Sunday, May 3, 2015

Rick Snyder Is The Most Communistic Man Michigan Knows

He attacks every bit of democracy he can, even thinking we don't know he is the one who pretended
we voted for the man currently calling himself Mayor of Detroit.
Most Michigan citizens think this governor will stop with Detroit. He won't. And now some of them
are growing more and more suspicious of his plans for them.
Snyder doesn't understand private people cannot 'own' either the poor, or their institutions. He was
backward enough to think he could sell art at the Detroit Institute of Art, as though none of it had
been privately endowed or insured, and its location made it ripe for exploitation.
Most referenda Michiganders have had to vote for of late has been worded in nothing but double-speak. What about the 'will' of the people? Well why should he believe in that?
He has destroyed most of our school system here in Detroit, but wants us to vote ourselves a gas tax
hike to benefit our roads and schools.
He stole all the revenue-sharing money due our schools already. Now why would we want him to do
that again?
He benefited greatly from what The Detroit Free Press did to our former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.
Still, that hasn't been enough for him.
We may not have many friends, or his billions, but we Do Not Want His Backward Schools! We have no reason to fund his phony communist schemes; and I hope we won't fall for his nonsense
Last November, he made sure he had us voting twice to kill wolves. Same nonsense, worded the tiniest bit differently, at two separate places on he ballot.
How is he getting away with this waste material?
Hardly a day after the vote, he had people hunting wolves on college campuses here- much to the distress of Michigan parents.
Michigan voters are so delighted to put someone in office who continues to destroy Detroit, they let this numbed one get away with a lot.
Somehow, I hope we have sense enough to escape his latest folly. He is so salivating for this gas tax that he has repeat callers and robo-callers calling homes, and sending flyers nearly every day!
He behaves as though he doesn't know there is already a perfectly good package in Washington for
improving our roads. Since it originated at the White House, it isn't blood-letting enough of ordinary
citizens for Republicans to pass it. It's been there, waiting, for years!
I am hoping Mother Michigan will not vote Snyder's way, and will not get away with a Bush-Gore-Scalia scam this week.

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