Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Progressives' Perfect TPP - An Enemy Of The Good!

America's progressive political activists are behaving as radically and as acrimoniously as the far right over TPP.
They haven't had their hair so thoroughly on fire since their darling Edward Snowden didn't get away
with spilling his guts on the Internet and fleeing to ... well, yes, China and Russia, bastions of free speech thinkers, writers, and Internet communicators.
What in the world is wrong with these people?
Nothing they could put in the TPP would stop all Pacific Rim countries from currency manipulations.
Nothing they could write in the TPP would stop the profit motive in the American pharmaceutical industry from creating the steady stream of new drugs created nowhere else in the world in such variety and quantity- even though I wish they could be reformed somehow. The TPP is needed now,
not by the time we can reform drug companies.
Nothing the progressives could write in the TPP would get countries in the far east to pay closer to
$10 per hour or demand a minimum wage from companies anywhere close to that. We can barely get
companies HERE to pay a living wage.
Nothing the progressives could put into the TPP would make our human rights standards enforceable any time soon in all the countries we trade with overseas, especially since we have places like WalMart here in abundance. Even Macy's treats workers like slop most of the time. I admit, it's because the Pacific countries are difficult for our retailers to compete with in the business sectors.
But what will be empowered to actually do about it in time to sign this trade agreement?
Our manufacturing work force has to be retrained now. We need them to work on new 21st century
technologies our country has strong patent protections were are prepared to enforce. Obama has hired
many new patent attorneys in these past two terms.
Someone claimed Thomas Jefferson hated the idea of global patent monopolies. But wasn't he a rapist? How could he have had time to foresee everything? I've heard all the workers on his plantation
looked exactly like him. He was busy with things I know were reprehensible. So he may not have had time to envision how we could shape industries so that they wouldn't monopolize trading sectors.
We don't have danger of that in newer industries right now anyway. And we have time to work on it
before China becomes the country engaging in new monopolies.
There is no TPP progressives could write which would ever place stringently enforceable regulations
on all the environmental protections we need here on earth in all countries. We can barely get companies here to comply!
Exactly what sort of labor protections can we force when we know that no matter how we hate people
doing important jobs for very little money, those people need those jobs. We have to improve those jobs incrementally as we create different opportunities for our own re-educated work force, because
most of the jobs are never coming back here no matter how poorly educated and trained we'd prefer
to remain.
Unions- re-educated your work force!
It has been done in other countries.
At one time Ireland took out a full paged ad in the New York Times to tout the superior educations of
its working public.
Instead of asking POTUS to have the TPP something we vote on in popular demand fashion over the
Internet- help him get a deal countries will actually sign!

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