Wednesday, August 14, 2013

"Rot" In The U.S. Air Force

According to The Rachel Maddow Show, critical nuclear weapons' bases have been failing at weapons' handling.
One base flew live nuclear warheads across country from North Dakota to Louisiana. 
So the Secretary of the Air Force and the Air Force Chief of Staff and several lower level
commanders were relieved of their duties.
Since then, one of the Air Force Deputy Commanders has said, "there is a 'rot' in the nuclear
handling force in the Air Force ranks.
Seventeen other officers were removed from launch control duty.
Two of these bases are continually flunking their readiness and proper procedures functioning exams,
even as late as June of this year.
The Commander in charge of training was relieved in June.
What can the Chief of Staff do?
What can a trainer do?
There truly does exist a 'rot' in the ranks because the chief of staff has no top notch pool from which
to select.
The trainer cannot train cement.
The intellectual rigor required to understand the processes and power in nuclear matters and reactions
happens to be a massive requirement.
People who wind up in the ranks of these Air Force details don't have to compete with enough other
brilliant people to acquire their jobs.
Nuclear power is seventy years old.
One needs to be able to understand its history and evolution in order to understand how and why its
protocols are important and relevant in various complicated warhead realities.
How can the U. S. Air Force find a pool of the most intellectually exercised minds who have the loyalty, discipline, patriotism and willingness to serve this country?
They cannot. The U.S. uses a great deal of its most powerful intellects to force many of the remainder
of its citizens with the most muscled thinking processes to use every waking moment of their lives to
stay alive, stay out of jail, and avoid suppression in general.
Wake up America.
You are wasting time, talent, and energy- in geometric proportions over the time we've had nuclear power.
Force your best people into competence and excellence by forcing them to compete with the best of
each other for real, high level informational acquisition.

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