Thursday, August 15, 2013

Citizens Worry About Fraud

Fraud destroys your mortgage.
Fraud destroys your retirement funds.
Fraud which gives people less than four dollars per day for food is tiny; and not worth sacrificing
millions of dollars and millions of tiny little stomachs in order to incite paranoia in ourselves.
My doctor's office put up a sign asking people to report Medicaid fraud.
The office is in an upper middle classed neighborhood of working business and professional people.  I felt certain the people in question hadn't drastically changed their habits to embrace medical services fraud.
So I asked the receptionist, who knew me fairly well, "Why do you  think you are seeing Medicaid fraud now?"
She replied, "We have young people driving up in Mercedes Benzes, and giving us Medicaid cards for payment!"
I told her-  "I know a lot of young people who've moved back home after college. They can't find
good enough work to continue living on their own. Some of them do qualify for Medicaid, and parents let them use the car if they need to see a doctor."
She thought about it.
"Check some of them out," I challenged her.
After a short time, the sign came down. I think she must have investigated.

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