Friday, May 8, 2015

America: We Are Not Getting 20th Century Manufacturing Back Again!

What can Nike do?
Should we go back to war with Viet Nam, with Cambodia, start a war in Indonesia?
What does labor think U.S. companies can do in foreign labor markets?
Nike has probably raised wages more than another company would have done.
We want countries to have our standards, but tanking the TPP makes our ability to have a chance
at that in any near future absolutely impossible.
What country will dominate those smaller economies if POTUS doesn't get a deal in the Pacific rim?
We don't have the power overseas our labor unions want us to have.
We get the best deal POTUS can wrangle, or we look at both wages and labor conditions recede
over time.
Viet Nam workers tying to get 60c an hour now may be looking at 50c an hour pretty soon, if our President doesn't get a deal.
Those workers may become what working class people here were in the 80s.
Has anyone looked at their stubs from 1980, then looked at those same work stubs from 1986?
Workers were so excited to have Ronald Reagan doing all he could to drag civil rights back to 1950,
they barely noticed, or pretended they barely noticed, their take home pays were evaporating!
Even though we had unions, our take home was scaled BACK.
Do we seriously think foreign workers will have better wages and working conditions in the Pacific if
the TPP dies? We most certainly will not. Sometimes the left wing in this country bangs tin cups on
on the tables when the cupboard truly is empty.
The left wants more, and so do I, but again, even though we didn't get the health care bill we wanted,
we were wise to keep the best from being the enemy of the to speak.
If we don't get this deal, who will be able to dominate in the rim? Who will hesitate to push their own
wills forward with almost no restraints on them at all?
Why doesn't the left wing be the entities to "spell out" what they want from the TPP?
I can absolutely guarantee they will get very little, if any of it. And I'm a lay person!

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