Thursday, May 14, 2015

Elizabeth Warren: All Due Respect- You Write The Trade Agreement

I am not an expert. And even I can absolutely guarantee Senator Warren will not be able to write one thing which stops currency manipulations in the Pacific Rim any time too soon.
They do it. Those countries manipulate currencies.
They are called on doing it.
They stop awhile.
They begin to do it again. Right now, that's the cycle. President Bush had so many of the same
problems with China President Obama has had.
Eventually, as we develop new and more precision-oriented technologies, these manipulations
won't be so effective.
But first, we have to get a fire going in order to re-educate and re-professionalize our middle class.
Even if Senator Warren and every union in this country get together in a closed room to hammer out the exact TPP all Progressives desire,  POTUS will explain why the deal will never be signed by all the countries we need to get on board, why 'no deal' is one of those 'perfect' enemies of the 'good', or even of just the 'better', if we don't get all we'd like, and why there is no deal anyway which will revamp all the labor laws and human rights laws, and wage fairness in foreign countries according to
our stated standards.
We can barely keep the National Labor Relations Board alive here.
We engage in rampant wage-theft here, particularly with our college athletes.
We barely adhere to OHSA laws here in many of our retail industries.
We need some sort of agreement 'we the people' are not exactly equipped to write ourselves at this moment.
So- Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown, Bernie Sanders, and all out labor leaders- get to writing it for
us. Show it to POTUS.
POTUS didn't stop to have a beer with Eric Cantor before the Congressman left D.C.
But now he has you guys. Maybe if Mitch McConnell is not available, the President would love to entertain you of populist fervor so superior to that of our President. And while you're at it, ask someone in the press to attend the meetings, Kristina Van DenHeuval would not say or do one petulant thing during these very crucial talks.

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