Friday, May 1, 2015

To Our Leaders: Finally Something About Which To Be Peaceful

I hope our leaders aren't purposefully misleading.
Malcolm X was not a proponent of non-violent response in the face of violent aggressions.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was about to meet with Malcolm when he, Dr. King, was assassinated.
Nelson Mandela didn't espouse non-violence until he was released from jail to be come his country's
We had to adopt non-violence because we were only eleven of every one hundred whites.
We don't feel the love and kisses some might suggest for murderous badges.
We know there are reasons to practice non-violence; but some of us are Not going down without a fight.
Preachers are preaching to the choir, because those who feel aggressive are not going to be "counseled" into mild protest.
Much of the black middle class lives in The Garden Of The Finzi-Continis. Doesn't sound like a Jewish name? That's what the Continis thought.
Many of the black middle class of mixed-race heritage don't even realize they are black.
So those of us who respect the lives of Freddie Grays don't have time for the comparison of the civil
rights' crises of yesteryear to that of today when we have the right to benefit from our social media.
Baltimore dropped the ball in front of millions of people.
Not all those people are "thuggish ruggish". The young men we are losing are UNARMED.

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