Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Amtrak ... Your Tea Party On Steroids

We used to believe our country might be fractious, but we never felt we'd be left in the lurch with
trains, planes, and automobiles left to crumble into unsafe for  public use.
But the tea party would have us trade food stamps for train tickets.
I would suppose that would be so that we could beg for food for our families.
The train crash in Philly last night was Mayor Nutter's second nightmare in a few years. I know
he wonders how much can happen to one city during his tenure. He seems to be an organizational
genius, though, garnering a lot of professional help very quickly, and making certain everyone  in the rescue efforts brought lights with them.
(Not long ago Mayor Nutter had to deal with buildings in his city suddenly sinking, and falling.)
Oh, yes, the city has no lights at night, even along the railways running 28 year old rail cars.
Our Congress won't help cities with lighting either. This lack of lighting terribly endangers first responders; but the same sequestration I suffer every month as a retiree affects those still working as well. I thought Congress loved first responders now that they've successfully driven Congressman Anthony Weiner mad, countering without fail his tireless advocacy on the urgencies they suffered from tragedies in September, 2011.
Philadelphia not only lacked sufficient lighting, they didn't have overhead lighting which would work in case of an emergency, nor did they have enough ambulances to disperse in cases of emergency.
Mass transit should be available to handle problems which could naturally engender problems which
could happen en masse, and affect people en masse.
Congress loves slashing the just right along with the unjust.
Congress has the tremendously erroneous attitude that some private company could afford to run the all planes, trains, automobiles, as well as the entire U.S Post Office without government oversight. Yet corps have the job to look out for stockholders, not the public in general. Public oversight is the job of our governments.

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