Thursday, May 21, 2015

Mike Brown Jr. And The Daily Kos

I read in The Daily Kos that Mike Brown Jr. was tortured by tremendously racist Missouri edicts in his education long before he was gunned down in the streets by the illiterate son of a crack addict.
His high school was deemed "unaccredited" by the state until the Supreme Court then gave Ferguson students the right to go to other accredited (white) schools at the expense of the credited school district.
The "accredited" district spent quite a bit of cash per pupil; so it was spending a lot with the new influx of students, and the cost of those students' transportation.
The state therefore changed its mind to declare the Ferguson schools "accredited" after all.
What? States are not supposed to look out for white districts at the expense of an equal education and
equal services for all students?
Don't be goofy. If states ever did that, how would there ever have been a Missouri in the first place.
We read The Missouri Compromise didn't we?
Then of course, so as not to get these varying decrees to have to be burdened with real existing laws,
Missouri decided neither Ferguson high school was even in a district anyway. Those high schools were state-run "collaboratives" now.
What a big load.
And they accuse the black community of being lawless? Yeah- what a load.
All of this reminded me of the 70s, when my children were bussed to an all white school I didn't even know existed.
Those parents caused so much trouble I wondered how the BLACK families were going to bear up enough to be law-abiding.
Every little thing was a thing for the white parents to bitterly denounce.
If the teacher gave a test and my daughter got 100% plus an extra credit problem correct, the white
parents would claim maybe that was because she sat closer to the board.
Or maybe she had a facility for the subject because her dad was in engineering.
He got into the school of engineering through some amazing SAT scores.
How he got out of that place- I don't think I'll ever know.
If one of my kids got into Great Books or won a poetry contest at a young age- the white parents wanted that explained.
Well, see dufus, their great-grandmother read every word Edgar Allen Poe ever wrote, even though she had to leave school after third grade; and their grandfather always had a habit of quoting Keats,
Byron, Shelly, and Browning! (I myself stuck more closely to  black poets.)
But why did have to stare down these unwashed blob people who had seemed never even to have heard of Bo Rics?
Well, I had to do it because I owed the low-life cretins no explanations whatsoever.
The teachers were mainly white in that school, and had no reason to give out 'A's where they were
And why do you expect your kids to get along in school when you've told them they shouldn't have to
go to school with black children.
Finally, those horrors moved out of the neighborhood altogether (It wasn't a neighborhood as nice as
ours. But see- they aspired to live in "Livonia"...a mile or so up the road in an all white suburb of
disgustingly same-mindedness and singularity about damned near Everything. You've hear of the
Michigan Militia, right?
So what did I tell my perfectly innocent and confused little children? "Well- those are just white people. Who knows WHAT is wrong with them?!"
I figured over time they'd ask more questions or figure it out for themselves.
Later on, when one of the children was valedictorian, 'Oh!' the outrage.
And even later, U of Michigan profs wanted to know how I could have multiple children graduating
from Michigan since I was a single mom, and one even from the Honors college.
I didn't answer that. I'm sure he meant no harm. And neither did I.
What is it T.I. says? "You doh knoh me."
Rest in peace Mike Brown Jr. God bless you. God bless your family. We are with you still, some of
us black, and believe it or not- yes, some of us white.

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