Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Why Can't Bloomberg Ask For Government Technology?

Apple improves its products every other year or so.
Technology in America is vast and it updates at lightning speeds.
The government would cooperate with him if he wanted more 'crime' resources.
What would the middle of the country do without New York? Wither.
The East coast, West coast. and auto industry pay nearly all the taxes in the U.S.
Where is Wall Street? Where is Hollywood? Where is Ford, General Motors, Chrysler?
These places fund nearly everything in between.
Our government knows that.
New York doesn't need to reduce itself to the lowest common denominator it wants to
embrace in order to preside over safety.
I feel sure they aren't looking for guns.
They are looking for terrorists.
Jihadists have a habit of training people who will be "invisible men" in America to do their
dirty work. But-
New York can get help doing technologically savvy searches without terrorizing an entire people.
Bloomberg does his evil because he can, not because he must.
Police departments know exactly who is committing crime in cities. They are not as mystified
as TV detectives at crime scenes. Specific identifiable groups and individuals commit most of
the crime in all our big cities. The police know exactly who they are, how to locate them, and
who is getting added to their ranks.
The New York mayor simply doesn't think it's a big deal to disrespect the black community.
He gets away with it, so why not continue?
NYPD cops have been gunning down young black men so long now, they wonder what all the
fuss is about  with simple assaults on dignity.
Are we actually supposed to listen to that cliched paternalistic mound: "This hurts me more than
it hurts you. I'm doing this for your own good."
What a load. Unbelievable.

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