Monday, August 12, 2013

Saving Black and Hispanic Lives? What Guff!

Bloomberg my dear- try saving some white people now. We will applaud that. White people you stop and frisk are found with more contraband than black and Hispanic people you stop and frisk.  Actually do the math you enjoy spouting to bolster your racist claptrap. Can you quantify?
Stop saving us, Bwanna. Today you talked about people pulling guns as though you were
Wayne LaPierre. I suppose you believe black and hispanic drug use bolsters more various types of
crime than white drug use, and I understand those statistics. However, once a person has the drug,
you decided to frisk for, whatever crime you could have prevented is already complete. If you aren't focusing on big suppliers, you are criminalizing Americans for no good reason.
Not shifting your resources is causing tremendously racist outcomes of destruction in the very
communities you purport to protect.
Grow up. The harm you do does matter.

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