Monday, May 4, 2015

The Most True American Dream

To live in an all-white country, except for servers.
In a lovely white house
With a lovely white fence
To have two all-white parents
All-white sibs, and aunts, and uncles, and grandparents, etc.
To attend an all-white college
And find an all-white mate
And an all white employer
With a bunch of all-white colleagues
Have a couple of all-white children
Who go to all-white schools
And learn in all-white classrooms
With all-white teachers and administrators
So, the thing messing up the real American dream, is all these non-white people who are
striving for it... right here... in the land of the Klan.
Everyone, even most Africans, comes to America to be white.
Absolutely no one comes to America to study the survival and building skills of those who built it
No one comes here to emulate black America!
That may be a good thing, though, because it absolutely cannot be done.

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