in order to protect U.S. trade for many years to come. Medicare is
not static, though. Medicare is fluid, and the savings it's racking up can be used to shore up American
power in the far east.
As a Medicare services consumer, I am realizing the savings Medicare is generating and growing little by little. I am using fewer expensive services than I did a few years ago because a) some services are less expensive, and b) I am a bit healthier.
A plethora of elder baby boomers flooding emergency rooms all at once with several catastrophic illnesses isn't a scenario America has to anticipate.
However, China causing a multitude of disadvantages for America and its trade partners in the Far East is an actual scenario our president has to anticipate.
At this moment, while we dither over industries which belong to 20th century America so that we don't have to train our citizens for 21st century industries- China has already begun a small campaign of terror for countries in the South China Seas who want the freedom to flex commercial muscle in the waters, and in the air, amidst territories normally thought of as free space.
Are we free to use American industries from the last century to hold us back, kicking and screaming,
from advancing ourselves into this century? Apparently, we are.
Ask though: if we hold onto those  last century industries, though we have the best research and training university systems in the world-  from whose mouths does the bread fall when the jobs we know we've outgrown come back to us, or fail to get to poorer workers?
We need to move full speed ahead into our future.
And the unions need to lead that charge.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

I Do Need My Medicare

I'm old.
But medicine isn't going to get much cheaper any time soon.
And post-ACA Medicare gives us more access to more medical professionals.
So don't hold up the TAA in the TPP on our account.
In need be- add a few weeks per year to all Social Security deduction, or approve more generics.
If I need medicine, so do people in the Pacific Rim.

Physics Profs- Help Us

All Tom Brady did was ease his hand.
Nothing was gained in points.
If anything, he made the ball squishier for his teammates to grasp.
He gave up a straighter trajectory for more functionality in his muscle and bone.
He didn't enhance anything.
I'm begging the Zeus of football, show them.
Or better, I am saying the prayer of my own religion to Our Lord, Te rogamus audi nos.
We need those draft picks, or a work-around!

Mike Brown Jr. And The Daily Kos

I read in The Daily Kos that Mike Brown Jr. was tortured by tremendously racist Missouri edicts in his education long before he was gunned down in the streets by the illiterate son of a crack addict.
His high school was deemed "unaccredited" by the state until the Supreme Court then gave Ferguson students the right to go to other accredited (white) schools at the expense of the credited school district.
The "accredited" district spent quite a bit of cash per pupil; so it was spending a lot with the new influx of students, and the cost of those students' transportation.
The state therefore changed its mind to declare the Ferguson schools "accredited" after all.
What? States are not supposed to look out for white districts at the expense of an equal education and
equal services for all students?
Don't be goofy. If states ever did that, how would there ever have been a Missouri in the first place.
We read The Missouri Compromise didn't we?
Then of course, so as not to get these varying decrees to have to be burdened with real existing laws,
Missouri decided neither Ferguson high school was even in a district anyway. Those high schools were state-run "collaboratives" now.
What a big load.
And they accuse the black community of being lawless? Yeah- what a load.
All of this reminded me of the 70s, when my children were bussed to an all white school I didn't even know existed.
Those parents caused so much trouble I wondered how the BLACK families were going to bear up enough to be law-abiding.
Every little thing was a thing for the white parents to bitterly denounce.
If the teacher gave a test and my daughter got 100% plus an extra credit problem correct, the white
parents would claim maybe that was because she sat closer to the board.
Or maybe she had a facility for the subject because her dad was in engineering.
He got into the school of engineering through some amazing SAT scores.
How he got out of that place- I don't think I'll ever know.
If one of my kids got into Great Books or won a poetry contest at a young age- the white parents wanted that explained.
Well, see dufus, their great-grandmother read every word Edgar Allen Poe ever wrote, even though she had to leave school after third grade; and their grandfather always had a habit of quoting Keats,
Byron, Shelly, and Browning! (I myself stuck more closely to  black poets.)
But why did have to stare down these unwashed blob people who had seemed never even to have heard of Bo Rics?
Well, I had to do it because I owed the low-life cretins no explanations whatsoever.
The teachers were mainly white in that school, and had no reason to give out 'A's where they were
And why do you expect your kids to get along in school when you've told them they shouldn't have to
go to school with black children.
Finally, those horrors moved out of the neighborhood altogether (It wasn't a neighborhood as nice as
ours. But see- they aspired to live in "Livonia"...a mile or so up the road in an all white suburb of
disgustingly same-mindedness and singularity about damned near Everything. You've hear of the
Michigan Militia, right?
So what did I tell my perfectly innocent and confused little children? "Well- those are just white people. Who knows WHAT is wrong with them?!"
I figured over time they'd ask more questions or figure it out for themselves.
Later on, when one of the children was valedictorian, 'Oh!' the outrage.
And even later, U of Michigan profs wanted to know how I could have multiple children graduating
from Michigan since I was a single mom, and one even from the Honors college.
I didn't answer that. I'm sure he meant no harm. And neither did I.
What is it T.I. says? "You doh knoh me."
Rest in peace Mike Brown Jr. God bless you. God bless your family. We are with you still, some of
us black, and believe it or not- yes, some of us white.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Roger Goodell- You Burn Me!

High school athletes should ignore the upcoming drafts, and sit around waiting for the iconoclasts-
Billy Belichek and the New England Patriots!
I know they were wrong.
But what are WE getting punished for doing?
Why are you taking away from the WHOLE team and all the Patriot fans?
You are not our friend.
You are a bit on the nose, buddy.