Friday, October 26, 2012

They've Only Begun

If  U.S. health law begins to desiccate the most intimate rights half our population has, our government can then begin to crush all rights for a majority of Americans.
Roe v. Wade acknowledges rights which are inalienable because American privacy is an inalienable
If half the American populace has diminished privacy rights regarding what goes directly in and out of their bodies, then diminished rights will become established law and precedence for the other half ...all in due time.
We don't live in 1973 any longer. So if in the 21st century, great swathes of the American public lose
a group of the most basic of human rights, even though reproduction is used as the impetus, less definitive rights will not be far behind in falling to a lack of access to privacy.
If forty years of established rights and laws fall, those years will take a great deal of personal security with them.
One by one, any and all privacy rights will wither away on the vines of government formerly of the
people, by the people, and for the people.
And where will those rights reside in dormancy?
They will live within the purview of states.
And then slowly, the legacy of the Kennedy-Johnson administrations will be wiped away.
The legacy of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt administration will become vestigial, at best.
So there will be no point in hating Iran.
The armed forces, and the radicals in government will rule all of daily life.
We will be Iran.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Dr.Leonard Susskind

Dr. Susskind has discussed the borders of  "event horizons" at the edges of black holes, as things very different than what Stephen Hawking imagined when his discovery of these holes, born of his
hatred for quantum mechanics, was accepted by the scientific community.
According to Dr. Susskind, anything sucked into a black hole does come out eventually in some form, or it does come out at least partially in some form at the rim of the hole.
For instance, the thing I am doing right at this moment can be mathematically reproduced at the edge
of a black hole, were I to be sucked into one. At least part of what I am would be reproduced.
I don't have the best imagination in the world.
I don't have any idea what I might be like or look like as a mathematical reproduction at the edges of
a black hole.
But doesn't such a posit make everyone want to study enough to become a physicist?
And don't atheists look more and more narcissistic the more we learn about our universe?

Not Again

Say I am thirty-eight years old.
I have to catch a bus to get to work as an assistant dietitian at a hospital.
Is this a cool story yet?
So usually my son walks me to the bus stop, but he broke his leg on the stairs at school last night.
I don't have sick days left at work, so I ask my daughter to stay home with her brother, and I head
off to my bus, which leaves before daylight.
My daughter also has to get her sister to the school bus. So she has her hands full.
 I hurry toward the corner. I attempt to cross a business driveway. A car pulls out, blocking my
path.  I establish eye contact with the driver, while a police helicopter suddenly appears overhead.
This stranger continues to stare at me, refusing to unblock my path. I glance up at the copter.
My husband is serving in Afghanistan, and I do not ever want to tell him this story.
Eventually the guy looks up at the cops, then drives off, deciding apparently he will not take the risk.
What if there had been no witness? There was no other person in the vicinity that morning.
What if I had been attacked, but lived? Many women have been. Many, many women have been. Would I have shared the story of what had happened to me with anyone? I'd have been so worried about the heartbreak it could cause my parents.
Had I gotten pregnant from such an assault, would I be forced to carry to term?
If I get pregnant for any reason at all or by any means at all, what does it have to do with you?
If I decide to have an abortion, and you decide to block my will and ability to carry out what I have decided -then that's between us. You and I have the problem.
God hasn't a thing to do with it. You do not speak for him, or for me. You also don't speak for any unborn person anywhere- surely not any belonging to my body.

Driving A Wedge

So- Roman pagans in power in Jerusalem thousands of years ago, washed their hands of the Crucifixion they had the power to stop; then used the message of the Christ to drive a wedge between Him and all His own brethren ( not only those who actually advocated for Christ's death)... forever.
Subsequently, these new Christians began to collect money worldwide for themselves for spreading the message of the brother of the Jewish people. These 'new' Christians collect still..daily...all over the world. The 'rock' on which Peter built the church remains opulent. I am Catholic; but, irony much?
We think to persecute the people who advocated for what we had the power to halt. Then we term
ourselves 'chosen'. Why does advocacy trump a willful, criminal neglect of depraved contempt, in the search for a people to prosecute, forever, leaving one of their own to blame, forever? 
Instead of turning over in his grave...Jesus left it.


Maybe the third presidential debate of 2012 was Mitt Romney's concession speech.

Road Flare

I should tell Road Flare Mary of Current TV's Stephanie Miller show that Michelle of Chicago is
one of those black people in the city who, after working five days per week, fills up her car on weekends with lots of groceries to feed her two young children.
Michelle does have a pretty big car. Mary feels that's the stereotype for black people in Chicago.
Sadly, the car is not an Escalade though,as Mary would believe.
Additionally, on another front, Mary's beliefs about Michelle's groceries are erroneous, because this working mom has completely missed out on food stamps.
She has had a professional salary for years, so never applied for food aid.
Michelle does claim to be a black person though. And she looks like a black person.
Could it be?

Michelle Of Chicago

I asked the young mother what she thought of Gov. Romney in the third and final 2012
presidential debate.
She sent me this text: Tonight Mitt was just a sassy parrot.

Roe v. Wade

What is wrong with us, really? Our citizen rights are not about definitions of force. Physics adequately describes force. Do we need more physics in the criminal code? We have a lot of forensics science now.
Our political conversations are not in every case to be our social and religious conversations as well.
Our Roe v. Wade rights are not about conception, the moment human life begins, medical emergencies, means of impregnation, or the opinions of strangers.
Since we have blurred so many Roe v. boundaries, we can't seem to see the forest for the trees.
Our constitutional rights are about privacy. Perhaps when it comes to this right, we should have
a throwback policy: DADT. We used to count on that policy as regards Roe. Let's go back to that.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Debate III In Real Time

What is going on?
Bob Scheiffer's first question was not intelligent. It had already been asked and answered in public many times.
Gov. Romney did not answer it anyway.
Gov. Romney is now sounding very reasonable and conciliatory. He is also speaking about gender
equality in the Mid-East when he claims to have no position on Lily Ledbetter. Well, she is an American who asked for gender equality Mr. Romney.
President Obama is concentrating on Gov. Romney's ever changing opinions on what his record has been.
Gov. Romney is deciding he doesn't agree about what his speeches of a few weeks ago had been
Mr. Scheiffer wants to know what POTUS intends to do about the year-long bloody conflict in Syria.
Our President wants to keep up humanitarian efforts, but not arm opposition leaders there who nay then turn the weapons on us or our allies.
Apparently Gov. Romney agrees in prepared, memorized remarks.
Now the President has become an agreeable.
These two are making nice, and Gov. Romney started it.
Chris Matthews, what is going on?! I want answers.
So- Mr. Scheiffer has gone on to Egypt, asking if we jumped the gun asking Mr. Mubarek to go.
President Obama has decided he had the correct responses in Egypt.
What!? Gov. Romney agrees?! Again? Where is the blood-letting?
What kind of gladiators are we getting here?
OK- here we go. Romney is spouting statistics again, and claiming our debt is our biggest national
threat, claiming our international reputation of strength is not what it was four years ago. Poppycock!
Four years ago all of the Mid-East was disgusted by us, save perhaps Jordan.
Now he claims we should have left more arms in Poland, and intervened in Iran's recent unrest. He is
bothered by what he sees as tensions between the U.S. and Israel.
Nonsense. We need our arms redeployed to the Pacific Rim, not rusting in Poland.
We can't get into conflicts with Iran's internal citizens' strife. We have other problems with Iran, problems we may be able to solve without putting Iranian citizens at risk in their own country.
POTUS is making it clear that enhancing U.S. workers and U.S. education, we will be able to be of
more help abroad.
I agree.
Four years ago, Europe and South America blamed the U.S. for the world's economic meltdown.
That meltdown was engineered by Republican administrations.
Again with the 'get rid of Obamacare'. Again.
No, Medicaid is not here just for "the poor".
Older people who cannot live at home any longer are stripped of all their belongings and assets so they can qualify or Medicaid supported nursing homes.
Babies born with birth defects have families who are eventually stripped down to a point where they
have to use Medicaid for a baby to get care.
People who didn't pay much into Social Security because they had low-wage jobs, often need some
OK, this is getting better. POTUS is telling Romney the Navy needs fewer horses and bayonets!
Romney apparently isn't seen by POTUS as someone who understands what the armed forces need
Mr.Scheiffer wants some assurances on our commitments to Israel.
The President says we are firmly promised to Israel's interest sphere.
Romney has decided to accuse Ahmadinejad as a practitioner of genocide.
And that would do what, exactly?
If we did have a chance to pull some Iranian teeth this morning, Romney's mouth may have just jeopardized.
POTUS says he and Israel have the same clock as regards Iran's nuclear readiness.
Here come the accusations now.
According to Romney, the President agreed to talk to America's indicted bad acting countries.
Then the President went around the world to apologize for America.
Then our country was not loud enough when Iranian citizens engendered their green revolution.
Romney: centrifuges are spinning in Iran, and POTUS visited Mid-East countries.
President Obama says when he visited the Mid-East, he visited the troops, and when he did get
to Israel, he didn't take fundraisers.
Mr. Schieffer wants to know what would happen if Israel called to say they were about to attack Iran.
Romney doesn't care to answer. To him, the world is shrinking from American influence because we
look weaker than we should; but no such letter would come as a surprise to us.
I think that fundraisers comment got to Romney.
Mr. Scheiffer: What if 2014 comes and the Afghanistan government isn't ready to take over their
country's security?
Gov. Romney doesn't know. He has begun to prattle on about Pakistan.
POTUS says he put a surge of troops into Afghanistan to make sure he could work on measured
objectives for Afghan authorities along with our allies. He seems to feel that surge aided the eventual
timeline he'd sought for leaving Aghanistan in 2014.
Why are Mr. Scheiffer and Gov. Romney talking about Pakistan as though India doesn't even exist.
Again some agreement though. Romney agrees with drone strikes.
POTUS is saying he has built ally relationships in many Mid-East countries. He says we stood with
Tunisians earlier than any other country when those citizens opted for freedom from dictatorship,
He asserts we were also early partners with Egypt and Libya to keep terror organizations from becoming dominant as new politics flowed into their governments.
But, where does China fit in, Mr. Scheiffer wants to know?  And where is our biggest terror threat now?
The President feels that China has to be fair players in economic matters.
Mr. Romney claims he would call China a currency manipulator on day one if he is elected.
Bob Scheiffer is asking if that wouldn't start a trade war.
Yes. Yes it would.
However many widgets we can sell for a dollar- China can sell millions more, and they can sell them
to any country they like, whether they are our allies or not.
So- Romney is filibustering again. He claims he wanted to save the auto industry. What a joke. Is that
what he meant when he said- "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt"?
He is a funny liar. Let's laugh.
POTUS in his last statement: I will bring jobs back home. I will invest in an educated America, an
America invested in research.
Gov. Romney wants to embrace freedom, balance the budget, get people good enough jobs to get them off food stamps, have a nation that is full of freedom and hope and his strong leadership. He
wants to maintain America as the hope of the world.
Sounds good Gov. Romney, but 20% across the board tax cuts you keep claiming won't do any of those things.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Lack Of Knowledgeable Respect

Not too funny to make jokes about transmogrification.
Not so hilarious to compare President Clinton to a real wife.
How St. Peter built the Church- doctrinaire.
At a traditional dinner, which honors a traditional member of the Catholic faith, which supports traditional Catholic charities, Gov. Romney dances around in a flirtation with a sacrilege which borders on heathenistic disrespect.
At a function set aside for the Church to invest in aggrandizing its best traits, please do not show yourself to be awful enough to ridicule faith and doctrine.
After all Mr. Man- you do live in a glass house.

So Disgusting

What in the world can be wrong with a full grown man who is one of the featured guests at a formal dinner, but uses the occasion to give a shout out to the "innocent" unborn babies in the country?
Truly, could he be mad?
So anyway Mittmer, most of them can't hear you. Did you know that? Next time, say hi to their moms at the same time. Some of them are innocent as well.

**Could we get a group of board certified gynecologists together who are willing to teach a Clinical
Practice and Statistics For Republicans class

Republicans Plan For The Future

Make no mistake about it. If the Romney-Ryan types get to advance their disgustingly restrictive
agendas, women's bodies will be only the start.
Once privacy laws are excluded from abortion rights, Republicans will then get into people's bodies
and bedrooms in many more ways. 
Acts between consenting adults won't be considered private for much longer.
Nothing between a doctor and patient will be any more private than elective abortion is.
Rich people will have lawyers which draw up extensive privacy documentation for physicians to sign; but what about the rest of us?
"Employers" will become a euphemism for anyone who has money to be admitted into the money
club. The guy who runs the dry cleaners down the street, or the grocery at the end of the block, won't be an employer in any Republican sense of the word as I understand it now.
Besides, if things go Romney's way, we probably won't be living on blocks anyway. He'd just as soon
we go back to four families in one unit of a tenement house again.
Rich people have been getting richer for years now. They are not hiring. We have to hire one another
as much as we can.
We cannot trust people who refuse to respect 47% of all our citizens. How did they come up with that
What about an only bread-winner husband in a family who falls in love with a younger woman when his children are ten and twelve?
Say he marries the other woman. Even if he pays child support for his children, if his first wife can only get a job in a diner, his children may fall below the poverty line. His ex is then one of the 47%.
But she works hard, keeps the younger one in school long enough to get her into college. The elder child had to drop out of school to work, helping with family bills- though she did keep up enough to get her G.E.D.
Once eight years have passed, aren't all three of the adults in my story in a different part of Romney's
Then the eldest child marries a soldier. Romney doesn't think soldiering is a valid reason for anyone to be in his 47. Now four different individuals in this family are in one part of Romney's 47.
When mom turns 62, her arthritis is her only health problem; but she can no longer walk well enough
for various restaurants to consider her as a waitress or hostess.
For thirty years mom put retirement into Social Security. Now she must retire. She is another part of
Romney's 47.
She has been a single mom 47.
Now she will be a retiree 47.
Her children have been under 18 years old 47s, minimum wage earner 47s, army wife 47s, college
student 47s.
What significance does the 47 have for these American earner, learner, soldier persons?
What do Republicans want from these citizens? What do Republicans admire? Oh! Right!
Ten or twelve highly skilled workers to a dorm room who are locked into the plant, work 7 days a week, and share one bathroom while earning one dollar per hour. Nice.
And when Richy Rich can't exploit the Chinese this way any longer, who is going to force the Chinese to honor his various banking concerns as his? No one. We, his fellow citizens, will be too
downtrodden and uneducated to learn enough banking and patent law to protect these greediest of
Americans from themselves by then.
There are only 300 million of us. If we are not trying to enhance each other, how are we to live as
sovereign citizens in a world of over 1 billion well-armed, formerly exploited, resentful Chinese persons?

Friday, October 19, 2012

Ms. Crowley

I cannot imagine what anyone expected the moderator to do.
As moderator, Ms. Crowley was to pose audience questions in a timely manner, choosing various
audience members to be able to speak to candidates.
She gave each candidate a chance to speak to a question. Check.
Then she said it was time to move along to another audience person/question. Check.
Gov. Romney very assertively replied, 'No, blah, blah, blah.'
Uh oh.
Ms. Crowley is thwarted now; but she makes no reply.
Romney blathers on. He is in his glory because he's attacking.
When Republicans have no transparent way to be proactive, they attack. So on this day...
Everyone is listening.
Then Romney addresses the President.
Uh oh. He has abandoned following the rules, on this point too.
Ms. Crowley doesn't respond.
Now Romney questions the President.
Uh oh. That breaks the rules again.
The President, in deference to decorum, has taken his seat and remains there. Romney, on the other
hand, is so reveling in Romney, that he practically ignores the audience as he advances on
Candy Crowley.
The president, knowing the format has been abandoned by the governor, noting that the moderator's
direction is being ignored, simply says to the Rom guy: "Proceed...please proceed..." or some variation of those two terse words.
No one is doing anything in that room now, save listening to Gov. Romney, waiting for him to stop
talking of his own accord. Well,  he has already said he isn't going to follow the moderator,
and it isn't protocol for the President to stop him. The President, a leadership guy, chooses protocol.
But finally, in the interest of Gov. Romney NOT proceeding ad infinitum, Ms. Crowley gives a fact
concerning the event in question.
She was in real time. Her duty was to move things along!
She was not to have waited indefinitely for Gov. Romney to realize he wasn't alone in a room with
his peeps.

Benghazi In The Rose Garden

Republicans didn't hear what the President said in the Rose Garden.  So they made something up which aligns itself with what their candidate said when he misspoke before having the correct public
information. Apologizing to the families of those killed... is just to big a lift for a small spirit.
Officials getting killed in terror attacks on foreign soil warrant highly classified incremental steps of investigation.
Gov. Romney cannot initiate or follow through on any of these investigations. Neither can Romney surrogates. If America wants both solving, and prevention, then public minds have got to accept we won't get the details we whine for in time for Republicans to insist they are in charge of messages on foreign affairs.
Libya currently has no professional police forces aside from the former militias who deposed Qaddafi. As our professional forces distill which forces are which, there is no way our President is going to allow his responses to be guided by how politicised the criticism of his administration has become on the newly forming power structures in Mid-East countries. That is not the sort of foreign policy operative President Obama happens to be.
President Obama is a results driven leader. That general reputation of how America focuses on problems initiated abroad suits Republicans as Americans; but they aren't quite as enamored of that
reputation as part of our President's record.
We need to know why Congress refused funds for more security for foreign service personnel.
We need to be sure we don't tip our hand in public about how close we are to separating Libyan wheat from chaff.
We will eventually know whether the controversial film helped terrorists use a non-violent protest
as a piggy back in order to transform crowd anger into the impetus for an attack they'd already planned.
We need to know why in testimony before Congress, Americans who survived Benghazi said the attack would have been deadly even if a Marine detail had been on hand- but of course America uses
Marines at embassies, not consulates.
We need to know if Libya was to have secured that consulate, and if unstable countries in the region might be unable still to provide the security we normally trust countries to provide.
However- we can't know any of those things officially at the time journalism wants to insist upon. We have to know what the President can say without jeopardizing the results we need. But because
Republicans jumped the gun by responding to what had not actually happened in total, they'd like a
do over on what the President responded to in real time as tragedies unfolded in the news media.
There is no do over. And our President has said what he can say. For the sake of the families involved, who have asserted they really are being properly informed, we need to accept that Benghazi
is water under the bridge for now- even for wordsmiths.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Romulus- and Even Remus

The Roman Empire tricked us. How is it fallen? Maybe the other Italian city-states fell. Rome
didn't. Vatican City always does well.
Rome, initially pagan, co-opted Christ's message, spread it far and wide to the far corners of the
known earth, then later to newly found parts of the earth. At that point, Rome proceeded to do what it had been doing all along- collecting treasure from every locale it touched- but rather than do it in Caesar's name, they've been doing it in Christ's name.
Presently, Rome is still doing this collecting.
Even now, Rome is rich. Rome is opulently rich. If people in Italy face austerity; then they are not
specifically Roman.
Some historians say Remus founded the city of  Rheims. That's champagne country. How bad can it get there?
Seems to me the twins still rule.

A Candidate Who Is A Fast Talker

Why is Governor Romney saying "Arabs" when referring to oil producing countries? Not all
Mid-East countries consider themselves "Arabs". That seems quite a pejorative way in which to
show some racial bias. Some of his ill-chosen words have been thus far overlooked by traditional
Persons from Central and South America prefer to be called Latino, or even Latina. So all this
reference to the former continent of Hispaniola is silly.
And in my view, people brought here as children from other countries are inside our law unless
they break a law after reaching the age of reason. If countries want to expel people for being here
illegally, then do that. If our country has no working method for controlling border entrances,
children are in no way a part of that incapacity.
I personally know of two children who came to America at ages 6 and 7. One parent was from
Ecuador. She passed away last year when her young ones were 12 and 13.
Their dad was from a different country in South America. They had no idea where he was. The parents had been divorced for about five years. Let's make sense. Spend the money to find the dad?
Reunite the family and send them all back to the dad's country? Have the children ever even seen
dad's country?
If we spend what it will cost to locate 12 million persons, get accurate records of where they really
are from, and transport said persons south of our borders to a myriad number of countries, then we are prepared to spend a fortune. We are also prepared to have a great deal of push back, the
nature of which will probably take many costly forms as well, from nations which cannot easily absorb so many new citizens for an indeterminate amount of duration.

"Gosh" Where Can We Find Qualified Women?

Or maybe he meant "Golly Gee". Governor Romney, why were you amazed and confounded about
trying to find qualified women?
Perhaps The governor is still ten. That was back in 1957. Time moves FORWARD.
When you were governor of Massachusetts, weren't women on the civil service rolls? Women apply
for jobs all the time. Additionally-
Weren't you down the street from Harvard?
Aren't you around the corner from MIT?
Isn't Radcliffe right around the bend?
Boston U. is in your vicinity there in Massachusetts.
You know, there are many more stellar institutions in your state which house, educate, and engage women.
Are you able to see women?
They truly are everywhere.
I hope women will be able to vote their long term interests. A woman has to understand that she may
have daughters to vote for. If not, she may need to go out and vote for her granddaughters.
She may need to vote for the women who will need to work in child care centers, or as nannies for
the children who are in her family, or who someday will be.
Women should vote in order to get a job, but also to be able to afford to go to that job in case of
unplanned pregnancy, getting a living wage, and/or getting affordable child care.
Vote for adult autonomy, even if you yourself don't need the sort of autonomy many modern women will have to have in order to survive with dignity.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Romney Really Has Been Alone With His Lies Too Long

Governor Romney was so crude on the Libya tragedy that he didn't even bother to know the President's Rose Garden talk.
He walked into his own 47% remarks.
I hope he won't waste our time this way again next week.
I am so happy POTUS addressed Romney directly, even though he was actually not talking to the
governor. He was talking to us. I really liked that in this debate.
Romney was so odd by walking right to the President's side of the room every time he spoke. He kept
ignoring his side of the room unless a question came directly to him from there on occasion.
President Obama refrained from doing that, which made him seem determined to be more polite.
The press is not jumping up and down, screaming. So that means our President did what he decided
to do.
Candy Crowley was beyond masterful. She wasn't afraid of either of them!
I wish that Romney hadn't continually tried to filibuster all evening. Ms. Crowley saved us. I also wish that town hall group had been the least bit interesting.

I Am Getting Excited To Hear

I guess I wasn't so anxious to hear the first Presidential debate. I knew Romney would lie like a rug.
I knew if the American public was listening to Romney at all,  President Obama would be talking not only to the faithul, but also to Fox News types. I knew the left wing would do all they could to put the words they wanted to hear in the President's mouth.
This time, knowing the President, as we all should, I feel certain no one knows what he will do. That
makes me able to look forward to this debate with a bit more interest in what will be said.
President Obama did halt the financial meltdown, thereby saving so many pensions and savings.
He has done many things to halt foreclosures.
He did help the auto industry become number one in the world again, noting a new global economy
was at work.
He has expanded trade.
He has gotten us to the point where we don't have to be half dead before we consider medical care.
He made sure citizens in the Gulf Coast were not the ones who had to pay for BP's negligence.
He has brought Al Queda and Bin Laden to the light of justice.
He has handled two wars, bringing one to an end.
He has created so many of the kinds of jobs which pay a lot more than minimum wage.
He has been staring down Republican filibusters and junk legislation for years.
He stopped DADT...and helped many young Hispanic persons.
OK. It has begun!

Of All Places

On page B1 of the 9-10-12 Business Page of The New York Times Duff Wilson has written an article
about the disagreement advisory board officials are having with each other and with the FDA about
what sort of labelling to put on osteoporosis medicines.
Apparently the FDA doesn't find evidence of advantage in using these longer than five years.
That's too bad, because old age brings enough challenges without the threat of being more bent than
is absolutely necessary, right?
Apparently, a relatively small number of long term users will suffer unusual thigh fractures, or serious
jaw disease.
Doctors who are weighing the risks and benefits of the medicines effects relative to a patients'  overall health landscape, cannot agree on the severity of keeping to the medicinal regime versus
stopping after a few years.
Dr. Jennifer P. Schneider's thigh broke as she stood in a New York subway. Now that's scary!
Dr. Schneider has herself studied both osteoporosis and osteopenia.
Osteopenia is a post osteoporosis condition.
As I am not looking forward to having more bone problems than I already have, I sure hope they come up with something soon.
Why was this article on page 1 of the Business Section?
Worldwide sales of these drugs last year was $7.6 billion.
So many of us are getting older so quickly now.

Affordable Care Will Create A Lot Of Good Jobs And Better Medicine

When Obamacare takes center stage in this country, we will have so many more tech jobs available
we may have to hire from abroad if we don't hurry up and educate a great many young people.
I Charlie Rose interviewing Gina Kolata of The New York Times a few days ago. Years earlier, I'd read her book, Flu about the pandemic of a century ago.
In this new interview she was speaking about projects in which scientists had discovered 'dark matter'
in human cancer cells. The discovery is momentous because science has found that if genes in the 'dark matter' of offending cells is turned off, the attackers become harmless.  So the aim now is to find medicines which will turn off said 'dark matter'.
Cancer treatments in our future will not revolve so much around a lot of invasive surgery or extensive
time-consuming chemo therapies. Therapies will be tailor made to turn off destructive matter. The remainder of work to be done to get rid of material left behind in healthy tissue will be likely a process to aid the body as it does the bulk of the work itself, naturally.
What has spurred the new discoveries? According to Ms. Kolata, the sheer volume of data scientists have been able to process because engineering and software processes have advanced so quickly.
Information has become so voluminous, and so much easier to put into real time, that patterns which give rise to problem-solving insights have become much easier to discern these days.
What is one of the things The Affordable Care Act has inherent in its character? Data. Reams and reams more data patients allow providers to share will become available to general information pools.
I hope we will solve many more diseases now on the verge of yielding their terrible
secrets;  and I hope Americans will be using the newer and newer methods of processing and cataloguing this data.

My Girls

I called my little one today, to see if her three-year-old felt well enough to go to school.
Well, for me she might always be a ten-year-old sweetie with a constantly distraught, mean mommy. Actually, though, she is a couple weeks past forty. I like to see how she is doing with her babies in the mornings when she has a moment to chat, or when something may have gone wrong.
I knew the moment my three-year-old granddaughter answered my daughter's cell phone, that she was indeed on her way to play at her preschool, not in bed with a fever.
She said "Hi grandma", as though she were tired. I said a few more things. Then the phone went dead- twice.
The next time I called, I asked her to give the phone to mommy.
I heard my little (well, she's actually quite tall) daughter say: "Tell gramma to stop calling, you will
talk to her later so you can play your game."
Then a light bulb went off in my recent memory. My daughter did take the phone and tell me baby
wanted to play "plants" and something on the phone.
So I hung up, remembering a few weeks ago I watched same baby sitting propped up on my couch,
feet crossed at the ankles, working her little thumbs feverishly over the cell phone keys in a complete
concentration. Hilarious. I was only then becoming accustomed to my eight-year-old granddaughter
being so caught up in having her own private cell phone. -Of course, nearly everything is blocked.-
The story hasn't much to do with politics except that this little one actually does need the games.
They relax her, and give her something she makes her own in real time.
She is gone from parents about nine or ten hours every day whether she wants to be or not. She is like
millions of kids in big cities.
When I think about it, I realize how much I admire our current administration for attempting to make sure every location in the country has cell phone access.
These little things, the barely publicized things, make one proud to be American.

Don't Mind Me

I wanted the real refs back in the NFL as much as anyone, so I can feel more sure of the calls and of the
instant replays. However, I didn't see the glaring mistakes everyone else saw. I'm not saying I have
20/20 eyesight. But I couldn't say everyone but the replacement refs had it either. I thought they did
a good job- even on their lasts days.

The Second Presidential Debate

I agree with Dr. Howard Dean. President Barack Obama won the first presidential debate this year.
If all one has to do is start lying and backtracking in order to debate, anyone can do that. Staying
calm while someone lies and lies, then calls the other debater a liar all in the same breath- now that is a feat of leadership. As soon as the President pointed out Romney's new position was "never mind"
that is when President Obama won the first debate.
This debate itself may have been a failure because as soon as a lie hits the airways, someone needs to be there to say the liar has forfeited.
On the other hand, Gov. Romney would be more difficult to pin to the truth than an honest man would be, because whatever position he claimed during that debate, he truly had held at some point
in the primaries, or in his career. Either that or he was then adopting it anew.
For him to say he'd never had a 5 trillion dollar tax plan was simply obfuscating the facts of what
he had been presenting a bit too much for anyone to consider his new offering honest.
Unlike a great many persons in the news and in polls, I hope not very much happens tonight.
I suppose the President could point out the temporal boundaries of Romney's most recent positions
if he has committed them to memory. Everybody could freak out then. They could say POTUS nailed
the guy.
Maybe then the rest of us could define "truth", and nail Mitt Romney to it as something well-defined
and deserved and expected.
I hope foreign affairs won't include the Republicans' insistence disgracing the memories and the family wishes of our leaders in Libya.  What's more, I hope no one attempts to blur all the boundaries
between embassies and consulates, and security we provide, and security host countries have to provide. Any of that could harm the newly-formed good wishes the Libyan people have for our country. Additionally, since our President is responsible for our continued good relationship with Libya now, he would be debate-handicapped as regards making public statements about possible culpabilities abroad not yet publicly discussed.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Thirty Years

For at least thirty consecutive years in the lives of most women and girls, reproductive life is economic life.
Will your children be born the year after you begin med school?
Will your children be born the first year after you pass the bar?
Will you be in your ninth month of pregnancy when you take your beauty school licensing
Will you still be serving drinks when you have to pay a babysitter twice what she was charging
before you had twins?
Will you get to retirement if you are finally back at university when your son has an accident at age twenty-one? By then, you are forty-five,and he needs to be cared for at home for an indeterminate
amount of time. That is, having a child is often a lifetime commitment. So shouldn't a woman make
some money, plan to make some money, for a certain amount of years she has specified for herself?
Don't believe protecting your reproductive rights are different from planning your education and
economic future. Those two spheres in your existence enjoy nearly total overlap, especially if you
care at all about doing well with your education, your children, and your career.
Perhaps even more important than simple reproductive rights, are reproductive health rights.
We will always need our governing bodies to insure we get safe, clean services for whatever health
initiative we choose.
While politicians are so focused on restriction and control- who is minding the real store of whether
safe practices are actually the norm in the reproductive health requests we have of today's professionals?

Poll Taxes

We don't have Medgar Evers any longer.
We don't have Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
We don't have Malcolm X.
So what are we going to do? Our causes, the legacies we had hoped to leave our children, are the aging orphans of the uplift of our own 1 to 3%.
What many sophisticates have decided is this: 'Just go ahead and pay the poll tax. Quit yer whinin'!
I guess the prevailing wisdom of the race disdainers is that if  'you people' want to vote, you will go
ahead and 'show your papers'.
So if the poll taxes take a different shape, and get requested in even more stealthy ways, and grow to
larger and larger amounts of an individual's monthly income, does that mean we should still go ahead and pay, or we don't care about our vote?
I can see how mockery could lead someone to that view. What? Isn't it OK to call out mockery when
it's noticed? I think that should be OK.
I think if we have to wage generations of war and dissent to claim a 500 year old birthright, maybe
we need to think in terms of different papers. Passports are nice. I hear Burkina Faso is nice any time
of the year.

Minimum Wages

When Republican politicians say they are job creators, and their buddies are job creators, believe
them. They are minimum wage job creators for a few people at a time.
Oh, you meant you wanted a career?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
If that's the case, you'd better be a Republican who votes for Barack Obama. Sorry. Paul Ryan has
already said he thinks the minimum wage should be between 3 and  4$.


Question: When does the more polite person lose a debate?
Answer: When he or she is a democrat.

Question: When does the most polite person win a debate?
Answer: When he or she is republican.

Question: Is it ever good to be soft-spoken during a debate?
Answer: If there is any republican anywhere who wants you to be
               soft-spoken during a debate, you must be soft-spoken.
               Even vicious Republicans want to be handled with kid gloves.

Women Expanding Their Opportunities

How many one per centers in this country are women? Are half of them women? No. half of them are not women. Half should be women. Women generally have to do twelve or fifteen sustaining jobs in order for the day-to-day of any man who lives in a family to become a billionaire.
A man with a life partner he can trust has a much better chance of sustaining an ever building high
incomes than a man with a lot of girlfriends. In America, we tend to think of that as some sort of very cute heady and romantic fact. In some other countries it is often considered a duty a man can take for granted. Actually, it's neither. Beyonce's life can illustrate this partner value possibility.
A woman who already has money, from earning x million dollars per year, cannot simply put all that
aside to have a child which is just as much her partner's baby as it is hers. I mean, of course some women will be glad to do that. However, there should not necessarily be such an expectation placed
upon a woman available for marriage and a family. Why should a husband who can afford to make
up the difference say to wife, "Honey I intend to make the same money I make each year, or maybe
more- but could you perhaps cut yours by up to half so we can have a child?"
Women should exercise choices beyond traditional divorce possibilities in fashioning marital prenuptials.
Generally, a professional partner, male or female has to get laundry handled properly in a household.
Dry cleaning also has to be managed.
One of the questions I came to love, then hate- 'What's for dinner'?
Groceries have to be purchased. Then they have to be stored. Then someone has to decide which
of them is to be served on what day.
Dishes have to be in place. Flatware has to be ready.
Food has to be rinsed, and kitchenware has to be available for food preparation and for cleansing the services.
Or...reservations have to be made, unless someone is going to pick up or call for delivery of pizza or
Chinese, or whatever.
The rooms in a home set aside for daily living have to be kept clean and comfortable.
Who decides when to reorder or re-purchase the pillows and throws?
Who does the cleaning or manages the paid household helpers?
The road from hundred thousand dollaraire to millionaire to billionaire is long and bumpy.
One partner has to restrict much of his or her day to business climates, finance, real estate, payrolls,
meetings, boards, bottom lines etc.
But I don't know what is for dinner tonight. You figure it out darling. I'm taking investors to dinner.
And by the way, if all goes well, the GOVERNMENT, will of course give us loan guarantees for
much of the investment we're soliciting.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Truth doesn't seem to have much value in Republican politics. If someone asks why Mitt Romney is
so blatantly dishonest, one of his supporters asks: "What about Barack Obama?"
Whether or not Romney habitually lies and obfuscates has no meaning in the minds of his supporters.
How does a grown man change his mind every day without being either a liar or a neurotic?
None of his supporters care.
They could care less whether he is open, honest, empathic, interested in the majority of the country,
able to support middle class job careers, intelligent, or knowledgeable about intricate patterns in
world affairs. His supporters only care that he is not Barack Obama.
President Obama, even among many self-loathing black and brown people, was to have been all things to all people, just as scores of black people have had to be twice as prepared in this country to
get half the reward of other groups, for generations.
Expectations for Gov. Romney revolve around one thing, and one thing only. Beat President Obama.
He doesn't have to know anything about science. He doesn't have to know much about foreign affairs.
He doesn't have to understand the strengths or needs of the average American. There does not exist a
requirement  among his backers, that his plans for this country be explained clearly or concisely.
He is asked to beat President Obama. Republicans could care less about the honesty he has to ignore
in order to get that job done.
The reverse has not yet become a reality in democratic political life.
What bothers me, is that the closer we get to the election of 2012, the closer we could get to all sorts
of destructive behaviors which present actual  dangers to individual persons. If I don't mind lying, all
I need to do is whatever I happen to feel like doing at any given moment, as long as I feel I can lie my
way out of taking any responsibility for my whim.
Showing requested tax returns, kindness to animals, interest in close family, care about how money is
accumulated, aftermaths for those affected by my personal business decisions, caution about my investments in foreign economies, sensitivity about my tax evasion plans, are all unnecessary traits for me if I am to run for President of the United States of America as a Republican candidate.

Rah Dee Dah

If the Republican ticket thinks POTUS is going to lay down because he won't take the bait to call a
Mormon bishop a liar, repeatedly, then they are all sadly mistaken.
Our president didn't take that bait; yet still got compared to boys...liar boys.
President Obama has said he was too polite, and he may have been; but why should he have to take a risk of that sort when it's apparently the job of the 24 hour news cycle to call Romney a liar on so many things, and in so many ways for days and days at a time, all day every day.
The newsy ones who could care less about the political malfeasance in the Trayvon Martin slaying,
will continue to talk about Romney's lies day after day...and thank the Lord they do.
A fifty-something black guy getting aggressive or 'smart' with a sixty plus church official makes the
optics so awful on TV in America, even in a fair debate.
And then tomorrow Veep has the freedom to be ticket attack dog.
He has the skill.
He has the expertise.
He has the experience.
He has the grit.
He has the will, the determination, the chops,and all the facts and figures from both campaigns.
He even has the scariest thing of all...DCCC permission!
Now go on out there Veep, and make that wannabe one with his boss...please, pretty please.