Sunday, May 3, 2015

What's Poor Got T' Do With It?!?!?!

If we were a prosperous community, would we want you to have broken Freddie Gray's back?
Police persons haven't experienced a rash of officer killings in recent times.
Black police person's aren't killing disadvantaged young white men.
Police officers aren't killing meth lab workers in the trailer parks.
Police killings of young black men, according to researchers on The Melissa Harris Perry Show
Sunday, May 3, 2015, have outpaced the entire U.S. murder rate. Yes, that would include black
on black crime.
Our own officials need to grow up. They are not in Kindergarten any longer. This is not 1955. This
is 60 years hence, and we've lost Thurgood Marshall.
We don't want our young men lynched 'by any means necessary' to get them destroyed.
We want what police people want, to go HOME at the end of the day!
Thank you Marlyn Mosby for understanding us. You are the Autherine Lucy of civil protections.

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